Baron Samedi
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Tuesday, January 4, 2005
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I have you now Charles ;)

Haha. Anyway, I'm sorry that I don't post very interesting posts most of the time. I feel that sometimes you must feel a tad ripped off when you visit my site, heh. I was going to make a proper post today, but I don't really want to now. Worry not, things will look up in the future, heh.
Thanks for visiting. I do appreciate it. |
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Monday, January 3, 2005
AIMing it.
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Random chat which felt like the third degree. But, hey, I'm bored.
seriphsoul: hey
BaronSamediOB3: hey
BaronSamediOB3: How are ya?
seriphsoul: pretty good, you?
BaronSamediOB3: Orright, yeah.
BaronSamediOB3: Doing anything?
seriphsoul: not really
BaronSamediOB3: Cool.
BaronSamediOB3: Did you give me your OB username last time?
seriphsoul: i don't think so
seriphsoul: its sirinity43702
BaronSamediOB3: Ok.
BaronSamediOB3: Cool
seriphsoul: I don't have any of my fan art up yet though.
BaronSamediOB3: Ok.
BaronSamediOB3: Why not? No scanner?
seriphsoul: Its not working right.
BaronSamediOB3: Ok
BaronSamediOB3: That sucks
seriphsoul: for real
BaronSamediOB3: =\
BaronSamediOB3: I don't even have one, lol.
seriphsoul: haha
BaronSamediOB3: But if I did I'd trade it for a digital camera
BaronSamediOB3: XD
seriphsoul: the pics are on my comp, but they were the wrong size, so i have to rescann them. but the scanner dosen't work now
BaronSamediOB3: Ok
seriphsoul: your from austrailia, right?
BaronSamediOB3: Yah.
BaronSamediOB3: You?
seriphsoul: the us, pennsylvania to be exact.
seriphsoul: What part you from?
BaronSamediOB3: Oh, thats right ^_^
BaronSamediOB3: Uuh, Sotuh west Western
BaronSamediOB3: South*
seriphsoul: Your town got a name?
BaronSamediOB3: No :-P
seriphsoul: haha
seriphsoul: what color are your eyes?
BaronSamediOB3: ... Brown... o_O
seriphsoul: mine are blue. Every one has brown eyes.
seriphsoul: no offense
BaronSamediOB3: :-P
seriphsoul: how tall are you?
BaronSamediOB3: ...
BaronSamediOB3: 175cm I think.
BaronSamediOB3: Or 165
BaronSamediOB3: Not sure
seriphsoul: can you translate that to feet?
BaronSamediOB3: Uum. About 30cm in a foot.
BaronSamediOB3: I'm aboput 5 something
seriphsoul: well thats a switch. every one else is 6' somethin
seriphsoul: i'm lucky if i'm 5'
BaronSamediOB3: lol.
BaronSamediOB3: Like I said I'm not too sure what I am.
BaronSamediOB3: About 170cm though.
seriphsoul: hmm...oh well. I ask every one, just curious.
seriphsoul: you have any pets?
BaronSamediOB3: *feels like he's being given the third degree*
seriphsoul: sorry
BaronSamediOB3: Uuh, yeah, a dog.
BaronSamediOB3: :-P
BaronSamediOB3: You?
seriphsoul: yeah, a dog, 2 cats, and 42 fish
BaronSamediOB3: o_O
BaronSamediOB3: Thats a lot
seriphsoul: I breed them for shows
BaronSamediOB3: What kind>?
seriphsoul: Fantails, shubunkins and koi
BaronSamediOB3: I'll take your word for it :p
seriphsoul: haha
BaronSamediOB3: lol
BaronSamediOB3: So, whats Pennsylvania like?
seriphsoul: We have summer, winter, spring and fall. alot of festivitites. There is alot of land in places.
seriphsoul: Don't get too much rain.
seriphsoul: don't get too little either.
BaronSamediOB3: Heh
seriphsoul: whats it like down your way?
BaronSamediOB3: We have Summer, Winter, Winter and Winter. And we have lots of rain, and not much temperature most of the year, but never cold enough for snow. In Summer it's normally pretty good though, but not close to the sea. Small town, less than 5000
seriphsoul: How warm dose it get in summer?
BaronSamediOB3: About 40c would be the max.
seriphsoul: that would be 70 here, ours get up to about 60c
BaronSamediOB3: Ok
seriphsoul: Its too cold for me down there, couldn't deal with the cold, and no hot hot summer
seriphsoul: When did you first gt into anime?
seriphsoul: *get
BaronSamediOB3: I'm not, lol.
BaronSamediOB3: What about you?
seriphsoul: I like anime, why are you on the otaku?
BaronSamediOB3: For the discussion, lol.
BaronSamediOB3: I visited it in 2001 when looking up Pokemon stuff. ame back on one boring day in May of 03.
BaronSamediOB3: Stayed for the discussion, heh
seriphsoul: thats one way to do it.
BaronSamediOB3: lol
seriphsoul: you play any video games?
