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Student and actor (at a haunted house)
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Got voted best Veteran and Theatrical female at the haunted hosue I work at
Anime Fan Since
Since Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z
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DNAngel, Death Note, Naruto, Ouran High School Host Club, Gravitation, Saiyuki
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Reading, writing, drawing, and playing my violin
Writing and playing my violin I guess.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Will you lookie that? I'm back!
Actually, I've been back since Sunday night. I just had a lot to do Monday. So anyway, be prepared for a long post. And pictures! Ah yes, ze pictures...Anyway, onto the story!!!
Okay so, Friday morning my dad drove me over to Ema's house around 7 and we didn't leave till noon but thats okidoki. Well, the drive up there to Minniapolis Minnesota wasn't that exciting. We had are times where someone would say something funny but, I can't remember anything really. Once we got up to the hotel, We um...took our stuff upstairs to the 5th level (top level. haha. it was so cool) and sat around for a while. Then if I remember correctly we went to the Mall of America, which was across the street from our hotel. And we stayed there till the stores were closed. I got the 2nd volume of Loveless and a Sketchbook from the Barns and Noble while Ema got the um...neh...I don't remember anymore... Then we went back to the hotel and we read our manga for a while but then I got tierd. I slept on the floor friday night because there were six of us. Ema's sister got to sleep on the cot which was more like an actual twin bed. And Ema and Terra shared one bed and Ema's parents got the other bed.
Then saturday morning I got up, took a shower then me terra and Ema waited in the room a while and then walked around while Ema's parents were in a meeting for something for the choir kids. Oh yea, we went up there becuase Ema's sister, Angela, left there to go to Europe for the Midwest Honor Choir thingy. So yeah. After that we...went to Denny's to eat. I had an omlet. nyahaha. Then after that, Angela got her own room so she left us. Then we went over to the mall once agian. Ema, Terra, and I, I swear, walked around the whole damn mall. Its so big!! We landed at a book store finally. And I got the 5th volume of Cross and the um...damn...i don't remember but I got something else. But then I got both Terra and Ema a manga because I couldn't get anything for them for there birthdays back in May. And all the books in the store were 10% off for I only needed to pay $8.99 for the regular 9.99 books. yay.
Then, saturday night Ema slept on the cot thingy and me and terra shared the bed. It was really funny because we were making fun of Ema because she has a little crush. It's a long story but, we said that we'd put her in a box with him and the box would say "Giggle" on it. We went on for about a hour with that. Then, Ema sat up and me and Terra both though she just had her hair in her face so Terra got up close to her face and when Ema looked up, scared the shit outta her. Ema says she had her hands over her eyes and when she looked up terra was right there. But anyway, she jumped back and screamed a little and she went back so far on the bed that she hit her head really hard on this glass nightstand thingy. Me and Terra couldn't stop laughin. I was so funny. Not that she got hurt but, how scared she was.
Well, sunday morning we went to church service at Central Luthern Chuch in Minniapolis to watch/listen to the Choir that Angela is in sing. I got videos of it but, I'll put them up sometime later. After that we had lunch at the mall and then went back to the hotel to get all our things packed up and put in the car. I took a pillow, a glass, and an ashtray from the hotel room. The pillow becuase it sounded good to have on the ride home, the glass cuz it looked like a glass from the western movies that they use to drink whiskey, and the ashtray becuase it looked werid and my mom and dad could use it.
The ride home was uneventful to. Though Ema's dad missed the Concil Bluffs/Omaha exit that we needed to take to get home...
Here are some pictures...There are too many to put descriptions on soo...I guess your on your own to figure them out. But just to tell you, the first ones of the plants and crap are in Iowa in a rest station. Terra is the one with blonde hair, Ema has black, and I'm the idiot hidding behind the window curtain... The other ones mostly speak for themselves. The church...actually, i think the actually title of the place is Central Luthern Cathedral. Not chuch..oh well. But anyway, all the pictures of it are the bottom ones.
Sorry for not making much sense today. It's 3:20 in the morning and I'm tierd, and not thinking straight really...

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