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myOtaku.com: banzaiinu1

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

   rain is fun


Image hosted by Photobucket.comYesterday.....yesterday was just plain horrible. Ok not as bad as horrible just, crappy.

I woke up at um... noon i think. I staid up till 2 last night. So anyway, I walk upstairs to find my brother cleaning the counter off. I'm like, Oh dammit. I don't want to clean!! Evil cleaning. So we got that done and then my mom came home aroun 1 pm. I went and finally changed outta my pajamas. And then played Pokemon Crystal version. I finally got the move surf. god damn kimono dancing chicks......anyway. My brother and my two neighboors got in the pool and about 3 minutes later there was a clap of thunder. So they got to swim for about 10 more minutes cuz it got bad enough they we're talking about it on the news. ya know how they cut into the shows your watching right as they are at the good point? So they got out and the two ran home and I look out a window in my house that overlooks the circle I live in and I see the Pughs, Kraven, FlamingDragon, their lil' bro, and their parents out there gawking at the sky while lightning is going. And what do me, my brother, and my mom do?! Go out and look to!! And damn was that cool!! The clouds looked really funky. I sould have got the camera and took a picture. The clouds were just barly spinning in different directions over our house. It was kick ass.

But after the Pughs went in my mom started running home and I said, "It's only sprinkling!!" And as I said that it started in a downpoor. I'm like, Oh shit! and started running. But after we got inside, my mom said, "Did anyone check the mail?" Me and my brother look for it and both grab for the keys. I got them and ran out the door with him following. We like to go out in the rain.

Out mail box isn't a normal on that you go to the end of your yard and open the door to it. We have to go across the street and each house has a different slot number and you have a key to unlock your door. And they also have 2 big compartments to put packeges in. And when you get a packege, the mail person puts another key in you slot and you have to open the big compartment and get it out. Well, we had the key in ours and let me tell you, the keys they have suck ass. I'm standin out side, getting drenced by the rain looking like an idiot while trying to get the door open. I couldn't get the key turned enough. I finaly got it as connor was running home to tell mom i couldn't open it.

And what was in the packge you ask? Well just me and my brothers FMA bags!! Boohya!! lol.

I wen to the creek by our house Sunday evning with Connor, Kraven, and FlamingDragon while it was like 100 degrees out. So stupid me, decided, since it's hot outside, cut your old pants to make them short. I don't wear shorts unless they go below my knees so i was a little uncomfortible to begin with. But anyway, all the ggrass and weeds and stff were over grown when we got to the actually big creek part. You have to walk about 20 minutes to get down to the fun part. So we headed back and gah...my foot slipped off a rock by a lil thing of water and I didn't all the way fall in but both my feet were underwater. So since I wore my shoes that collect a shit load of water when you get them wet, I was having a hard time walking. So when we got past the tunnle entrance i took them off. But it was funnie, there was this slime crap all over the cement in the tunnle and FlamingDragon jumpped right on it so he slipped and fell and it look like he shitted himself. I should get a camera and tke pictures of the creek to show you guys. My neighboorhood is so fun!! lol

As for the prizes, I got your manga Lie74 and I got your pocky Ishigaki Mitsuo. I think I spelled that wrong agian. And Nittlergrasper, I inked your pic yesterday so I'll work on colooring it later today. I don't want to work on it now cuz it's 1:40 in the morning.

I still haven't gone to GoodWill yet. My mom said when she gets home from work today since it's s'posed to be cooler in the afternoon she'll take me then. She said we might even look for school cloths there. I don't really mind that. I could care less how much my cloths cost or were i got them.

Well, I'm gonna stop typing now. I need to pee really bad and I need to go to sleep. So bye bye

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