BaronSamediOB3: Uuh, some PC games, and SPyro, but thats it, heh. You?
seriphsoul: Final fantasy, matrix, and other little games. Morrowind and doom on the comp
BaronSamediOB3: Morrowind is cool :-)
seriphsoul: I'm just starting it.
BaronSamediOB3: Ok,
BaronSamediOB3: Where are ya up to?
seriphsoul: ...The fist town.
seriphsoul: Not very far....
BaronSamediOB3: Ok.
BaronSamediOB3: What doi you mean, Balmora or...the uuh, other place, lol
BaronSamediOB3: Seyda Neen
seriphsoul: Balmora
BaronSamediOB3: Ok, cool.
BaronSamediOB3: Found Cassius yet?
seriphsoul: nope
BaronSamediOB3: Want to know where he is, lol?
seriphsoul: yeah
seriphsoul: who is he?
BaronSamediOB3: When you first come down the stairs from the Silt Strider, turn right and cross the river.
seriphsoul: ok
BaronSamediOB3: Go as far as you can [up the stairs etc.] and turn left. At the end of this terrace, the door on the right is Cassius's
seriphsoul: ok, thanks
BaronSamediOB3: I haven't eben played it for months. I'm surprised I remember, lol
seriphsoul: haha, you'd be surprised some of the things you remember
BaronSamediOB3: lol, yeah
BaronSamediOB3: I got up to the stage where all I had left was Dagoth Ur, but got bored and stopped playing. Goodbye 200 hours of gameplay or whatever, lol
seriphsoul: thats alot
BaronSamediOB3: :-P
seriphsoul: how do you get money?
BaronSamediOB3: Uum. Kill bandits, do quests.
BaronSamediOB3: I'm not really sure.
BaronSamediOB3: Oh, sell stuff.
seriphsoul: ok
seriphsoul: I die all the time though.
BaronSamediOB3: :-P
BaronSamediOB3: Really? Why?
seriphsoul: No good game skills
BaronSamediOB3: lol.
seriphsoul: I'm not exactly trained in the art of gaming
seriphsoul: I try but fail.
BaronSamediOB3: lol. Poor you, heh.
BaronSamediOB3: I only died a few times when playing.
seriphsoul: I'm gonna die, yep
BaronSamediOB3: heheh
seriphsoul: not a good gamer.
BaronSamediOB3: Aah well
seriphsoul: easy for you to say
BaronSamediOB3: lol
BaronSamediOB3: It is :-P
seriphsoul: grr...
seriphsoul: you speak any other languages?
BaronSamediOB3: No, lol.
BaronSamediOB3: You?
seriphsoul: yes, german
BaronSamediOB3: COol.
seriphsoul: Its ok, but its fun atleat
BaronSamediOB3: Yeah. it sounds cool.
BaronSamediOB3: What music do you listen to?
seriphsoul: all but rap
BaronSamediOB3: Ok
seriphsoul: you?
BaronSamediOB3: Pretty well much anthing bar country.
BaronSamediOB3: lol
seriphsoul: you don't like country?
BaronSamediOB3: Not reallyt, heh
seriphsoul: How many class periods do you have a day?
BaronSamediOB3: 5
BaronSamediOB3: You?
seriphsoul: 10, how long are yours?!
seriphsoul: 11
seriphsoul: sorry
BaronSamediOB3: About an our.
BaronSamediOB3: hour*
BaronSamediOB3: You have 11 periods a day? WTF?
seriphsoul: you only have 5?!
BaronSamediOB3: 11 is insane.
BaronSamediOB3: How long are your periods?
seriphsoul: 50 min.
BaronSamediOB3: 50x11-550minutes of school a day
BaronSamediOB3: ...
BaronSamediOB3: Thats more than 6 hours o_O
seriphsoul: school stars at 7:30, we get out at 2:45
BaronSamediOB3: o_O
BaronSamediOB3: School starts at 8:40 and we get out at 3:15
seriphsoul: haha! you guys hardly go at all.
BaronSamediOB3: There is only half hour difference :-P
seriphsoul: But how do you have 5 and we have 11?
BaronSamediOB3: Do you eat?
seriphsoul: yes.
BaronSamediOB3: lol.
seriphsoul: you don't?
BaronSamediOB3: Yeah we do./
BaronSamediOB3: We have 20 min recess, and 35 min lunch
seriphsoul: WHAT GRADE ARE YOU IN?!
BaronSamediOB3: 10
BaronSamediOB3: But this year I'm in 11
seriphsoul: And yall goy recess?!
seriphsoul: We lost that in 7
BaronSamediOB3: Hahahahahahahaha. We all know America sucks ;-)
seriphsoul: for real
BaronSamediOB3: XD
seriphsoul: ...-_-
BaronSamediOB3: Aaaw, just kidding.
BaronSamediOB3: You have cheerleaders: I'm jealous
seriphsoul: -_-.....they are all blonde bimbos
BaronSamediOB3: Your point?
BaronSamediOB3: XD
seriphsoul: typical male....
BaronSamediOB3: LOL
BaronSamediOB3: Kidding, heh.
seriphsoul: O_O
BaronSamediOB3: ...
