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myOtaku.com: banzaiinu1

Saturday, October 29, 2005



Listening to: Helena (I am obsessed with that song now)
Mood: Angry...

It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness-Chinese Proverb

I say, screw the candle.

I haven't been on in over a week. Sorry. We've been getting out late every night at Scary Acres. Oh and for you guys that I got confused, Scary Acres is the Haunted House I work at.

Last night...hmm...I was just so happy!....yeah....right....

Well, the night started out fine. Other than the fact that I ran into the wall of the changing room. XP Then after we ate we laoded house. Meaning we had to go to our spots so they can open the place. And In the graveyard, where I work at, theres this gallo thing at the top of the hill and they took the dummie off the rope to put in another room but anyway, Theres like a box under the wodden pole and I was sitting on it last night and I felt it give way just a little so I told everyone not to step in the middle of it. And what does Mike do? Steps in the middle of it. And it turks me off cuz I was sitting on that box on thursday and then now everyone is sitting on it so I don't have anywhere to sit by myself up high anywhere.

It seems that nobodys listening to me. CUz they graveyard's cue used to be a horn in the clown room but that broke last week so our cue now is the swinging lights in the texzs chain saw massacre room. And thats the room right beofre the graveyard. So I'll yell light, or group and nobody will move. But then Mike or Ema say it and then they move. I know for sure that I'm saying it loud enough for them to hear it cuz yeah, I know they can hear me.

They also had a profesonal photographer come last night and take pictures of us scaring the groups. Well, him and Ryan, one of the mangaers, were in the graveyard for like 10 minutes so they can here where everybody is at and they got pictures of everyone...but me. I mean, Ryan keeps raving about how good my new spot is in the graveyard, and they skip me! It's so fucked up! I waited for them to come back incase he had a problem with his camera but no. Never did come back. And those were the pictures that were going up on the damn website. They even got pictures of Jessica and she's not even in the graveyard regulary. She's been in there 1 other time except last night.

And then Matt asked Terra out oh what was it, thursday, and good dammit! They won't get friken away from each other. It's not that I'm jelousy, it's just that it's like they think they come first! Like one incidedt last night. Mike, he has diebites (I didn't speel that right) and he was getting the shakes last night well, they were all messing around and shit and terra tried to see if he was okay and Matt tried to pull her make in the crypt. I'm like hello! dipshits! good.... And then Terra was being such a baby about getting makeup on. She hasn't had to get makeup on all month and Angela said she needed to get makeup on for just tonight for the photographer. But she never got it. She kept saying she has a hood on her costume. It's like, who friken cares if you have hood on or not! Their adults and know far better than what to do.

.......And I finally freaked out on them all thursday night..........Everybody keeps thinking I'm Jourdan. Ya know, they phycotic one I was talking about last post. It's really pissing me off. Cuz A) Our costumes arn't the same at all. Her's has white on it. and B) I'm a lot taller than her. And c) I'm skinnier than her. And it's getting freaking annoying! Cuz this one girl opened a door thursday night and it hit me. No big deal that it hit me, it happens all the time but, she's like, Is that Lizzie? (lizzie is Jourdans other name). And the hell of it is, Jourdan was standing right fricken infront of her!! And than after the house lights came on to let us go for the night, I change outta my coustume and was standing by the doorway under the over hang by the steps and I was staring off into space and terra said "Smile Erin!" Then this one Aj dude came like right next to me and sadi "Smile Erin!" And started tickling me. And I don't even know anything about him. Odd how people like to tickle me and I don't even know them. But I was backed into the corner and I head someone say, Is that Jourdan? Thats when I freaked out. I walk down the steps and off into the parking lot by the proproom. And I was yelling at EMily cuz she thought I was jourdan too. So then Toni and Ryan and Nate talked to me and they said they should put with the white make up, "I am not Jourdan!" on my forehead or the back of my neck. That made me laugh. But It's just, I've been putting up with it all month and I finally snapped.

On a happier note, I get to go to the anime club tomorrow. It's our halloween party and there having a cosplay contest. Well, I never really got anything done on my krad costume. oops...the only thing I got is the earrings and the attitiude. lol. But any way, so I'm going to go ask my mom if she can go and takeme to hot topic today so I can get a pair of pants and a shirt then wear my Kyo benie. Yeah...I don't think she'll take me tho cuz my birthday is in um, 1,2,3....ah ha!14 days! yay! and the blue october concert is next saturday!

lol......i just used the on sceen keybord to type that last paragragh nd this one too. he he he.......


Dont you find this odd?
Good Girl or Bad Girl? by PunkRocker207
Good or Bad:Good Girl
You resemble:Pink
You act like:Pink
You are dating:Justin Timberlake
You are best friends with:Everone in Outkast
One word that describes you:Gothic
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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