myO Still <3's You
Comments (8) | Permalink Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
rain is fun
Yesterday.....yesterday was just plain horrible. Ok not as bad as horrible just, crappy.
I woke up at um... noon i think. I staid up till 2 last night. So anyway, I walk upstairs to find my brother cleaning the counter off. I'm like, Oh dammit. I don't want to clean!! Evil cleaning. So we got that done and then my mom came home aroun 1 pm. I went and finally changed outta my pajamas. And then played Pokemon Crystal version. I finally got the move surf. god damn kimono dancing chicks......anyway. My brother and my two neighboors got in the pool and about 3 minutes later there was a clap of thunder. So they got to swim for about 10 more minutes cuz it got bad enough they we're talking about it on the news. ya know how they cut into the shows your watching right as they are at the good point? So they got out and the two ran home and I look out a window in my house that overlooks the circle I live in and I see the Pughs, Kraven, FlamingDragon, their lil' bro, and their parents out there gawking at the sky while lightning is going. And what do me, my brother, and my mom do?! Go out and look to!! And damn was that cool!! The clouds looked really funky. I sould have got the camera and took a picture. The clouds were just barly spinning in different directions over our house. It was kick ass.
But after the Pughs went in my mom started running home and I said, "It's only sprinkling!!" And as I said that it started in a downpoor. I'm like, Oh shit! and started running. But after we got inside, my mom said, "Did anyone check the mail?" Me and my brother look for it and both grab for the keys. I got them and ran out the door with him following. We like to go out in the rain.
Out mail box isn't a normal on that you go to the end of your yard and open the door to it. We have to go across the street and each house has a different slot number and you have a key to unlock your door. And they also have 2 big compartments to put packeges in. And when you get a packege, the mail person puts another key in you slot and you have to open the big compartment and get it out. Well, we had the key in ours and let me tell you, the keys they have suck ass. I'm standin out side, getting drenced by the rain looking like an idiot while trying to get the door open. I couldn't get the key turned enough. I finaly got it as connor was running home to tell mom i couldn't open it.
And what was in the packge you ask? Well just me and my brothers FMA bags!! Boohya!! lol.
I wen to the creek by our house Sunday evning with Connor, Kraven, and FlamingDragon while it was like 100 degrees out. So stupid me, decided, since it's hot outside, cut your old pants to make them short. I don't wear shorts unless they go below my knees so i was a little uncomfortible to begin with. But anyway, all the ggrass and weeds and stff were over grown when we got to the actually big creek part. You have to walk about 20 minutes to get down to the fun part. So we headed back and foot slipped off a rock by a lil thing of water and I didn't all the way fall in but both my feet were underwater. So since I wore my shoes that collect a shit load of water when you get them wet, I was having a hard time walking. So when we got past the tunnle entrance i took them off. But it was funnie, there was this slime crap all over the cement in the tunnle and FlamingDragon jumpped right on it so he slipped and fell and it look like he shitted himself. I should get a camera and tke pictures of the creek to show you guys. My neighboorhood is so fun!! lol
As for the prizes, I got your manga Lie74 and I got your pocky Ishigaki Mitsuo. I think I spelled that wrong agian. And Nittlergrasper, I inked your pic yesterday so I'll work on colooring it later today. I don't want to work on it now cuz it's 1:40 in the morning.
I still haven't gone to GoodWill yet. My mom said when she gets home from work today since it's s'posed to be cooler in the afternoon she'll take me then. She said we might even look for school cloths there. I don't really mind that. I could care less how much my cloths cost or were i got them.
Well, I'm gonna stop typing now. I need to pee really bad and I need to go to sleep. So bye bye
Sunday, July 24, 2005
I want to be in another place.I hate when you say you don’t understand.I want to be in the energy, not with the enemy.A place for my head.
