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myOtaku.com: BamboozledByAnime

Friday, September 23, 2005

   Long post..but about Me and Hurricane Rita...
*Sighs* Well, if any of you have not heard or do not know because you do not live in the U.S or some other reason...Hurricane Rita is set to hit through Texas, as well as parts of Louisianna. And if you guys didn't know, yours personally here, lives in Louisianna...Shreveport, Louisianna as a matter of fact, a city that is located at the top far left corner of it. And well, the hurricane should be hitting around here pretty soon, though it's not going to be hitting us as hard like it is hitting others such as galveston, texas and one not, were sill expected to get some flooding here, with expecations of 7-12 inches of rain O.o. My family had planned to go to Alabama to stay with some relatives, but it seems are contacting them was a bit late, as they were heading to Tenesee to go to a concert :/. I didn't want to go anyways, because it would have been a 7 hour drive to them anyways, for just a two day stay, and when we come back it would have still been raining :/ So anyways, were up in here in our corporate apartments, thankfull the highest level. So we should be fine if it does get some flooding, but winds will be around 20-30 mph. Which I can hear them slightly now as I type this. Hopefully no window will be knocked in during the process, or that our power won't go out, but were ready none the less. Anyways, I just wanted to let yall know what's going on here, and that I'm hoping nothing happens, anyways, people have been evacuating to shelters and hotels around here, so I guess that's saying something, heh. WISH US LUCK! lol. I'll be prolly drawing and pondering stuff while this crap hurricane goes on...

Oh, BTW, if ya guys didn't notice it..I have a picture of myself now on the site, kinda a profile thing..but that's me in the red flame skull shirt and my favorite black flame hat XD. Yeah..I put it up yesterday..but it's me XD

OK, I'm also feeling down and out about other stuff..but it's personal things..so don't worry....This Hurricane don't help none either...nor not getting in a house and other SH**!!....Scuse' me...anyways...

The art of the day is brought to you by another artist on deviantart,Giovannag, whom has done an artwork of Sesshomaru helping Rin take a bath, it was a request they did from a winner of one of the contests the person hosted. Hope you guys like it, it's SOOOO cute =)

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