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myOtaku.com: BamboozledByAnime

Saturday, October 21, 2006

   Another Journal and a job
Hi all. I've been offline for awhile yet again. I so hate having aol for the internet -.- I wish we had dsl back lol. 5 people trying to use aol all day is such a pain in the arse...On aother note, my time for drawing is limited even more, because now I've FINALLY got a job after having applied at several places...And after applying at so many places, I go to a job fair for dollar general, and get hired on the spot..heh. Oh wlel, the people are friendly and it's a new store, so the past few days have been a real back,leg,and arm sore having to carry,move,push,setup,and walk fifty zillion places all over there store setting it up. I work 8A.M.-5P.M. too all week long, including weekends. So yah, I'm pretty much dead when I get home. I so hate not having much time to draw, but at leas I think about new stuff I WANT to draw when I'm not drawing. Such as most likely making my one Aquamancer, Lillian character into a dragon-half form, since I liked doing it with my Lee character, I would really love to see her as a Dragon-Half form as well. So hopefully when I get the time, I can do that. Well, been fun, see yall later, whenever I can lol.
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