I watch how the moon shifts in the sky on a dark night shining from the light of the sun but the sun doesn’t give the light to the moon assuming it's gonna owe it one. It makes me think of how you act to me. You do favors and then rapidly you just turn around and start asking me about things you want back from me. I’m sick of the tension. Sick of the hunger. Sick of you acting like I owe you this. Find another place to feed your greed while I find a place to rest.
Those were some lyrics from A Place for my head © Linkin Park.
Well, Oakview wasn't showing Howl's Moving Caslte Last night. Am I even spelling that right? It wasn't fair.
Terra couldn't get back from Wahoo so she couldn't come with me and Emily. My mom sropped me off at Emily's around 6. We hung out in Emily's room cuz a lot of people were downstairs and I don't like to be around a lot of people I don't know. It was all Emily's family coming to talk about the funaral for Emily's grandfather. Well, Emaiuly gave my the 7th volume of YuYu Hakusho to read and she dosen't really like Linkin Park anymore So she gave me there cd Hybrid Theory. I'm lisyening to track 9 right now. Thats A Place for my head. I love that song.
Anyway, Emily's mom and and aunt took us to the mall and on the way there her Aunt was listing off things to bring up during the funalral servece and she sadi, "The basket he made and a ceramic pig." Me and Emily startes laughing. Quietly tho. But it was funnie. It was rude of us to laugh but, it was funnie. Her grandfather used to make ceramic things by the way. So, they had to look for a suit to put him in so when we got outta earshot, i ask, "Why a ceramic pig?" and emily said "I don't know."
We went to Walden's bnooks in the mall and I got Lie74's prize ^^ And Ema got the 2nd vol of Saiyuki. And I saw vol 10 and 11 of Fruits Basket. I'm like, waoh!! And they also had vol 22 of Inuyasha. So Emily bought me the 22nd vol og Inuyasha. I refused so much. I mean, thats the second mamga she's bought me with money she's trying to save up for her own bass. It's not right.
We walked across the street to AMC (the theater) and got out tickets for Dark Water. It's anoher stupid horror movie. You would think if ppl keep saying the guy that thought up The Ring is so good at making horror movies, then he'd make a horror movie that origanal. Dark Water Was almost exactly like The Ring. It's so stupid.
But after that Enily's sister came and picked us up in their brother's fiance's parents car. Whew.... that was hard. j/k. But anyway, it's a two door and we were trying to fond the lever to move the seat up and Abby park right by the sewer/ gutter thingy on the curb and I went to sit down to look for it and my foot slipped cuz I stepped on the lil' slop and i fell. XD
I was talking to Terra over Yahoo messener earlier when I was at home and yeah...I told her what we did. I think she got a kick outta it.
I don't know what to talk about. I still haven't finished my help site. *sigh* damn coding and stuff is hard!! lol.
I still haven't gone to GoodWill yet. I want to cuz I really wanna Cosplay someone!! WAH!! It's not fair!!!!!
Oh yeah, and that Nick kid that spit in my hair is like, 3 years youngeer than me. He's going into 5th grade. And him and my brother were pretending to spit on each other and I think he really didn't mean to spit in my hair. I did make him a welcome banner but!! I won't put it on his site. He only asked me to make him one. *smirk* And Cuddy, I'd level you if you did that. lol ^^
My FMA bag should be coming in the mail soon. It said 7-14 days and my grama ordered it last sinday so yeah!! :P
And I got my papers for orientation this year. I was looking at then and damn!! The dress code this year is stricter than ever!! Nobody follows it but, still. Here is what I can remember of it. I can't look of it cuz I'm at my grandparents house.
•Anyway, no spegetti straps which is always a rule
• no chains on wallets, neck, arm, leg, other than standered coustum jewerly.
• No "sagging pants look". Student should not have undergarments should be shown.
• No winterwear, such as hats, coats, gloves ect. Light jackets are ok, sweaters too.
• No hats, including baseball caps, beanies, or bandanas. And girls can't even wear headbands. The ones that were barets can barly wear those.
We might as well wear uniforms. I know some of you may be thinking, it's the same as we have, but, It hasn't been this strict. I mean, no headbands? And they mean the one's girls wear. Not the sweatbands.
