myO Still <3's You
Saturday, June 25, 2005
if nobodys perfect, and practice makes perfect, why practice?
Time: 5:42 am
Listing To: nothing
Dowloading: nothing
Reading: Nothing
Talking to: nobody
My cats are crazy. No really, they are. I'm sitting downstairs with ema and kit and my cats are upstairs chasing each other and it sounds like their tearing up the carpet. but yeah....enough about that.....
Ema and kit and me have been up all night!! that was random but, oh well. and, um....i doon't know. I'm bored.....
well, so far, i have 1 submission for the contest. well, i have to go and check my inboxes but yeah. i will go check out it after this. god, i can't type. it just took me about 5 minute-ish to type that lil' paragraph cuz i kept messing up. damn it all......
Oh July 3rd, i get to go watch drunken rednecks light of fireworks with blowtorches. hehe, fun. Last year when my family and i went to flamingdragon's uncles farm, they tied3 artillery shells together and then atleast one of them would go off close to the ground. 'sept the only bad part about it is that I have to sit in the back of the van cuz there is only 7 seats and there is 9 of us that are going. Tokijin 63, my mom and dad, kraven, flaming dragon, their lil' bro jake and their mom and dad and me. So yeah. My dad and their dad sit up in the front seats and my mom and their mom sits in the next two seats and kraven, tokijin63, flaming dragon and jake sit in the back seats and i sit in the trunk part. it's a miny van type thingy so it's not like i'm in a actually trunk. uh...........i think that was really confusing. but, i'm tierd and i can't type right. Be glad that Kit is here and saying every little mistake i make. i didn't change must of them tho. oh well....
and once agian, here are the rules and stuff for the contest. I think i might extend the deadline thingy yet agian. so yeah. bye bye for now...
FOr my contest, you have to do something for you favorite anime/manga series.
Here is what you can do
• Fan art
• Fan fiction
• Wallpaper
• A layout for your MyOtaku site
And here are the rules
• wallpapers must be 1024 X 768
• Fan art must be origanal Like, no coping screen caps or other peoples art. And before you start, I know thats what I do but just shut it
• Fanfiction can be as long as you want, can be any rating just make sure there is not a lot of spelling or gramer mistakes and it has to be in english It would be nice if you had it uploaded on Fanfiction.netso I and the other judges can read it there
• Nothing can be yoai or yuri I mean, little jokes about it in fanfictions are okay but, other wise, absolutly, ***NO*** hentai And if you ask why......I hate it simple
Here are the judges
• Me
• Kit Kat
• Ema Lee
• Shippo-Souten
Here are the prizes
• 1st place gets a manga of their choice under $15
• 2nd place gets a box of pocky flavor of their choice
• 3rd place gets a picture drawn by me
And if yu want for the 1st and 2nd place prizes, I don't mind getting/drawing something yoai or yuri. Tho I dislike it with a passion, I know some people like it.
The contest will be over July 5th. thanks for reading this!!and etiher email me at or to enter.
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Thursday, June 23, 2005
I'm feeling way better
Time: 10:31 am
Listing To: Amnisea © Blue October
Dowloading: nothing
Reading: Nothing
Talking to: nobody
Yes, I do feel better. My sun burn ain't so bad now. I just hurts to raise my arms out away from my body and put them over my head. My legs are still white tho!! lol
Well, I kinda gave up looking for that music. If I start looking for it today agian, I might get mad.
Well, um....hmm.... Oh yeah, I was trying to get Windows media Player open before I started typing this and I'm like, okay, where are you stupid thing!! And it was right in front of me when I open the start menu. hen, I couldn't find the playlist I wanted to listen to. I'm like, dammit am I being stupid.
Oh!! I got good news!! WEll, more like good news for my but, whatever!! When I was gonna go join the karate thing down by the back exit of my neighboorhood, well my grama said she'd pay for the first month which was $64. And well, my grama called one the phone yesterday and she said to go use that money to go buy me so books (mangas). And my mom's like, well, she's been asking for the next dvd of DNAngel and I'm like, YES!! I almost jumped up outta my chair. I'm glad that I'm sunburnt on my face cuz that way noboby could tell I was blushing. lol But yeah, I have the choice, my mom said of getting 1 dvd and 1 manga or 2 dvds. I don't know what I want. I mean, we need to use most of the money for food. Cuz we have like $13 on the bank. I know sad but, We get by!! And don't worry, I have $14 so I can get the 1st place winner a manga.
And just for shits and giggles, below are the contest rules...
FOr my contest, you have to do something for you favorite anime/manga series.
