Baron Samedi
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Thursday, December 16, 2004
A dingo has stolen my baby!
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You would not believe how pissed off I was...oh, a scant two hours ago. Actually, it began last night at around 7pm, but let me try and order this...
My mum wanted to go on the computer, so she could read her emails and stuff. Anyway, I'm out in the Lounge room watching...the news, or something. Anyway, I hear my mum say "What on earth is that noise?"
I come into the bedroom and my mum is looking around. There is this terrible droning, whirring kind of noise. Pretty loud too. It sounded similar to... a whippersnipper on neutral. You know what I mean? Anyway, I listen around...and its coming from my computer. My mum freaks right out [lol] when she realises this, and tells me to turn off the computer. In her mind, when stuff makes weird sounds, you turn it off and don't touch it. Like that'd ever get people anywhere, lol. Anyway, I... wasn't sure what it could be, so I restarted my computer.
Hardware monitor found a problem. Of some sort. Anyway, that meant jackshit to me [aside from the fact that temperature ranges were in the red for something ;)] so I shut down my compuyter, and then my mum forbade me from doing anything with it that night. So, I unplugged everything, pulled it all out and vacuumed behind it. I thought it was necessary, but also I'd been meaning to do it for a long time, as well as organise all the cords behind it. Anyway, this morning from 6:15 until 6:55 I'm tying cords, and plugging it all back in. Once I finished doing that, I press the Power button and that same droning starts again.
I turned it off right away.
According to my mum, I was in a foul mood all morning. I was looking at a dreadfully boring holidays. No games, no music, no OB, no mO, no email, no MSN. No nothing, basically. Anyway, when my mum left for work I decided to fiddle around again [after being warned not to short-out the house, burn it down or blow it up]. Anyway, I looked at stuff for a while, and then decided maybe it was my CPU in danger? So, I pulled off the cover [second time I've done this with any computer, and the first computer I did it with was old, not mine, and broken anwyay]. I plugged it back in and turned it on. The fan went, but that sound was still there. So, I decided to try and take the fan+cover off the CPU block to try and get out the dust behind it. I had to drag out the Power Supply to get to it though. And to do that, I had to move the CD drive. And to do that I needed to prise the front off of my computer. So, I did that, and left my CD drive half hanging out...enough room to get the Power Supply out.
I then unscrewed the fan and pulled it out, vacuumed behind it [on the block]. Pretty thick with dust. Screwed the fan back on, and just plugged the power cord into the Power Supply [which was sitting on the floor next to my computer at that stage, lol]. Still the same damn noise. More swearing from my direction. Then I listen closer...and discover, that my video-card is actually making the droning.
In short, I have now got my video-card sitting on the desk next to me, and my video-cord plugged into my old video card [thankfully it is inbuilt on the motherboard].
And no cover on my computer. Front or side.
But it works. And the holidays are looking better....but, in all likelihood, no games. Still.
Something is better than nothing. I was gonna update about my pissed-offedness about fucking around with my LSN design, and how Alan didn't like it. But, I shall save that for another day :p
Time to finish that homosexuality thread post I started last night...
[I think I use the word 'anyway' too much...] |
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Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Do you feel....attractive?
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I have simply decided "screw it". I am re-doing [LSN]. The thing about creating [LSN]#1 is that now I know more about how to code, and what I want, and how it I have decided to design my whole site using CSS [screw tables, even though my original design had minimal use of them] and make it as good as I can, aiming for validation too.
God, I am so ambitious. Below this is a nice little rant I borrowed because I thought it was so good. So, read that too.
All the way with Konsumer K![ulture] |
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Its Wunderbar
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Stolen from a great site.
What’s the ugliest pattern you’ve ever seen? Close your eyes, I’ll remind you. Start with an unfashionable color, add a poorly executed two-letter-combination logo and top if off with some clip art flowers. Can you picture it?

If you live in New York, you see this pattern everywhere. Everywhere. The subway, the elevator, and chances are, your apartment. Thousands of them line the walls and ceilings of shops down on Canal Street where you can buy movies on DVD two weeks before they hit theaters. You can buy baby turtles, Rolex watches and silk kimonos in all sizes. You can buy a $5 CD clearly labeled Jay-Z “The Black Album” although chances are when you hit play, it’ll be “ABBA’s Greatest Hits”. And you can buy 100% authentic Louis Vuitton replica handbags.