And for the school pictures, you can have you name and year in the lower right hand corner. You can also get a "Fun Pack" that has, rulers, doorhangers, tags, and a lot of other stuff on it which all have your picture on it. We are in Middle School. Why would we want rulers with out picture on it. Maybe if you were really vain but oh well.
Orientation is August 9th for me. Same for Emily. I think Terra goes the 8th. They go by Alpebitical Order. A-M goes on the 8th and N-Z goes on the 9th. And Emily's last name startes with R and min starts with S and Terra's starts with I. I really hope were all on the same team. Or atleast have the sam lunch time.
Well, I'll stop now!! Bye bye!!
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Saturday, July 23, 2005
I'm sorry but I had to change my site. It's still Daisuke but I wanted to get rid of the pink. I really couldn't stand it.
Ah I hate my neighboor nick. He's spending the night and I was working on his site and, he spit in my hair. I finally had time to take a shower and he spits in my hair. I was trying to get it out with my hands and when I feel things like that, it makes me feel like I'm going to throw up. It really sucks.
Well, we didn't go over to my grama's yesterday. My Grama's dog had fleas so my moms gonna go spray her house later today. And since we didn't go, I could go to the store to get Ishigaki Mitsuo (sp?) pocky for the 2nd place prize. And also my mom didn't take me to goodwill to go get cloths for my cosplay project. And since I couldn't go there, I couldn't go to Barns And Nobles to get Lie74's prize.
My friend Emily called the other day and said that this weekend is the only days she'll have time to hang out with me and Terra untill school starts because she's going to Califonia for her cousons wedding in early august and she's babysitting almost everyday. So, we were planning on going to a movie or something then staying at Emily's house to spent the night. But, Emily called me yesterday and said that her grandpa had died thursday night and the viewing was sunday and the funaral is monday. So are plans changed a little bit. We're still going to the movies tho. We need to get a hold of Terra agian who's out of town but we are going to go see Howls Moving Castle then proly go to the mall across the street and go look at the new mangas they have out. And then if Terra comes I'll either spend the night at her house or she spends the night at mine.
I'm sorry for writing such a long post yesterday. Got a little carried away.
Oh yeah, I added about 6 new e-cards and 1 wallpaper that really sucks. But whatever.
I have to make a welcome sign for Nick now so, sayonara-minni
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Friday, July 22, 2005
Worth more than Diamonds
I'm so sorry I haven't really updated in a couple days. I was goning to update wednesday but I didn't and then yesterday...guh...that was really bad.
Ok, wednesday night my mom asked me if I wanted to go to work with her cuz she was was going to a store in Fremont. And fremont is like, ah 45 minutes away from our house. Well, I guess I should start by saying, she works for Kroger which goes in and resets items everyday in Bakers stores. And she has to get up around 5 and leave around 6. Well, wednesday night I said I didn't want to go. I stayed up all night watching Adult Swim and drawing this pic of Ed from FMA and it was about 3 am and I'm like, "Mom said she'd need help cuz they were doing the froxen section" So, I decided to stay up and catch her when she gets up.
I went up stairs around 4:30 am and I feel asleep on the couch. I remember walking upstairs and seeing her purse on the table so I new she hading left yet. Well, I woke up and 6:10 and I'm like, "Oh, shit!" And I look at the table and her purse isn't there and I here a care start so I run outside and I'm like, "Mom I'll come with you if you want!!" Mind you I'm standing outside, in my pajamas and I haven't taking a shower in like 2 days so my hairs all gressy, don't have my contacts in and standing in wet grass in my socks. And my moms trying to explain to me how she needs to go and pick up her co-worker to go to the store. Well, I was quite pissed cuz I didn't want to spend the whole day at home like I have been for the past week. So I went inside and flooped down on my bed. I was about to go to sleep and then my brother comes in with the phone and hands it to me. My mom called and told me to get dressed really quick and she'll pick me up.