BaronSamediOB3: What?
seriphsoul: oh, sorry, that was for pogo
BaronSamediOB3: Pogo...
seriphsoul: i be back in a few, my b/f is callin, ok?
BaronSamediOB3: Yah
seriphsoul: lata
seriphsoul signed off at 8:25:17 AM. |
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Sunday, January 2, 2005
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Curse IE, curse Firefox, curse HTML and curse CSS.
Yes folks, I've been working on LSN. In fact, today, I re-did all of my images. Yep, every single one of them. And now I'm a bit stuck with something... when I have "background attachment: fixed" in the container block, it works how I want in IE. When I don't, it works how I want in Firefox...
Blah. *goes looking for Des* |
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Saturday, January 1, 2005
Du Hast
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I've been wasting the last several hours on an AIM skin, which was fun. I haven't finished it yet...but it is coming. Slowly, heh.
Once I've finished that, I'll probably finish [LSN]. And then I don't know. But thats enough to keep me going for some while yet, heh.
I was in an AIM chat for a while too, sorry to everyone there for my sudden disappearance, heh. My mum wasn't actually that against me being in there after all, but yeah...anyway, it gave me more time to work on my AIM skin ^_^
[Which, BTW, when I've finished I may distribute].
So, be ready for that sometime, heh.
Hope you all partied hard, or are going too. Shin still has a few hours until D-Day I think XD |
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Friday, December 31, 2004
From a futuristic world...
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Welcome to 2005.
It seems weird that here I am, in the cool New Year, and you're all still stuck back in 2004. Hah!
Moving right along, I was just planning to have an early bed last night: Generally New Years isn't big for me, especially as I don't party ;)
But I ended up sitting down to watch a video with my mum at about half-past nine, and that didn't finish until 11:30. So, then I decided I may as well situp until the death-knell, heh.
And I welcomed 2005 in, wrapped in my dressing gown, on my back verandah.
So, yeah, wild riots and partying from me. As I said in my last post "Don't get drunk and have children".
And I didn't. I feel so restrained. My self-control is indomitable.
... OK, enough with that. Hope New Years goes good for you, and that 2005 is a great year all around :) |
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2005, here we come.
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Happy New Years to you all.
I would make a proper post, but really, the effort exceeds me.
I'm gonna go watch Joe Dirt.
What an unexciting post considering it will be my last for 2004.
Thankyou to everyone here who visits my site, thankyou to James and Adam for running it, thankyou to Justin for his technical skills in keeping this running smoothly, and thankyou to everyone who has taken the time to speak with me and make me feel involved.
But I hate you if you didn't >_>
Happy New Years. Don't get drunk and have children. |
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Thursday, December 30, 2004
Every second is a blur in history.
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Monday, December 27, 2004
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Well, right now, I'm on the Net at my Nanna's.
So, I guess some of you might want to know what I've done, or what I got?
Well, lets see. I'll start on Christmas morning... as per usual, I woke up at 6AM, and was the first one up. I wrote my mums card [o_O] and did that, and then settled into watching TV, thinking everyone would surely be up by 7AM.
Around 8AM, my cousin came out, and sat down to watch TV with me.
Around 9AM my other cousin came out. Around then too, out came my mum, my aunt and my uncle.
At 9:50AM we started opening presents. Yes, I was waiting for almost 4 hours for everyone to get up :p
I can't remember exactly which presents I opened when, so I'll just tell you them all when I get to the 'Second Opening', lol.
Anyway, we left the house at 11:10AM, and my aunt, mum and I went to my grandparents house [in my aunts blue PT Cruiser whoo!] to pick them up, and head over to the Metro Inn where we were having Christmas lunch. I ate so much there. It got to the stage where I couldn't actually finish this last mouthful of cheesecake [quite literally a small mouthful], because I thought I'd throw up. But damn was it delicious ^_^
I had some salmon, some lasagne, some fried rice, some more fried rice, some potato salad, some pumpkin soup, more potato salad, two bread rolls, some prawns, fruit salad, and a slice of cheesecake. And a few glasses of water. I love Christmas lunch.
And then we went back to my Nnan and Grandad's and opened the rest of our presents. So, what'd I get?
I got the second books in two series [I'd gotten the first books for those two series for my birthday], 3 pairs of boxx0rs, 3 excellent shirts, binocular/torch set, book-light, Tyrannosaurus Hives by The Hives, Mutter by Rammstein, a hoodie and... something else. Maybe. I'm not sure, lol.
Anyway, this was a pretty good Christmas. I also did other things, such as playing Spyro: Year of the Dragon, going to the beach and digging me and my cousin into a hole, having a delicious Boxing Day dinner last night, and other stuff.
But really, do you expect me to type all that up as well?
Oh, and I'm reading LOTR again. But I only got out Books I and III from the library ;_;
Oh well. Happy Post-Boxing Day :p |
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Friday, December 24, 2004
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Thank God for internet access. Shame that my mum would rather I wasn't on here. So, I'll take the chance to wish you all a Merry Christmas [for the umpteenth time] and I'll come back and gloat about all of my presents soon enough. |
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