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• BanditKing87
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• 1987-12-24
• Pennsylvania
Member Since
• 2005-01-01
• 12th grade student
Real Name
• Will
• I'm a Master of DDR and MTG, 2yr West Side Singers Member
Anime Fan Since
• ...I saw DBZ on the WB back in like 5th grade!
Favorite Anime
• GTO & Outlaw Star & Trigun & Bebop!
• To be the greatest teacher in the whole USA!!
• DDR, MTG, Trying to be a good boyfriend!
• DDR DemiGod!
| BanditKing87
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, January 7, 2005
Yay study halls
Ahh i love school! no not the actaul school part, rather the social interaction one can acquire through it. Like for instance, the fact that one can get ones GF out of all her study halls to escape to much more friendly atmosphere. Thats essentially what I did today! I got her out of the study halls with the evil teachers of the school. And she learned what 7th period lunch is like heh.
the same thing happened today that happened yesterday on the bus, I wanted to to give one back, but well I was really nervous that it wouldn't be up to par with hers :).
well i should sign off
l8r peoples
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Thursday, January 6, 2005
YAY!! (part2)
Wow the coolest thing happened today! Yotama and I were on the bus on the way to our respective homes, our friend who i will dub with the name Greg was using my new iPod to listen the musical soundtrack for "Zombie Prom". Yotama and i sat there talking and figuring out what to do for the weekend. When my stop was coming up I was like darnit i have to go, and i got soemthing unexpected! what would this be you ask? well i got kiss from Yotama! i was shocked i thought i'd have to wait a while given her history and what she told me i nthought i'd be waiting for a while and i was willing to as well since i think i would do almost anything for her lol.
After i got off the bus i CLicked my heels together in midair and shouted WHOOOO HHOOOOOOO!!!!!!! at the top of my lungs. i startled a group of druggies lol!
I'm in a state of Euphoria!
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Wednesday, January 5, 2005
Nice Evening After All
Well i may not have been able to get to hang with Yotama in person after school, but i think that 2 hours on the phone constitutes a decent conversation lol! We talked about all sorts of things, was quite nice. I hope that we don't have a 2 hour delay tomorrow so we can see each other for part of the day. Ahh the Joys of Chorus! Then we have the Afternoon together but thats a dance practice so we prolly won't actually see each other much. Least we have the bus ride home together even tho that last about 15 mins but thats 15mins of semi alone time which i know she craves for.
well i've said enough and i figure it's nearly time for me to jump offline so l8rs all
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What a crappy day!
man talk about the one time i didn't want to get out of school early! The one time of the week that Yotama and I have some time after school while waiting for Westside and we are sent home early! ARGGHH!! Figures! Oh well we had lunch together as usual and of course was ready for anything by then. Oh well better luck tomorrow afternoon i guess lol!
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Tuesday, January 4, 2005
DOn't ya love it!
well i was talking to Yotama this evening up until about 10pm and her big bro who doesn't like me at all saw everything in our im, he flipped and said i should be and I quote
"You should be ready to rumble"
hmm sounds like he likes me less now..............what should i do? I already have a friend who'll jump in if anything happens since he's like indebted to me for some tickets to a show, but i don't want a violent confrontation, since it's not civilized. I don't like to fight, it's barbaric, and i see it as the route of all the worlds problems Ghandi once said " If you people would stop your fighting you would see all that you have destroyed is what you were fighting for" now i know that is a very extreme case but it makes me think and i don't like to do anything that need not be done. I've made up my mind I will not get into a physical fight with her brother because I know for one it would ruin my relationship with Yotama in more ways than one. first off i don't know how her parents would react. 2nd i have no idea how my parents would react. lastly and most importantly I have no idea how she would react. I know she doesn't like her older brother that much, but he is still her family and I couldn't live with myself I let a petty sqaubble between myself and her brother to ruin what she and I have.
I know what I'll do and thats all i'll do thx to the guy who imed me!
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Great Day thats 2 in a row!