I went up in the laundry room to get some pants out of the dryer and their still kinda wet. So I run back down stairs, grab a random shirt and other things and run into the bathroom and I'm trying to get my pants on while brushing my hair while trying to open my contact case. It was quite hard. I get all that done and put my hair up in a pony tail to make it look atleast a lil' but nice and look out my window and my mom is just pulling into the drive way. So I get one sock on and grab my shoes and is about to walk out the door when my brother goes, "Where's Erin going mom?" My mom had gone inside to tell my dad that I was going with her. So, the one little butt-munch I was trying to get away from for the day, had to come along too.
We get to the store, and it had been raining before we got there so the parking lot was all wet. My pants I had on are too long and I forgot to grab my belt so the bottom were all soaked. Get insode, grab carts for discontinued items and backstock items, me and my mom and her other co-worker went to go work on the frozen things. We had to reset about 8 doors of those frezer things. I mean, if you go to a grociery store, where they have like, the ice-cream behind those doors, thats what kinda freezer i mean. Neways, it was so fricken cold when we started. My hands were numb and I kept dropping things which made me laugh which made my stomach hurt so I was pissy. Not towrds my mom or the other gal. Towrds my brother tho.
My brother went with the older gal ,that my mom had to go pick up, and went and restocked baby formula, cat litter, and something else. I don't remember. The frozen thing was going really well for us. People had already come in the month before and worked on it so basically, the things were in the place they needed to be. It's just, after my brother and the one lady got done, my mom got really pissed cuz she couldn't figure out were something had to go and then people were asking her questions. And I was trying to write the ups codes and discriptions of the items on this paper as my mom tlod me too and my brother was poking me. I can't hit him or yell at him cuz theres customers all around so I finally finished and sat down on a milk crate we had there and put my hed in my hands.
I have a problem controling my anger. Not big-time but I was about to blow and push my brother into something and crack his head open. @-@ grr.... He was making lilttle noises later and my mom said, "Either you stop or your sitting out in the car for the rest of the time were here." She said it in kinda a threatning voice and he kept doing it. So I yelled at him, "She put that in a nice way to Shut up!!!" Hah. My moms two co-workers looked at me like, woah. It was funnie.
Well, enough of that. Today we have to go grocery shoppping for my grama. So, after we get that done, we're gonna head up to the Good Wil to look for some cloths for me too cosplay daisuke and satoshi with. I think it should be easy. Then I need to head up to Barnes and Nobles and get Lie74 her prize. Sry I haven't got it yet. My mom wouldn't take me earlier in the week. I still haven't heard from the 2nd place winner yet on what kinda flavor pocky they want. Guess I'll have to wait. Ya?
I started on Nittlergrasper's prize for 3rd place. I only got the basic sketch down now tho. I had to stop a lil bit ago cuz the hair was giving me problems. I mean, Sanzo from Saiyuki's hair is a pain in the ass....thats just my opinion. I can draw it but, it's hard!! lol
I drew a pic of Ed. I already said that but, I'm telling you in detail now!! Mwahahaha. I looked at differnet pics and tryed to make up an origanal drawing for once. I mean, all really you ever see from me is like, I see a screen shot that I like and draw it. So now you all know for a sure I don't trace!! I mean, I know your out there. I know some people think I trace. I know... lol It's not the best picture in the world but, Click Here to see it. I really hope I did his outfit right. I couldn't draw his legs right under his coat so he has no legs. I tried to do a more realistic drawing for once. It didn't work. :D And my scanner killed the shadows in his hair and on his face. Sry!
Me and my brother started just a little stupid cheat site here on myo. I mean cheats for like ps2 games and stuff. Clcik on thy following button to go check it out.
