Baron Samedi
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Friday, January 21, 2005
You fed me a line, I'll probably regret it...
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Well, the Engineering Camp was a blast. I had a really good time there.
Dad woke me up on the Monday at 8AM, and we had to be there by 9AM at the latest. I hadn't packed the night before, and I freaked out when I realised what the time was. We left the house at about 8:35, and as we were driving we tuned into the radio, where they have traffic reports. Mounts Bay Road [the way we needed to go] was blocked. Traffic from end to end. We stuck with the freeway almost until the end, and then turned off and went around through the 'back-door' around the backof Kings Park, and came down through the rear-entrance to Currie Hall [the Uni's official boarding place].
At almost exactly 9AM, lol.
The first while we spent at a Welcome and Introduction type thing, which was pretty cool. We watched a Powerpont Presentation, which kind of covered you know, Rules and what we'd be doing. We were also handed some timetables and stuff like that [which I am consulting now, so that I write everything in order].
We then had morning tea [muffins...mmmm] and then got stuck into the Icebreakers.
There were 100 students there, and obviously such a sized group is too big to effectively handle, so when we got our ID tags, they had a coloured strap. I got lucky, and didn't get grimy green, boring blue, gawdy gold or rabid red. Instead, I got Black. Go Black Team.
Anyway, we all sat and introduced ourselves etc. and then had the usual kinds of embarasing activities designed to get people talking. Animal sound pairing, human knot etc. You get the picture. It was fun though.
We had two team leaders, Aaron who studies... *forgotten* and Jason, who wasn't actually a student but running the UWA Motorsport team. They were both awesome guys, great to talk to, and pretty funny. After we finished the icebreakers, they took Black Team over the road to the Uni, where we went on a tour around the grounds and had a look at where everything was [with special attention to the Engineering Departments of course, lol]. Then we had lunch at 12:30 [hot-dogs and chips...mmmmm] before heading off to our first group activity.
M1 was on our timetable, and it is "Engine Dismantling and Assembly". Anyone who knows me well would realise exactly how excited I was about that.
Not very. Anyway, we had to dismantle a 4 stroke engine, and then put it back together and get it to run. I was with a guy called Lachlan, and another dde [who's name I later found out was Jeff]. At that stage I didn't really like him too much though...he just didn't feel like my kind of person. Anyway, we did the engine thing with a minimal amount of trouble. We had afternoon tea [mmmmm... biscuits and soft-drink], before heading over to the Motorsport shed to check the cars out.
Each year UWA students produce a racing car, which they enter in various competitions. UWA is a world-leader in Motorsport, and they've even taken a car to the Detroit Motor Show and placed 13th out of 140 odd cars. Anyway, the cars were these low little jobs [like a beefed up go-kart...but imagine a 200kg, 140km/hr in 6 seconds Go-Kart] and they looked mean. You sat in them, and you were about an inch and a half off of the ground.
After that we had free time for about 45 minutes. I think I went to the games room and played a bit of table-tennis, and watched Foxtel.
Then we had dinner [something else yummy], and then we had some old UWA graduates come in to talk to us about wha they were doing. One was a Process Engineer [otherwise known as Chemical Engineers], one was a Petroleum Engineer [developing machinery and tunnels etc. for oil rigs] and the other was an Electronics Engineer. So, we talked to them for a while. And then I went to bed.
And thats where I'll leave it for now. I need material for the next few days ;) |
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Sunday, January 16, 2005
Worms Vs. Birds
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Seeing as lots of people are having the utmost of difficulty getting through my index page, use this instead. From here you can navigate to the rest of the site.
I am very sorry that it isn't quite working right. I might have to, err, change some stuff. The w3 validator doesn't find anything wrong with my index source though... I don't know why IE is playing up, especially people's reports of being able to access it, and then not.
It just is annoying.
Oh, and some lyrics from Modest Mouse [my post title is from that too]
Worms Vs. Birds
Self pity, me so pitiful
You can see that birds and worms don't get along
Self righteous, me so wrong
You can see that we don't have to get along
Self pity, me so pitiful
You can see that birds and worms do not agree,
And we will crawl
I really like that song, for some absurd reason.
Editness: It is 9:53PM, and here I am, back from dinner at a restaurant, and seeing Ladder 49. What a great movie. I loved it. John Travolta is a sterling actor, and I really enjoyed this movie. It reminded me a lot of Backdraft...if any of you have seen that. It's a rather old movie.
Last night I didn't get to bed until 3AM, and I woke up at 10:30 this morning. The 15th of January is the Old New Year [celebrated by Russians, who my stepmother is], and for some reason they still celebrate it. My dad says it is because Russian's love to get together and get drunk... and I'd tend to agree with him, lol. So, I sat there for like 3 hours [at the Russian party...did I say that? Probably not...], and talked to this great guy, who was Australian and was drunk, and he was pretty fun to talk to. And I talked to these two other friends of my dads, one who owns a signage business [1 year anniversary next week], and one who owns a... hhmmm. How can I put this. A kind of all round graphics company, that produces you know, business cards and shit like that. They were pretty cool.
Dad and I came home around 11:30, and played Battlefield until around 2:30, lol. So that explains my late night. I've been getting real good at Battlefield lately, and so has dad. We normally get Top 10 placings, and more often than not I'm in the Top 3, though he's had quite a few times in the top as well. So, now I'm going to go and play Battlefield, lol. It will be my last hit for a while, as tommorrow morning until Thursday night I will be on that Engineering Camp I told you about before. So, yeah.
