Baron Samedi
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Sunday, February 6, 2005
I don't like you...any more.
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First, to address my last post's comments: My awesome desktop link has been fixed, so it works fine now :)
Sorry about the whole Win 98 thing rustym, heh. I didn't actually create that myself John. Somebody else made it, and then I had to apply it myself. If you really want to learn how to do it [without having to pay for a program] then IM or PM me...but it takes a fair bit of screwing around, so meh.
As for the WP, I don't know. I found it on da...
Anyway, last night the lady over the road [the one I'm doing the wood for] had a BBQ [barbeque] and such. Her son and his wife, her neighbours, and another lady [her daughter, I think...] where there. One of my mum's oldest friends is the lady over the road's daughter. But not the one I'm not sure about.
Pat is the lady over the road, Christine is my mum's friend [and Pat's daughter], Carl and Hayley are Pat's son and his wife, two neighbours were there, and Lyn who may or may not be one of Pat's children.
Anyway, that was fun. Had sausages, steak, various salads, small pies etc. And for dessert there was trifle [cream, apricot, cakey stuff, jelly stuff and a splash of port] and apple pie. And nobody had any apple pie, so they gave me a great fat piece to take home with me. I'm gonna have it for lunch *gets out of the fridge*
Yum yuuum. Anyway, the trifle was yummy too.
I've done about an hours homework today, and I'm going to start on my Chem assignment...whenever I get off here, lol.
Here is a funny link as a reward for dredging through my crap: Dear Penis
It isn't porn either ~_^ Sorry, Alan. And Azure. And... yeah, I'm sorry everyone.
I'm off to enjoy my apple pie.
Edit: I forgot to insert my rant about not getting a Nifty 50 Award. It felt good that I got nominations [some of them quite unexpected], but y''s just a shame =\ |
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Saturday, February 5, 2005
See the Idiot Walk...
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I'm a lazy bum, so I'm not going to write a long post today :p
Today I downloaded ZoneAlarm, saw an amusing clip, and wrote a 55 Fiction story. Well, I expect that you're checking those links now, so I'll just toddle off. But first, a screenshot of my current desk :)
Because I know you love it.

Oh, and my last post has been edited to suit some dirty, dirty people ;)
Edit: Desktop link fixed :) |
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Friday, February 4, 2005
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Me + 512 Broadband = Joy, celebrations and love to all. Hell, there is even another way we could celebrate... ORGY-FEST! |
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Thursday, February 3, 2005
Broken Bones, Splinted Homes
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Well, here is a quick little post. I'm only going to be online tonight for around 40 minutes, so I'll keep it short.
Lately, my schedule has been...a helluva lot busier than I expected. Each day when I get home, I spend around half an hour eating and you know, talking with my mum or whatever. The unwinding side of things. And then I have been spending...well, from around 4:30 till 5:30 doing homework, whether it be reading stuff in our textbooks, or doing actual homework. And then I've been spending about an hour at the lady over the road's house, carting wood. I've been at it for 3 hours, taken 17 wheel-barrow's full of wood, and I... may be approaching the halfway mark, lol. It's a pretty big job, lol.
But, though this homework isn't that... deadly, I guess, I was doing around an hour a week last year. Yeah sure, I was a slacker, but I'm doing a lot more homework this year already, and it is only day four. I can hardly wait for the weekend, lol. Aside from my routine when I get home, the indoor-hockey season started last night, so that was fun. Rocked up at 6:30, played two games, left around 8ish. Good fun, and I'm really glad that the season is starting again. I'm still doing my situps and pushups, but the running thing [or lack of] meant that after the first 15 minutes, I was just about dead, lol. So, it'll be good to get back into the fitness as well, aside from the fact that hockey is my favourite sport.
Oh, and I'm very glad you all love me. Aside from Alan, but that's different :) |
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Wednesday, February 2, 2005
It's All That Matters
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Well, just letting anyone who cares [=O!] know that I'm still alive. Expect a decent post on the weekend, when I don't have hockey in 30 minutes, don't have to cart wood [11 loads, and not even half done!] and I don't have homework.
Love me lots.
-Josh |
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Monday, January 31, 2005
Diabolic Scheme, My Sweetheart...
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Well, today was my first day back at school, and I can't say I didn't enjoy myself. I didn't wear my hat today [=O] and yeah... I got off the bus, caught up with some friends, and then Yr 11's were handed their timetables in the gym. This year there is 201 of us, so it's a pretty big group. First up I had...err, Physics. So, we talked in that, and our teacher basically said that we don't need to bring any of our workbooks [which we paid good money for!] to class. They're basically only good for home. So, at least there goes a few heavy textbooks, lol.
Then we had recess, where I just wandered around with some of my friends. And then we had Intro Calc, which seems alright [we had to do some work though ;_;], then
we had English [which I'm looking forward to], lunch [where I...wandered around...], Chemistry [with one of my favourite teachers] and then I had Economics, with a new teacher. She seems alright...
It was a decent day, but I really begrudge missing out on my net time. I couldn't believe how much had gone on whilst I was away, lol.
Oh, and last night I watched Edward Scissorhands [really sweet, really amusing movie]. And Marat Saffin beat Lleyton Hewitt to win the Australian Open ;_;
Poor Lleyton. Almost made it. The first Aussie in the Aussie Open in 29 years too =O
Edit: And now I'm off to shift a massive amount of wood for the lady over the road, and maybe get some money! |
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Sunday, January 30, 2005
Monkey In The Middle
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Well, here I am, on the last day of my...six or seven week holidays. And I look back and think "Damn, that went fast".
