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myOtaku.com: BamboozledByAnime

Thursday, September 22, 2005

   A foreboding Hurricane Rita..
So I guess yall have heard about Hurricane Rita right? It's now a category 5 hurricane, and is headed straight for texas, as well as parts of Louisianna..and you know what sucks? This hurricanes path, goes through where I live, if you look at the picture of It's trajected path, I'm at the top left corner of Louisianna..so yeah..this is either gonna suck or REALLY suck..I'm not sure what my parents are gonna do, luckily most of our stuff is in storage from not moving into a new home yet, so we could pack quickly if need be, I REALLY hope we don't have to leave and are not hit too hard. Anyways, here's Rita's path as of this morning:

Anyways, if you guys don't see me on like everyday I usually am..expect something happened..anyways..

Meh..meh..There's nothing really to say now, other than that I am going to get my request for a Hiei picture with him using the dragon of the darkness flame technique, they said YES! woohoo! lol, but I gotta wait, cus' they have requests for others who have found theives, piled up LOL. Oh well, it's something to look foward to =)

I don't think I'm gonna use a BG for my text either, I tested it out, and it kinda looks cluttery, so I'll just leave it as is for now, thanks for the help though Metal-Inuyasha =) Now on to the Fan-art of the day and then breakfast for me >_< =)

This next picture is also from an artist on Deviantart,Yuri-Nikko, whom has drawn a beautiful picture of Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho, the japanese text they have written, translates to meaning, "We are together in our hearts" I hope you guys like this one =)

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