Wow what a nice day! I went to school today eagerly awaiting 5th period lunch, when i'd prolly first see Yotama, for some odd reason she came to the Library first period and i was actually helping the Librarians today so i got a little time to see her then, after that well at 5th period lunch we talked a stuff but with all the teachers around u can't have any fun or even sit reletively close lol they freak out!
So then at the end of the day we walked to the buses together and thats all we did so far just figured i put this up since this shows just how much we get to do during the day at school lol.
well i guess it's time to sign off until Yotama signs on lol
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Monday, January 3, 2005
YAY iPOD!!!!!
I got home today and my iPod Mini was here!! YAY!!!!!!!! i was totally stoked when i ripped it open and began putting my stuff on it. Ahh DDR music for the road and of course some Classic rock! I was happy, but Yotama seemed and intersted and sorta happy at the fact that i was getting one, (hmm wonder why, these things are all the rage lol!)
Oh I suppose it's time for me to talk about what Yotama and I did today, well i didn't see her until after school let out since I was stuck in a dang double period of Chemestry (ICK!!)( I hate chemestry and i grammer and spelling as well!) So i didn't get to eat lunch with her :( . She asked why i wasn't there i said "well i had double chem lol!" she looked at me funny and said "oh ok" in a happy manner. After practice was out, Yotama and I made a choice of a seat on the Activity Bus (ride home provided by school for people in sports and such) and we of course sat there relaxed until i had to get off the bus and dissapear for the night. (ohhhh myterious!)
That was basically my day My life is great!
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Sunday, January 2, 2005
Blowing off some steam
Well today was one of those days when you find out some stuff you had been wanting to know for a while. I was chatting with my GF Yotama and some her friends for like 2-3 hours today. Was nice even tho we couldn't "see" each other today, we were still together and had a blast. For those of you who read what she posted a while back bout her and someone else, you know what she informed me of before the dance.
I was a little shocked when i first heard it. But after i thought long and hard(about an Hour) I realized that it was nothing to worry about. At first she was really well worried that i was gonna freak out. Since of you know me well at all, you'd have no idea how I would react to such news. For anyone of my friends who have known me for years, you know nothing can phase me, well except for a few things but they are really crazy and thats about all i'm gonna say on that.
I am starting to understand her some more and I now kinda know how she thinks. New Years was Awesome if you didn't read that already and was awesome as well. Tomorrow we get to stay after school for our first rehearsal of music for Zombie Prom, she is quite happy that we get to see eachother then although I think she may be a bit stunned that I was trying to work up the courage to kiss her on New Years. I'm glad i didn't though. After talking she said something to me and i replied hey you set the pace and whatever that is, it's fine with me. She was quite happy with that I believe since she can be Kryptic at times. But thats girls I suppose right?
I figure that I've prolly said to much already so I will shut my yap
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Saturday, January 1, 2005
New Years Eve with Yotama
I am the one Yotama refers to as Jack, or at least I hope I am! New Years Eve was a great day for me and I hope that Yotama enjoyed herself as well. We spent some time just, well being lazy is a good way to put it. I definatly relized that day that she and i are right for each other.
(My goodness it is much easier to type out how you feel than it is to actually say them, oh yeah thats because this lacks contact of any sort lol.)
I have been thinking a lot and I relized that i really have a great connection with Yotama. It may seem odd at times or wierd even, but truely we do and i hope she knows it which is why i'm posting this here probably but i don't really know. I want to talk to her as i type this, but it's 10:45 pm and i know she's watchin Kenshin on Toonami so i can't.
(Damn i'm pathetic.!)
I've read what she's posted, and i was tryin on new years but who knows, i wasn't sure if she was ready or not and i suppose i guessed right! First time in a while i've guessed at something and been right, well i guess i was sorta right but i don't know, i guess i'm just looking for someone to talk to so whoever might read this, please im me and chat with me i need to be kept occupied when my mind wanders, as Yotama well knows.
Signign off, this has been the FLying Octopi!(inside thing u wouldn't know less u go to my school!)
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