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Saturday, August 13, 2005

   Deleted Inu drawing
After some deliberation with myself, I decided to delete the Inuyasha piece I had posted today. I admit, it wasn't exactly one of my best pieces of work, and I think I could have done a better job with it. So, it's now gone from the database XD. I'm gonna do better on my next Inu pic I do in the future, that last one was just..YACK lol. But on another note, nobody has commented or voted on my Sailor Neptune piece yet :( I thought for sure someone would like it :/ Ah, well, guess I can't please everyone right? Lata yall!
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   Good mornin' Otaku! =)
Hello friends and fans =). I stayed up late last night working on two different drawings till 2 A.M. lol. The one I did was Sailor Neptune from Sailor moon, and the other is a Inuyasha picture, with Inuyasha having plummeted into the ground by Kagome's "sit boy!" because Inuyasha wanted the ramen Kagome had when Kagome had made a nice breakfast for them lol, sound familiar from the series? *winks* I love how my Neptune pic turned out, I tried to implement a different coloring style on Neptune than I usually do, cus I wanted her to look real flashy, though I did that, she now looks like she is younger lol..The Inuyasha pic is alright, except for I don't like how I did Kagome's cheeks lol, I should have just made a stern face with her mouth open saying "Sit boy!" *shrugs* oh, well, yall like it anyways right? =) Well, I guess I'll stop ranting about my work, and look at the new art for today, and comment/vote YES on some, as always ;). Lata yall!
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Friday, August 12, 2005

A good thursday to you all =)
Well, I have been mostly lookin' around at peoples artwork, signin' guesbooks and commenting on art since I last posted. Much good art out there ^^. I have ben thinking lately, of doing a Chii pic from chobits. It may be kinda girly for a guy to do a Chi drawing, but um, *sticks tongue out* lol..I think I may change how I do my eyes now, I found a way to do eyes, that I think are much more soul piercing than most of the eyes I've seen, now if only I could get some help from the really good artists like Sama, and Psy on how to do the anatomy of human anime bodies in the poses that I would like, then I would be getting somewhere hehe. But I guess you don't learn anything when you don't try it on your own before asking for help hum? Well, wish me luck on whatever I decide to do, Chow for now!
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Tuesday, August 9, 2005

Woohoo, I won something I didn't know I could win XD lol
Seems when I got onto Otaku, I had a message from a Metal-Inuyasha, who was giving me a banner for having a cool site, thanks Metal! I had to go tothe HTML website that Otaku supplies so I could learn how to insert it lol. But I got it ;)
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Monday, August 8, 2005

   Weee, a good day
Alrighty! I finally found some pictures that I'm gonna do, yippee. The first I'm doin is a spike spiegel pic, then an edward elric, and then sumomo. On another note, a friend is getting into a two year college at 14! Can we say uber smart? O.O *claps* BTW her name is Katie aka: themusicdied.
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Art Revamp
Okay! I was thinking about my artwork today, and decided to delete some of my art, which I thought was...HORRIBLE lol...Then after that, I saw that some of the pics I had submitted, could've had a better view of the person/object or w/e, so I deleted those as well, re-scanned them in, made the view MUCH better, so you can now actually view the whole thing, instead of a close-up view lol. The pictures I made bigger are; Allan,Lillymon,D.Magician,and Mystical elf. The reason they were so small before, is at the time I submitted them, I was new to my scanner software, and didn't know how to adjust the size of my pictures, for submission onto certain sized sites, so I kept cropping my pictures, till they were little close-ups of what they really were >_< lol. Anyways, I hope everyone doesn't mind :) In other news, I've been deciding what else to draw..kinda stuck on a few ideas, but I'm sure I'll get em' oh, and I scrapped the second pic I had been working on, it was gonna be a Luffy pic from One Piece, but I wanna do someone/thing else. Well then, after typing all that up, I'll leave ya with a German good-bye, BIS SPATER MEINE FREUNDIN! (Good-bye my friends)
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Sunday, August 7, 2005

   Just a briefer of things
Well, I guess when my friends/fans came to my profile, they noticed I actually gave my profile a BG and an Midi song to go with ^^. Thanks to Katie AKA: themusicdied, and a darn good artist, for helping me with the HTML gargen to make my site look better ^^ (woohoo!) On another note, to anyone that visits my site, I also post the same artwork on another favorite site of mine under the same username, the site is called: Bogusred.net You should tell your friends about it, and visit it ^^ it's a nice little community of artists, and the list of members is growing everyday, so please give it a try :)
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   Sunday! So boring...
Well, it's sunday, and almost a new week. I have been busy working on two drawings recently, as well planning how the heck I want to draw a dragon for my G/f, I've no experience with em' lol. Hopefully today I can finish the two I'm workin' on, and then I'll post em'
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Saturday, August 6, 2005

Wow, been so long...
Whew! How long has it been since I've been on Otaku/posted my art on here? FAR too long I'd say, sorry to any fans that I MAY have lol. I've been mostly posting my art on another art site called Bogusred.net but since I'm part of this site too, I need to upload some more! Weee.
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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Wooo It has been awhile
Man...I havent gotton to do anything for awhile. Had to move to Louisianna and had no internet, Cable, movies games anime.. NOTHING >_< RAWR, I'm back now though and have posted some artwork I managed to get done.
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