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myOtaku.com: banzaiinu1

Thursday, June 30, 2005

   Building blocks are fun


Well, i got some help for my post yesterday from lie74 cuz I messed up!! lol

Well, last night i had to go to my cousins 4th birthday party and when my mom and me and my bro were driving over there, it was storming pretty bad. And it didn't help that we were driving straight into the storm with golfball size hail. Seriously, it was golfball size and bigger.

We get to go firework shopping today!! Yay!! I like fireworks.

hm...well i made a new button!! wha ha!! And i also redid some of the things on my site. Like, my intro. I made it so it scrolls. Yeah....amazing isn't it? XP

Well, here's a quiz

Your card is 'The High Priestress'!
The High Priestress! The card of wisdom, peace and

..:What's your personal Tarot Card?:.. ( Anime Pictures )
brought to you by Quizilla

FOr my contest, you have to do something for you favorite anime/manga series.
Here is what you can do

• Fan art
• Fan fiction
• Wallpaper
• A layout for your MyOtaku site

And here are the rules

• wallpapers must be 1024 X 768
• Fan art must be origanal Like, no coping screen caps or other peoples art. And before you start, I know thats what I do but just shut it
• Fanfiction can be as long as you want, can be any rating just make sure there is not a lot of spelling or gramer mistakes and it has to be in english It would be nice if you had it uploaded on Fanfiction.netso I and the other judges can read it there
• Nothing can be yoai or yuri I mean, little jokes about it in fanfictions are okay but, other wise, absolutly, ***NO*** hentai And if you ask why......I hate it simple

Here are the judges
• Me
Kit Kat
Ema Lee

Here are the prizes

• 1st place gets a manga of their choice under $15
• 2nd place gets a box of pocky flavor of their choice
• 3rd place gets a picture drawn by me

And if yu want for the 1st and 2nd place prizes, I don't mind getting/drawing something yoai or yuri. Tho I dislike it with a passion, I know some people like it.

The contest will be over July 5th. thanks for reading this!!and etiher email me at banzaiinu1@yahoo.com or erin@kagome.zzn.com to enter.

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