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myOtaku.com: BanditKing87

Sunday, January 2, 2005

   Blowing off some steam
Well today was one of those days when you find out some stuff you had been wanting to know for a while. I was chatting with my GF Yotama and some her friends for like 2-3 hours today. Was nice even tho we couldn't "see" each other today, we were still together and had a blast. For those of you who read what she posted a while back bout her and someone else, you know what she informed me of before the dance.

I was a little shocked when i first heard it. But after i thought long and hard(about an Hour) I realized that it was nothing to worry about. At first she was really well worried that i was gonna freak out. Since of you know me well at all, you'd have no idea how I would react to such news. For anyone of my friends who have known me for years, you know nothing can phase me, well except for a few things but they are really crazy and thats about all i'm gonna say on that.

I am starting to understand her some more and I now kinda know how she thinks. New Years was Awesome if you didn't read that already and was awesome as well. Tomorrow we get to stay after school for our first rehearsal of music for Zombie Prom, she is quite happy that we get to see eachother then although I think she may be a bit stunned that I was trying to work up the courage to kiss her on New Years. I'm glad i didn't though. After talking she said something to me and i replied hey you set the pace and whatever that is, it's fine with me. She was quite happy with that I believe since she can be Kryptic at times. But thats girls I suppose right?

I figure that I've prolly said to much already so I will shut my yap


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