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myOtaku.com: BamboozledByAnime

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

   I'm finally back from moving XD
Mood: Frantic and rushed!
Watching: Ronin Warriors

Oh, my, gawd! I'm back everyone! Hi again! I'm sorry I've been gone for about a week thanks to moving, and were still not done unpacking everything, and I've been busy as heck unpacking, putting stuf in place, walking fifty billion paces to throw trash out oh my lord lol...

I've not gotton any artwork done, and I've GOT to finish one for someones B-day, which is like..50% complete, that has to be done by like..october 25th I believe, then too, hopefully by this friday well be getting dsl internet service, whoopie, faster internet!!! lol. Okay, I'm not gonna rant anymore, cus I'm sure I'd fill up a good 10-15 minutes doing it LOL, just one thing....MOVING SUCKS MONKEY BUTTS!!!! XD.

Lata yall! Just sayin' I'm back! woohooo!! *Boogies*

Lastly, I'll try to get to the new guestbook signings asap..omg I've got much to do lol.

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