Hah, I have got back into playing Pokemon agian. Ya know, the gameboy game. I have Crystal, Gold, and Sapphire version. I was playing Crystal for like 3 hours in a row. Most of that was just leviling up my Pokemon. I on;y have 2 gym badges. Oh and I'm naming all my Pokemon after DNAngel characters. Well, for the most part. DNAngel characters or japapnese names. I was looking for Sapphire version earlier but, I think I might have accidentily gave it to my 4 year old cousin when I let him borrow my Gameboy advance. I think it's still in good conditon. The game I mean. I think he totaled the gameboy.-_- Cuz I remember one time going over to their house and he had a regular gameboy game called Tom and Jerry in backwords!! ;_; Ah!! Poor gameboy!! I'm just kidding. I don't really care. It's just that my grama spent $70 on that sucker.
I finally learnd how to make a tables layout for a website. So, I'm working on my help site everyday adn trying to make sure all the links work. It's far from done.
I'm sry for all the spelling mistakes. I know their there. It's 2 am and I'm really tierd and don't really care how im typing something. Well, bye bye
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Monday, July 18, 2005
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Sunday, July 17, 2005
Contest winners!!
Hmm...well, I guess I should start off by sayuing who won my contest.
1st place goes to:
2nd place goes to:
Ishigaki Mitsuo
3rd place goes to:
I hope no one is made that they didn't win. I'll pm the winners after I type the rest of this up and tell them what they win. All tho, I think they already know. Oh well. I'm at my gramas house right now but when I get home, I'll make a banner to give to everyone that entered. Ok.
Oh!! I'm so happy!! I went to to show my mom and grama the backpacks they have there and, my grama said she'd buy me and my brother one!! And omg!! It's so cool!! We're both getting the same bag. It's a Fullmetal Alchemist cosplay bag. I think it should be able to fit all my text books for this year!! I'm so happy!! Well, heres a link to see what it looks like. Clicky Here to see it. I do watch FMA sometimes but I'm not a really big fan but, fan enough that I wanted that bag. And plus, Nobody sept my brother will have the same bag at school. I think nobody atleast. I swear, before I gave my brother my backpack to use, about 5 people had the same kind. And color.
Anyways, I added ne fanart. Please go take a look. Both of them were requests. Hope they look ok.
For anyone that didn't come yesterday, I finished my help site. The link is at the bottom of this post. I had to change from Freewebs to Hostultra because Frewebs only lets you upload up to 50 files if you have a free account. And Hostultra is unlimited I belive. Like with my Anti Hentai Club, I did not make the layout. I just recodes some stuff like, the colors. It didn't look right. The link to the site I got the layout from is on my help site so yeah. :p
My grampa's birthday is this Tuesday so, since we go to my grama and pa-pa's house (pa-pa i what we call my grampa) every sunday. We are celebrating it today. So, I'm gonna go eat pie!! lol
And I should be able to get the pictures developed from adventure land soon so, you all can see my hair!! Tho, the sun and he clorine in our pool has changed the red to pink!! @.@ I hate pink!! Ah well. Bye bye!!
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Saturday, July 16, 2005
No one knows...
Well, I hope all of you have been doing fine the past couple days!! I have!!
I guess I should start iff on my trip to Adventure Land Tuesday. So, here we go! We woke up at um... 6 am I think. Around that time. And then we all got ready, loaded up the rental van and headed off. We stopped at Burger King and got some breakfast. I wanted to put my DNAngel dvd in to watch but my mom said to wait till we got more on the road. Oh yeah, the van had a dvd player in it!! So, we ended up putting Linkin Park, Meteora in. Sept, the disc was dirty so it started skipping. -_- It was about 45 min in to driving and we were all bored as hell. So, we put the first dnangel dvd in and watched episodes 1 and 2, skipped 2 and watched the 4th one. So that took up about an hour and a half. Then it took about a hour more to get to the park. Me and Ema got to go off on our own. It was so fun. It was her first trip to a Amusment park so, we took the chair lift to across the park and got on one of the rollor coasters. I did get pictures but, they are not developed yet. Well, I guess I should say that I didn't use all the pictures in it yet. We had a lot of fun. Around 3 we went and got our hotel room and it was friggen huge. compared to what we usually get. I had the regular room with two beds and then it had a little area with a sink and a lil' frige and then across from that was the bathroom. And the shower had a light in it!! lol. I was impressed by that. It was all dark and then the light in the shower was friggen bright!! lol. But anyways, there was a living room thingy that had a desk and a fold out couch and a lil' chair. And both rooms had a tv in it. We went to a pizza hut to eat dinner and, *sigh* I spilled my cup of RootBeer and it was like, full and the table wasn't level and all the pop spilled in my lap. I was so embarassed. It look like i pissed my pants.
