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myOtaku.com: BamboozledByAnime

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

   *Yawn*, good day Otakus lol
I just woke up from going to bed at 2 a.m last night, and it's 3 in the afternoon lol. Anyways, I finally posted my Inuyasha drawing, yesterday that is, the whole thing I worked real hard on to get right, then after I ink it, I see I could've done some fixing to certain areas about the size, such as the fingers, they kinda look a bit boney lol. Arg, I hate that when you post artwork, some people don't see it, cus you get all these other posters puttin' theirs up, and yours gets to like the 3rd or 2nd page without being viewed/commented on lol. Well, check out my Inu drawing yall, oh and the title I gave it, was my own idea, but I found out on another art site I'm at, the web host told me that a episode 18, is givin' that name O.o lol..*sighs* But at least the demon pose n' all was my own idea hehe. Oh, BTW, I took some more quizzes last night, and guess what? I now friggen 7 results, that have ended as me being a female character >_< I'm answering truthfully, and I end up getting the female roles lol. Byt hey, most of what they say about my personality is true, cus I answer thruthfully on those things ^^, well, I shall chit chat lata yall, BYE!!
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