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• 1986-03-20
• Louisiana
Member Since
• 2005-05-09
Real Name
• Chris
• Placing 23rd in the Virginia State High School Chess Championship two years in a row, graduating from high school, going through college ATM, and keeping my first job for more than a year now.
Anime Fan Since
• Sailor Moon was on the Fox Kids Network
Favorite Anime
• Almost all of them
• Be a rich son-of-a-gun!
• Anime, Drawing, Basketball, Collecting Dragons and Swords.
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Saturday, September 3, 2005
Hi Yall =)
Hi guys, been awhile since my last post I know >.< I've been busy doing shtuff lol. I did recently finish a new picture, but because it is not anime, it's on two of the other sites I go to, if yall wanna see it, you can copy and paste this link here:
Anywho, one of the things I've been doing, is playing a new computer game that I got like 2-3 months ago, but couldn't play because we needed a better computer and a video card, well, I have those, so I've been playing it lol. Perhaps yall have heard of it? It's called Guild Wars.
Well, I need to get back into my drawing again lol, I've been doin' other stuff, and haven't been doing my anime drawin' >.< guess sometmes you get absorbed and draw like mad, then sometimes, you just sit and are like "...ugh...sigh.." lol. Okay, well, I shall see you guys lata then ^^. And do remember, I visit this site everyday, so don't think cus I'm not posting, doesn't mean I'm not here ^^
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Monday, August 29, 2005
A New Character Design ^^
Latenight yall! I was layin' in my bed today, thinkin' of how could come up with an original design, that had fantasy to it for a character. And one hit me, so I drew em' and he's posted on the site now :). I hope you guys will give him a looksie, I plan to make some more characters like him in the future, and maybe incorporate them into a story/manga of my own ^^(But before the art of him is even close to finished, I wanna do him in phoytoshop when I GET it! >.<) lol. BTW, the Pyromancer part in his name, translates to meaning, he who dances with fire, like necromancer means he who dances with the dead :). Ok, I'll chat lata, see ya!
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Saturday, August 27, 2005
Scar is done!
Hi again yall! I got my scar picture done, after about 4-5 hours of SHADING it lol. I hope you guys will like how it turned out ;)Also, I made an BamboozledByAnime account at, so visit me there too if you wish :) Oh, I'm so lazy lol, I don't wanna PM my friends about my new scar piccy :C lol. Why can't Otaku just make a thing that does that for you >.<
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Hi everyone! Thanks all that have been coming to my site and signing my guestbook and commenting on my art, it really means alot to me :) And I'm glad everyone liked my FMA pictures, I'd hoped you all would :). On another note, the next FMA pic I'm gonna do is of scar. Wanna know somethin? My friend J-Tag so nicely gave me some REALLY big sized photos of him ^^ THANKS J.!! So now I can draw the coolness that is scar! Woohoo! But I still gotta do em' in 0.5mm mechanical pencil O_x. Lol, I could go out n' get some more but uhhhh...I'm too lazy too, and I like having an excuse to do my drawings in pencil XD, especially when I think they turn out better than my color like I said in my armstrong piccy lol! Well, Im gonna get back to surfin' the net, and go play some texas hold em' poker on XD while I wait for the sun to come up still lol, it be 3:13 a.m. here and I woke up at 2 a.m. rofl. My inner time clock is so F****D up right now lol. Ok, lata yall!
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Friday, August 26, 2005
Woot! Im got those done fast lol
Well, I posted that I found pics to do, and then I actually did em all in the same morning/day lol. GO ME! I hope you guys will like em' I tried REALLY hard to make ED as good as the reference picture, even though I was doing it with shading ;/ And I also decided to do a Armstrong picture with ED, stead of just leavin' yall with one FMA pic lol. I'm surprised I got them done so fast O_x lol. Anyways, I am gonna go surf Otaku and another art site for the new fan art of the day ^^.
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Goodie goodie ^^
Hiya friends/foes/allies/guests/haters/lovers ^^ lol. Guess whatzers? I found me some FMA pics that I am gonna work with to draw ^^, Only thing, I'm doing em' in 0.5mm lead pencil, cus I'm like, horribly low on colors here lol. But hopefully when I do them, yall will like the drawings ^^ I found one reference pic, with ED having rock hard abs!! ROFL. (Deffinately a turn on for the ladies lol) And guess what, I went for just one pic, and uhhh, ended up saving like 5-6 FMA pics to my computer, like colonel mustang, winry,ed, alphonse, and some others ^^ So I may just do more than one FMA pic lol, but I'm seriously doing the rock hard AB Ed first! lol. Anyone know where to find some good reference pics for scar? I can't find any of him, just small images like 64x64 or just cos playas of him :( I wanna draw him!! I am still trying to practice things from my head in my work lol, but I prefer referencing so I don't screw up something on the character!! lol. *sips his Dr.Pepper* so how's everyone doing? I've haven't scrolled to alot of my friends sites much lol. I really should though >.< I wish they gave you a little PM or something telling you when a friend has new art up :( it sucks when I miss a friends new art like 3-4 days AFTER they had it posted :(. Anyways, enough of my jive talk lol. I shall leave yall now,and get back to talking with my g/f and then work on my FMA pics lol.(MULTI TASKER!!) LOL.