Keep your chins up; I'll be coming back ^_^; |
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Saturday, January 15, 2005
Scream it from the rooftops...
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Friday, January 14, 2005
Treason to trick the mind.
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MoveableType, also known as Bitch, is proving a pain in the ass. Except for that, LSN is ready to launch. But my blog is the main thing on the site, so.... yeah.
I'd appreciate any offers from people to do the entire thing for me, because it is really fucking me off.
As in, really, really annoying me.
But in more pleasant news... err, ask Alan.
;) |
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Thursday, January 13, 2005
The day rolls around.
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Well, today was interesting, lol. There was a really long chat, which started because I wanted people to join my clan.
If you play any PC based FPS online, and you find yourself lacking a clan, email me.
Anyway, i got a fair bit of work on [LSN] done, and I started to work on setting up MT [thanks very much to Alan for all of his invaluable help so far].
I'm planning and hoping to have it operational tommorrow or the day after. But we shall see what we shall see. I had to muck around a lot with the server. Alan is on a Unix server [or maybe they all are, lol] and it is case-sensitive, which equals about an hour changing all these things so that it would work right. Alan says my site is 'ok', but I don't think he's really impressed with it. Contrary to me, who is utterly wrapped with it. Aah well. As he said, its what I think that matters as I'll spend the most time looking at it :)
But I don't think anyone will be disappointed with it.
Anwyay, its almost half past 12, and I'm tired. So I'm going to bed. 'Night everyone ^_^; |
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Dilemmas Begone.
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I haen't been online at all today. Well, aside from right now, lol, but yeah. At 7:30 I got up, and at 8:10 I woke Dad up so we could go for a bike ride. We got back...around 10 ish I guess, and messed around with the new RAM I bought for my computer, but we couldn't get it to work. By process of elimination we were lead to believe that two of my RAM chips didn't work together. We also plugged my video card back in, but that was still making funky noises. So, we spent aout 40 minutes phoning around for RAM, and anybody wh could fix the fan on my card. The fan was...uneen, and was rubbing against a spot on the central shaft, causing that droning noise I said about. Some techs said it could last for months, some said it could burn out, fuse my ports and kill my computer.
Anyway, Austin computers ripped us off before, so we went to Tang, where Dad had bought my new RAM stick the other day. Anyway, they are a great store...a lot more professional, a lot quieter and a lot more willing to work for your dollar. This great guy there worked on my comp for about half an hour...trying different RAM combinatios etc., but it didn't work. So, the most my comp can handle, without a BIOS update is 512mb. I guess I'll just stick with that.... next year my Dad is gonna buy me a 1337 laptop. Anyway, I ended up getting a new video-cad which works fine now... and like my old one it has TV-out. So, now that I can play BF:V and seeing as I've got TV out, my Dad decided to hook it up to his massive widesceen TV. So, outside my door in the living room is this widescree TV with Battlefield paused on it, whilst I type this up. It's pretty good for BF:V, but you dn't wanna have to read text on it >_<
Anyway, thats where I am right now. Hope you enoyed this post :p |
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Tuesday, January 11, 2005
You wasted life...
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Well, I've spent just about all day. chatting, and listening to music courtesy of Tony and Alan.
And I've been browsing Penny Arcade, which let me bold it for you, is the best web-comic I've ever seen and I love it. So damn funny.
Anyway, it seems that Dad's router was the problem. It had a problem with connecting and stuff, so anyway, we brought a new one. But, my mum has finally said yes to broadband, so it's going to be mine. Yes folks, I will soon have broadband. I am so happy... it's taken long enough, lol. My mum is mailing my video-card down too, so I'll get that replaced/repaired whilst I'm here.
I've wasted so much time here. Essentially two solid days online, sitting slumped in this bloody chair, lol. At least it is leather and comfortable :-p
See that! Thats me using AIM smiley shortcuts. It is a vile contaminant, lol. Anyway, I'm feeling alright. Yeah, I'm doing good. I really need to work on [LSN] some though. My slide into apathy is killing it off, and I need to force myself to do it as soon as possible. I guess I'll go and work on it some...and look at Penny Arcade...
Iyeh. Wish me luck ^_^; |
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Monday, January 10, 2005
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Of course you count Mimmi. You have a cake avatar, you must count o_O
Heh. Anyway, I don't even want to tell you what shit I've been going through. Partway through last nights browsing, as Alan will know, the net shut down on me. or rather IE [on my dads comp]. I kept on being redirected. I swear it must be a virus. So, I haven't been able to get online at all for...wlel, today. But I have been screwing around so much to fix it. I've been connectin and disconnecting my computer from the system, getting information and programs [Firefox, AVG etc.] and carting them onto my dads computer, trying to fix the problem. Anwyay, I don't know the exact problem yet, this is the first I've been able to access the actual Net all day. Thank God.
Anyway, I'm happy. Tell you all more later ^_^; |
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Sunday, January 9, 2005
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One comment? Bah. You're all stingey :p
I'd tell you more about my trip, but I'm so disappointed in you all...

Sciros...banned? |
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Thursday, January 6, 2005
Away, Bullseye!
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I'll be offline for about two days...I'm going up to dads, but spending a night in Mandurah first. No, make that two nights.
Anyway, I've got stuff to pack and whatever. I'll see you all later. Sorry this post was so short. The Nifty Fifty took up much of my post time.
And Tyrannosaurus Hives is an AWESOME album ^_^; |
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