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myOtaku.com: BamboozledByAnime

Monday, September 26, 2005

   Gotta love/hate electricity -_-
Omg I'm like so, P.O'd right now, it figures, after the storm passes by us, there's no rain or nothing going on outside, then all of a sudden at 8pm saturday, while I'm watching my anime -_-, the power decides to go out for 10 munites, comes back on for 5, then goes out again for good -_- NOOOOO. So I was left to sit in the dark the rest of the day saturday, as well as through all of sunday, and part of today, which the power finally got kicked back on at 4 P.M. And what's even weirder, is that HALF of the corporate apartments had power, while OUR half doesn't. OK, that's weird lol. Anyways, I'm finally back on, I did like two drawings while I was out of power, and what's even lovelier, is that it was like 95 degrees outside, and since we had no electrical power, inside was 86 -_-, we were sweatin' like pigs, sweat was pooring off of us cus' it was so hot, we had to go run all these errands for coolers and ice, and eating out in cooled places just to get away from the heat, SHEESh, some weekend I had. And then to top it off, I missed the premier of the 5th Naruto episode on Cartoon network! AHHHHH I HATE missing my anime...yeah..I'm done ranting now..but that's where I have been..sweating..in darkness...without electricity...LOL..oy..what a weekend..

FAN-ART OF THE DAY!! Brought to you by, Mayshing, from deviantart. this is a Naruto fanart, of just an example of how off Naruto can be when it comes to training XD, enjoy =)

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