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myOtaku.com: BamboozledByAnime

Monday, September 12, 2005

   Being sick stinks! >_<
Hi everyone! Did you all miss me while I was sick? Well, seems that I had stomach problems, so I was unable to eat anything without feeling sick, not to metion I was doing ALOT of sleeping :/ I THINK, that this has to do with the Louisianna water here, because it has been funky/smells funky when ya look at it, AND because of Katrina n' all, the recent water was sposed to be good, but me parents and I believe it has taken a step backward (thanks alot katrina for nothing!!) *shakes fist angrily at the tropical storm*. But anyways, while I was bed-ridden, I did some drawin' such as another character for the manga I've been thinkin' of doin ^_^ I did the element of water now, and the character's name is Lillian(Lilly) and she's the aquamancer ^_^ A.K.A, one who dances with water hehe. I SO got mad at my new box of colored pencils while coloring her, because out of all the 72 Rose-art colored pencils, there wasn't a SINGLE sky-blue color in the lot of em' -_- so, I complained to my girlfriend who told me to put white down on her outfit, and then use the lightest blue I had, and shade over that, which looks da' bomb now! lol. So, Lilly is up in my gallery if you want to look t her/comment on her ^_^ (Thanks Kristy!! I love you!!) and yeah, Kristy is an awesome artist too ^_^ She did a sketch today of my one character Lee, and man she did him Justice! Dang..lol, I will have to show you guys it once she makes the finishing touches on it ^_^, she's having a bit of trouble with the flame ball, or as we have dubbed it, the octo-ball LOL. Anyways, while I was surfing the net today, someone from deviantart.com had IMed me and was thanking me for commenting/favoriting one of their pieces. And you know what? They wanted to know if they couldn't do a drawing for me as thankyou ^_^ And guess what I asked for them to try to do? My Lee character LOL!! Well, I SO can't wait to have the piccies of my character done ^_^ Man I'm lucky LOL. And I don't feel that they are stealing my character either when they are drawing him, because in a way, it's like fan-art to me, plus I myself have the original/copyrighted one, plus I know my girlfriend wouldn't steal my art anyways ^_^ hehe, long as a person asks me before drawing my chars. I'm fine with it ^_^ (cept' Kristy, she's got priveledges hehe.) I'll see if I can't show you guys that as well on here when it gets done (I hope) lol. Oh, one more thing, I did a MAJOR layout change with my site lol. Took me forever to find the right wallpaper for my site..not to mention how long it took to find a good midi site with the current midi playing now lol And yep, it's Kenshin Himura..or the Battousai..or Rurouni Kenshin, whichever you please XD, just make sure to put your screen on full view to see him better, the wallpaper size is 1028x776 O_X. I also got a wallpaper that would enable me to choose a color for the font that was easier on yall's eyeballs lol, I hope it's easier to read now ^_^'' And lastly, I made it so that my sites entry text is now a scrolling marquee, plus I put the other art gallery sites I'm at as a hyper-link below my banner from Metal-Inuyasha..gawd I love utilizing html..though it's a pain to insert RIGHT and FIND online lol(for me anyways lol). Humm, well, that's all I have on me mind right now, so I shall go rest some more. I shall see you guys lata ^_^
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