Here is what you can do
• Fan art
• Fan fiction
• Wallpaper
• A layout for your MyOtaku site
And here are the rules
• wallpapers must be 1024 X 768
• Fan art must be origanal Like, no coping screen caps or other peoples art. And before you start, I know thats what I do but just shut it
• Fanfiction can be as long as you want, can be any rating just make sure there is not a lot of spelling or gramer mistakes and it has to be in english It would be nice if you had it uploaded on Fanfiction.netso I and the other judges can read it there
• Nothing can be yoai or yuri I mean, little jokes about it in fanfictions are okay but, other wise, absolutly, ***NO*** hentai And if you ask why......I hate it simple
Here are the judges
• Me
• Kit Kat
• Ema Lee
• Shippo-Souten
Here are the prizes
• 1st place gets a manga of their choice under $15
• 2nd place gets a box of pocky flavor of their choice
• 3rd place gets a picture drawn by me
And if yu want for the 1st and 2nd place prizes, I don't mind getting/drawing something yoai or yuri. Tho I dislike it with a passion, I know some people like it.
The contest will be over July 5th. thanks for reading this!!
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Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Current feeling: ANGRY AS HELL!!!!
Time: 9:51 am
Listing To: Crawling © Linkin Park
Dowloading: nothing
Reading: Nothing
Talking to: nobody
I angry, tierd and my back hurts like a bitch. I got surnbured so bad that last night, I couldn't sleep on my back and I woke up like every half hour. It hurts so bad.
Well, it would really help if someone on here could at least tell me were I can get a code for Crawling by Linkin Park. I don't want a midi tho. I want one with words.
Ah, crap.......oh owwwww!!!! I slammed back in my chair just a second ago and damn that hurt my back. Last night, I was laying on my floor watching DNAngel in Japanese and I tried to get up to throw away the apple core that I had been holding like forever and holy shiznit did that hurt. I don't think I'll go swimming today. I mean, the water might feel good and all but, I don't like to wear sunscreen. I just, hate it. But whatever.
I'm gonna go now. Sry for the yelling. Oh yeah, I know that I don't have any ppl so far that entered the contest. Ok I got one or two ppl that told me to look for their entries but anyways, I have to move the 2nd place prize to 1st place. I'm sry, I don't have enough money to get 1st place a dvd. Maybe later this year I'll hold another contest and have first place gets a dvd. I'm sorry agian. I only have $14 and $12 of it is in change. And I extended the deadline thingy to July 5th.
Have a nice day
Edit: Okay, I give up with the song. It's just not my day. I took the stpid ass music video code down and put back up the dnangel song that dosen't even work. Geez am I haveing a bad day. and is still before noon!!Does any one have Yahoo! messenger? Well, I'm bored, and I wanna talk to someone. mines banzaiinu1.
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Tuesday, June 21, 2005
I spread towrn feathers and lay you over them
Time: 12:06 pm
Listing To: Ugly Side, Blue October
Dowloading: nothing
Reading: Nothing
Talking to: my cat XD
Oh I'm so bored. It rained last night so I can't go swimming in my pool cuz my dad said no. Grr.... I just reread a fanfiction tho. And tried reading a new one but I didn't feel like reading any more.
Last night I was looking for pictures that I can draw on my wall. Well, actually, I was gonna draw it in my drawing pad first to show ya'll what I want to do. I think this time after I paint over my fruits basket picture I might get an overhead transparensy and a projecter and do it that way. That is, after I draw the thing in my drawing pad. Ok, I think that was a little confusing but oh well. Here are the characters; (I'm doing the 3 favorite characters in the 3 different animes I like.)
From DNAngel;
(odd combo eh?)
Fruits Basket;
(thats a weird combo too)
Hehe. I really don't have favorite characters in Inuyasha so I'm like, oh just pick them!! lol Well, yeah. Yes in DNAngel, I like krad and Satoshi. It's odd tho. Draks one of my favorite characters too. I'm just weird.
Well, I have thought about those coustums. Ya now the ones I wanted to do of Krad and Dark. Well yeah, I think I might have to wait like, a friggen year. Cuz I want to get Ema her bass and get Kit a lot of Flame of Recca dvds. I also thought a lot about how I'm gonna get the money. So, if I work at scary Acres agian this october, and work the 50 or so hours, I'll get $100. And for my birthday, I'm turing 14 so I'll get $14 from my grama and pa-pa and I think my mom and dad are gonna get my a $100 dollor visa gift card thingy like they did for my brother. So, I will have like $214 if I don't go and spend it on mangas and stuff. I think that will be enough. Cuz I think Ema said the bass she wants is about $150.Or I may be way off.
I don't know why I just typed all that. I was more or less just talking to myself. But whatever.
Oh I think this is a cute picture!!
Well, here is this stupid thing agian Click Here to view. I think I'm always gonna leave this up.
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Monday, June 20, 2005
When the earth comes crashing down, will you be there with me?
Time: 1:45 pm
Listing To: For My Brother, Blue October
Dowloading: nothing
Reading: Nothing
Talking to: Nobody
Well, Our pool is finally filling up with more water. I think and hour or two it should be filled up all the way!! Earlier, I was trying to figure out what clubs I'm in here on MyO (I accidently deleted all the banners i had. oops) and I thought I better go look at the pool. And I'm glad I did cuz the hose had fallen out. And it was on high and yeah...whatever.
My mom is on her way home and shes gonna pick up some food from Taco Bell. Yay!! I haven't ate like, in so long...Well, 7:00 last night ani't that long ago but whatever.