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
*Dead eyed* Mornin/afternoon yall "H-yuck" ^_-
Lol, well I have yet to go to sleep, so I am of course probably dead with energy lol. Anyways, I finally got my midi to play once you enter my site, so make sure your speakers are turned on ;) I decided since I have a FMA BG, I would go with a FMA BG midi as well,and it's the ending to it, yippee, I was thinking of doing the opening, but the ending is so much more emotional to listen to, don't yall think so too? :) Oh! Also, I got another drawing done, BUT! It's not here on Otaku, because it's not anime, if you would like to see it, it's on my other fan art posting site, which the link for it can be found on the left of this screen under my website (durrrr) lol. I gos other stuff too that I put on that site that I don't on here, but it's mostly the same. Ooo, make sure to read some of my fanfic I have been working on, a Mario and Luigi Brothers short story! LOL! Ya, I should do an anime one right? Hmm well, if I did, then I would start getting ideas of my own manga-ish story lol. Well see what happens in time my friends/guests ;) Hummina, I need to draw sumthin else, I hate when I finish a drawing because I go "Uhhhh, what I do now? *scratches head* I so bored...MUST DO ANOTHER DRAWING!" lol, yup yup, I'm sure you guys feel like that sometimes too ;) If not, then that's just my whacky self lol. Ooooh, I am typing so much, but yet I'm so sleep lol, amazing what you do when you have no sleep in your system hehe. Maybe I should do an FMA pic, neh? My first one I did was kinda sub par, cus I didn't press hard on the colored pencils to make the color all smooth n schtuff, I guess I owe it to yall to do a better job than that hum? Okay! I shall see what I can do lol. (oh yeah, I just made a conversation with myself, oppinion and all XD) Ok, I'm gonna stop rambling now and let you get back to your Otaku surfing/artwork drawing you guys are doing, later yall, I shall return!
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Monday, August 22, 2005
Artwork n' more artwork
Hi yall! It's like, 1:46 In the morning here, so most of yall be asleep when I post this lol. I haven't posted in awhile, but I DO visit the site everyday lol. Anyways, I have been working on 3 seperate drawings, one which won't be posted here because it's not anime related lol. One drawin' I'm doin is Li from Card captor sakura, and I'm having a devil of a time with his hands because I have him trying to hold one of those little yellow paper things in one hand while the other tries to hold a sword. (Sheesh!), not to mention the reference picture I'm usin' somehow left out one of the drapes from one side of his clothing O_x So I have to fix that in my drawing of him lol. The other one I'm doin' is none other than Sesshomaru! (yelps of joy) lol..I figured that my last two were a bit smallish and could have used more work, so I am trying a third attempt at him, while watching the 1st and second Inuyasha movies for inspiration, I finished sesshy himself, but I want to add something beside him, and then I gotta ink and color, yaaa, fun, inking >.< my favorite part lol...I hope I can finish my Sesshy drawin' today, I wanna find what I can put beside him! *huffs* hopefully I can finish by this afternoon or a little later. Well yall, have fun doin' sum art :)
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Wednesday, August 17, 2005
*Yawn*, good day Otakus lol
I just woke up from going to bed at 2 a.m last night, and it's 3 in the afternoon lol. Anyways, I finally posted my Inuyasha drawing, yesterday that is, the whole thing I worked real hard on to get right, then after I ink it, I see I could've done some fixing to certain areas about the size, such as the fingers, they kinda look a bit boney lol. Arg, I hate that when you post artwork, some people don't see it, cus you get all these other posters puttin' theirs up, and yours gets to like the 3rd or 2nd page without being viewed/commented on lol. Well, check out my Inu drawing yall, oh and the title I gave it, was my own idea, but I found out on another art site I'm at, the web host told me that a episode 18, is givin' that name O.o lol..*sighs* But at least the demon pose n' all was my own idea hehe. Oh, BTW, I took some more quizzes last night, and guess what? I now friggen 7 results, that have ended as me being a female character >_< I'm answering truthfully, and I end up getting the female roles lol. Byt hey, most of what they say about my personality is true, cus I answer thruthfully on those things ^^, well, I shall chit chat lata yall, BYE!!
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Sunday, August 14, 2005
I'm happy ^^
Well, my parents took my computer to the geek squad today, then they come back with a new computer for me! O.O yaaa! Now I can do alot more stuff with this computer lol. Happy happy! Anyways, I'm working on an Inuyasha picture right now. And this time, the Picture is better than that other crap one I did the other day lol. I can't wait to finish it, the only thing is, I'm unsure of wheather or not the BG I'm drawing myself going to look right, I hope it turns out like I see it in my head. Lata yall!
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