We went back to Adventure Land and stade there till like 9 and then went back to the hotel and my mom, dad, my brother, and his friend Ricky swam in the pools they had there. Ema Lee didn't want to swim so we didn't. After they were done swimming, me and ema went and walked around outside and stuff. We came back in and watched Halloween. Ok, they watched Halloween. I fell asleep 45 minutes into it agian!! I don't know what happens after this one part!! Grr!!! Anyways, when we woke up in the morning, we got dressed and got all our things together and put it all into the van and went to go eat breakfast and Village Inn. I had a mushroom and something omelet. I think it was mushroom and bacon. But I can't remember. Then, we got back into the car and drove home. On the way I had my mom put in the 3rd dvd of DNAngel and I watch episode 11 and 12.
Thursday, it was so cool!!! At the Bellevue Library there was this guy that was teaching an Anime lesson!! It was so cool!!! He taugh us about the history of anime and manga and how to draw different things. It was so cool!! He also brought in some of his dvds and he had Akira, Ghost in the Shell, and Robotech. We didn't get to watch them tho, only looked at the case. I drew Dark during the class but I'm not going to scan it in cuz it looks like crap. He dosn't even have hands!! lol
Friday was really univentful. I don't even remeber what happened. Tho I remeber that Thursday night I went swimming and we had to empty the pool so me and my neigboors and brother emptied it. It was fun. But Friday we had to dig out some more dirt aroun the pool area. That was killer. It was like 95 degrees. Then we finished and put the hose in and turned on the water and then started filling it up.
We got done filling it up about noon today. It was so cold!! Me and my dad went swimming. It made me shivver. Then I came inside, and finnished my help site and ate dinner while typing up this.
I'm sry but, I haven't heard from Shippo-Souten yet. She's the other judge. So, I can't tell you the winners to my contest today. I'm sry shippo-souten if that sounded mean. I didn't mean it to.
Oh yeah!! And above how I said I finished my help site, well, Click Here to visit it. And agian, I didn't make the layout. I don't know how to make one yet. Sry!!
I also added new art. Plz go vote on it.
I'm sry I wrote so much. Have a nice rest of the day.
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Monday, July 11, 2005
Pages (73): [ First ][ Previous ] 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 [ Next ] [ Last ]Shortness
This will be a very short post. It's 11: 30 pm right now here in Omaha and I'm updating now because I don't think I'll be able too later.
Tomorrow, I'm probably going to wake up around 11 or noon. Pack my cloths, get some mangas together to read on the way over to Adventure land, then sit on my ass till like 4. Go get the van we are renting, pick up Ema on the way home get me a box of new contacts and be stupid till it's time to go to sleep. Then wake up at like 6 am tuesday morning a leave for Adventure land. And I'll be gone all day Tuesday and probably all day Wednesday.
And I can't tell you who won the contest till saturday. I'm sorry about that but, the other judges and me have things to do. So, I'm sorry. I probably won't update till Saturday anyway.
And Satoshi8990 asked me to put a link up to her fanfiction so more people can read it. When Push Comes to Shove is the story.
And Satoshi8990, I did finish your request but I'm waiting till I finish another request I had to upload it. The other request is taking an uber long time cuz of the outfit i drew and the background. Sorry.
Well, time to go to sleep. My mom wants me to go to sleep halfway early tonight and monday night. Bye bye
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