I would like to thank the 1 person who visited my site last night!! Miss Anonynous!! It's actually my fault tho. I don't visit a lot of peoples sites tho and I like updated really late.
Just because I don't think many ppl came to my site last night, here are the pictures I put up.
Here are some manga previews for fruits basket. Sry if these are a lil hard to read.
This is from volume 11 chapter 62
Volume 11 chapter 64. This page deals with Akito and Momiji.
Volume 12 chapter 68. Kyo and Kagura
Volume 13 chapter 75
I hope those wernt to much of spoliers. Sry if they were.
EDIT: this is funnie as hell. Click Here and see!!!!
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Sunday, June 19, 2005
Sunburns and chacolate milk
Time: 9:55 pm
Listing To: American Idiot, Green Day
Dowloading: nothing
Reading: chapter 82 of Fruits Basket
Talking to: Mirokus Daughter
Ah....It's good to sit down. Me and my dad went out in the back yard at like, 2 in the afternoon today to work on getting or pool up, well, we didn't start putting water in it till like 6:30. I wanted to swim in it but, the water is way to cold. I put on the swimsuit top I have cuz it was so hot and now I'm sunbernt. I acctually try to get sunbernt. I like to. But neways, enough babble about that..
I like, have been drinking chacolate milk all day. So yeah...that was random.
My bro, Connor is gine all week at boy scount camp. Sooooooo I get the pool all this week!!! I mean, I think my neighboors might want to come swim during the week but, they can't until after like, 2 in the afternoon cuz my moms not home till then. My mom said that if I wanted to invite Kit Kat and Ema Lee over to swim while shes gone I can cuz we're old enough. Our pool is one of those with the inflatable top rings and it's 18 feet across and 4 feet deep. Woohoo...I coulda sworn that my mom said it was 5 feet deep. But, whatever. It's gonna take forever to fill up tho. We started filling it up and 6:30pm and it's now 10:20pm and there like only 5 inches of water in it.
Aj hit the disk tray with his knee the other day, and well, it is now busted. So I can't rip and more music from cds!! Wah!! I know that some bands like blue october don't want any one ripping or burning their cds, but, oh well. But yeah, and right when I was getting into play diablo 2 agian. grrr....
I don't know what else to say...Oh yea!! To get to your backroom or my guestbook, click on the pictures of either Riku or Dark up in my intro. The one with Riku in it should say 'backroom' and the one with dark should say 'guestbook'. Sry if that confused any of ya'll.
Here are some manga previews for fruits basket. Sry if these are a lil hard to read.
This is from volume 11 chapter 62
Volume 11 chapter 64. This page deals with Akito and Momiji.
Volume 12 chapter 68. Kyo and Kagura
Volume 13 chapter 75
I hope those wernt to much of spoliers. Sry if they were.
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Friday, June 17, 2005
New layout theme thingy
Hey, hope you all like my new layout. DNAngel yet agian. Kit Kats gonna hurt me!! Oh no!! Well, the thing is, she says I change my layout way to much. And I do. But we had a thing that I had to keep it my Inuyasha theme for 1 month. Well, that didn't last. So yeah. She's gonna yell at me now!!
Well.....Um..........I have nothing to say.......Oh yes!!! Thank you Shippo-Souten for helping me!! I know, I said that a lot to you but, oh well!!
Hmm, I hope you all have a very nice day!! Oh yeah!! And if want to enter that contest, you can e-mail me your submissions. So people have entered. And remember, the rules are on the same site with the HTML help I have. 'k?
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Thursday, June 16, 2005
A dagger is easy to dodge from infront but a knife in the back you can't avoid
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Wednesday, June 15, 2005
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From last night and this morning, I downloaded the 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th and 15th volumes of Fruits basket. And oh my god does it get deep. Oops. Sry. But yeah, the have chapters 1-89 (thats volumes 1-15) so they don't have the last volume. Well, at least Tokyopop says there is 15 volumes but yeah. If you go Here, you can download Fruits Basket and a lot more mangas.
Well, um..yeah. Like I said yesterday, I made a contest. Click Here, you can find more out about it!!^^
Oh yes, and while I was reading Fruits Basket, I saw this one panel and I had to draw it!! I drew it without the speech bubbles so yeah. I entitled it, HAIRBALL!!!! Cuz yeah, I still don't really know why Kyo made that face in the manga. I was acctually quite funny about his reaction after that panel. I guess I would be spoiling it if I say what happened so I won't. Heres the pic. I drew it in like, 3 min. I didn't take my time at all cuz I just did it for fun.
I was trying to erase the pencil makes around Yuki's head that I didn't need in the paint program. But...yeah...whatever.
I was bored a while back (I seem to say that alot don't I?) and I drew this. It isnt really accurat now cuz my hair is blonde. I don't even know why I colored the shirt orange. Orange don't really look good on me.
And then the next two pictures, I was just messin around in paint shop pro.
Their basicaly the same picture. Ones just a little darker than the other.
And I was going thru my pictures and here are just some random ones I found. (random, fruits basket ones that is)
Okay, thats it. Really, I mean it!!
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