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myOtaku.com: BamboozledByAnime

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

   *Dead eyed* Mornin/afternoon yall "H-yuck" ^_-
Lol, well I have yet to go to sleep, so I am of course probably dead with energy lol. Anyways, I finally got my midi to play once you enter my site, so make sure your speakers are turned on ;) I decided since I have a FMA BG, I would go with a FMA BG midi as well,and it's the ending to it, yippee, I was thinking of doing the opening, but the ending is so much more emotional to listen to, don't yall think so too? :) Oh! Also, I got another drawing done, BUT! It's not here on Otaku, because it's not anime, if you would like to see it, it's on my other fan art posting site, which the link for it can be found on the left of this screen under my website (durrrr) lol. I gos other stuff too that I put on that site that I don't on here, but it's mostly the same. Ooo, make sure to read some of my fanfic I have been working on, a Mario and Luigi Brothers short story! LOL! Ya, I should do an anime one right? Hmm well, if I did, then I would start getting ideas of my own manga-ish story lol. Well see what happens in time my friends/guests ;) Hummina, I need to draw sumthin else, I hate when I finish a drawing because I go "Uhhhh, what I do now? *scratches head* I so bored...MUST DO ANOTHER DRAWING!" lol, yup yup, I'm sure you guys feel like that sometimes too ;) If not, then that's just my whacky self lol. Ooooh, I am typing so much, but yet I'm so sleep lol, amazing what you do when you have no sleep in your system hehe. Maybe I should do an FMA pic, neh? My first one I did was kinda sub par, cus I didn't press hard on the colored pencils to make the color all smooth n schtuff, I guess I owe it to yall to do a better job than that hum? Okay! I shall see what I can do lol. (oh yeah, I just made a conversation with myself, oppinion and all XD) Ok, I'm gonna stop rambling now and let you get back to your Otaku surfing/artwork drawing you guys are doing, later yall, I shall return!
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