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myOtaku.com: BamboozledByAnime

Saturday, September 3, 2005

Hi Yall =)
Hi guys, been awhile since my last post I know >.< I've been busy doing shtuff lol. I did recently finish a new picture, but because it is not anime, it's on two of the other sites I go to, if yall wanna see it, you can copy and paste this link here: http://bogusred.net/rc_artview.php/id/2355.html

Anywho, one of the things I've been doing, is playing a new computer game that I got like 2-3 months ago, but couldn't play because we needed a better computer and a video card, well, I have those, so I've been playing it lol. Perhaps yall have heard of it? It's called Guild Wars.
Well, I need to get back into my drawing again lol, I've been doin' other stuff, and haven't been doing my anime drawin' >.< guess sometmes you get absorbed and draw like mad, then sometimes, you just sit and are like "...ugh...sigh.." lol. Okay, well, I shall see you guys lata then ^^. And do remember, I visit this site everyday, so don't think cus I'm not posting, doesn't mean I'm not here ^^

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