I'd be tempted to write a really convoluted post about alien abductions, time speeds travelling faster-than-light, and the effect of the metabolism on the world economy, but that would just be pointless. Only a Belgian could understand me.
Therefore, I will write another rambling post! Anyway, as I said, today is the last day of my holidays, and boy, it sure feels like somebody hoodwinked me out of 5 of my 6 weeks on holiday. What have I done? Absolutely nothing. This has been a real holiday for me. I've barely done anything that I'd consider work, and I've spent astoundingly large amounts of time online. What could be better =O
I've probably made... around 100 posts [maybe, I cn't be bothered checking] and I've downloaded somewhere around 600mB [probably more!] of Visual styles, programs, wallpapers...whatever takes up bandwidth. My broadband [Hooray!] will most likely be activated this week [as soon as I'm back at school, of course, lol], which'll be good. Nay, great. 512, here I come!
Oh, and once more, I'd like to direct people towards the Agenda Riddle thread, because that is really fun. Come on, post riddles or... I'll... err. Yeah, just visit it.
I was going to talk about what else has been happening, and what I've been doing, but I really can't be bothered. Last night I got an email form a girl who... I met on Engineerign Camp, and now wants to 'go out' with me. Most of you know about my last long distance relationship, and how that went. I don't want to have a long distance relationship again. Plus, I wasn't ever considering a relationship with her.
And don't look at me like that, because I didn't lead her on, and nothing 'happened', lol.
So yeah, this morning I sent her an email back detailing why. But, thats it...
I'm going to go waste my last day of freedom.
Oh, and go visit my wallpaper and then pimp it too, like that cool cat Alan is. |
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Friday, January 28, 2005
Small world, Martha Third.
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Once again, I fail to bring my 'announced' post to the table. Damn me!
Anyway, I imagine this post will just be a blathery mess, so buckle up.
Yesterday I arranged to have a friend over, so he came over around 10:30 ish, and we played BF:V until my mum came home, around 1 O'clock. Then I needed to go and pick up the rest of ym school books from the school, so we headed over to the other town [where my school is] and after that my mum had some shopping to do, so Peter and I just wandered aorund for about an hour and a half. Dropped by a friends place, loafed around, bought food. The usual delinquent stuff, heh.
Then we had to rush back, because Pete had swim training. He was about 10 minutes late by the time we got back, but it wasn't too bad. Today I've been surfing the Net, and posting a lot in Agenda Riddle, which is proving to be a really enjoyable thread. I swear, I've made like 20 posts in there already :p
And yesterday, I was checking out Who's Online, when I noticed that amgoddess was checking it out too. Naturally, me being the warped person I am, I sent her a PM that went something along the lines of "OMFGWTF, we were both checking out Who's Online at the same time!"
So, from then, we've been sending regular PMs back and forth. And then I saw in another thread that she was Australian. So, form there we started tlaking about where we were, and I lamented that I was about the only WA Ober. But it turns out Okhami is too! So, I PMed her, and it turns out she knows one of the girls from the Engineering Camp. Damn small world isn't it? So I've been chatting with her and Okhami for a while now.
Also, check out Alan, because he linked me without using the word 'incest'. I'm so proud of him ^_^;
lol. I don't have much else to say, really. I've been listening to The Hives all day, and my head is pounding. One of these days I'll get around to Day 2 of the Engineering Camp. |
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Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Take Me Home... The Night's So Dark
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Geez, it's ben a few days since I updated this. Four, I believe. Sorry about that :-p
Anyway, I came home on the bus yesterday. My bus was scheduled to leave East Perth at 8:30, so I got up at about 7:15, planned to leave the house around 7:45. No biggie, I'd packed just about everything the night before, and in the process managed to reduce my carrying load from computer, clothes bag, plastic bag, plastic bag, school bag and soccer-ball down to only computer, clothes bag, plastic bag, schoolbag and soccer-ball. So, my packing is excellent, I'll thank you Cinnamon.
Anyway, we ended up leaving the house at around 7:50. And the traffic out there was terrible. We got to the bus with like, 2 minutes to spare. Thank God for buses never running exactly to schedule. Anyway, I was on that bus from 8:30 until 11:40, or so my schedule said. We had an absolutely jammed bus, and we didn't end up getting to our last stop until 12....which was when my other bus was supposed to have left. But, no fuss, they're all in communication, and besides, around half of their passengers were on my bus :-p
So yeah, we left the Bunbury terminal around 12:10, and I got home at 1:30, only 15 minutes later than I was supposed to. Which is pretty good, I'd say. And I didn't even leave anything behind! But I was on a bus for 5 ours... thank god for mp3 players, lol.
I'll probably do update #2 for the Engineering camp this arvo...also known as 'tommorrow' for anybody who is in America. And perhaps some limited other places too. My mO clock rollover is at 1PM :) |
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Saturday, January 22, 2005
Harder, faster, sleeker...planes.
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Check out my new scheme? Isn't it sexy. 1950's pin-ups, yeah baby, yeah.
And I've dropped from 70 to 71. So, I'm very disappointed in you all. Plus, I was only left 4 comments on my last post. And it took me ages to write!
So, for your punishment today, no post, and bread and water. Feel thoroughly chastened.
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