OK, maybe this isn’t the ugliest pattern you’ve ever seen. It sure isn’t the worst design you’ve ever seen. But this bag costs over seven hundred dollars. Seven Hundred F***ing Dollars! People buy bags for seven hundred dollars? Granted, 4 out of 5 of these that you see are fake, but you can buy 25 of these bags for the same price and have gifts for all of your friends.
“So I have this business plan. I’m going to sell leather purses at a 6,000 percent markup to rich people.”
“Cool, I’m going to do the same with coffee”
That conversation can never happen without branding. I know, you’re sick of brands. Brand this and brand that. You’re sick of the word and sick of the idea. Old school graphic designers and purists make fun of the word “brand”. It happened to me the other day. That’s just fine. “AIGA”, that’s a brand. “Pushpin” is a brand. I’m pretty sure “The New York Times” is a brand. Get over it. They’re all brands and they all use branding. Louis Vuitton is a great BRAND.
So, what are you buying for seven hundred dollars? It certainly isn’t the leather, although I’m sure it’s flawless. It really isn’t the bag that people are shelling out the cash for. It is the lifestyle, the envy, the feeling of success and accomplishment. The name, the identity, the image of sitting in the middle of Ducasse sipping tea. Lounging by the pool with Mommy and Philippe. Walking Muffy on Park Avenue. It is a Harry Winston necklace, Mikimoto pearls and having the driver pull the car around. It is a presidential fundraising luncheon. It is everything, all rolled into a seven hundred dollar bag.
Too true, as well. So, how do you all feel about branding?
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Tuesday, December 14, 2004
But she's shaking like a, REVELATION!
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I thought I'd show off, and be all '1337' with my fancy designer links.
So, here is a link. It is teh cool. Go, watch. Comment. Shut down your connection, and visit my page again. Yeah, thats right. I'm breaking it down.
So, to the ultimate quiz question.
What is cooler than a transformer, but transcends the thrill associated with high-speed driving?
Why, a dancing Citroen of course. More information here.
And on a side note, today we had our last assembly of the year, and I got the Science award. This means, that out of my whole year, I had the best marks for Science. Cool. Science never used to be my forte...but I guess it is now. And during 25th period [a free period] I went to the pool with some friends, and teh sexy girlses. Had fun. Flaunted my body. Oops. Wasn't meant to write that. People drooling on keyboards is sad.
Forever and always,
Josh |
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Sunday, December 12, 2004
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Nobody commented on my last post *points*
So, go take a look.
Silly, lazy people.
:p |
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Saturday, December 11, 2004
P-R-O-Hey! We shall all Procrastinate!
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Already I feel kind of...bored with my [LSN] design. At this stage I just want to get past that and get it online. Besides, I think my boredom is due primarily to the fact that I want to change something and avoid working on my homework, which seems to be a very common thing for me to do at the moment. I have the majority of two SOSE assignments to do, and I only had two due this whole term, lol. I also have a dramatic monologue due for English on Tuesday. Oh, did I mention that I have 3 pages to write for one of the SOSE assessments, and that both are due in by Monday lunchtime? I don't believe I did. So, yes. I am an idiot for waiting this long to do it.
Anyway, back to my slight feeling of dissatisfaction with my site. I'm not actually against what I have, but I want to change it....dramatically. From black to white, in fact, lol. However, that would take a fair while, and lots of organising. When I get it online [which, if Tony hasn't responded by Monday, Alan said he'd host it for me as a sub-domain of DS-net. Which would just rock, lol.], and if I decide that I truly do want to fuck around with my design, I'll do it sometime in January, probably. As long as this restlessness isn't just stalling. So, I should quit stalling and put this up, and do homework. I should. But will I?
As an added bonus, I think my asthma is surfacing again.
Oh, and yesterday we put up our outdoor Christmas lights.
-Josh |
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Burger vs. Butter
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Hurrah for another post lacking true content!
Quote of the day. Regarding the new Hardee's Monster Burger, one reporter says, "Have a stick of butter instead. That has only 800 calories and 88 grams of fat."
You have to love this shit, lol. I mean, yummy, but don't eat it too much. |
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Friday, December 10, 2004
Road Rage, Public Bitching...Screw them all.
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I think I might have bored you all with my previous, in the spirit of the Christmas season, take a look at these links.
Now here's a brilliant idea, in the forgiving, love-thy-neighbour spirit of the Christmas season. Is that bad driver pissing you off? Why not insult him and raise tensions even further?
Urban Asshole Cards
Now you can confront those who wrong you, in a way that won't result in your getting your ass beat up. Let the Urban Asshole cards do the talking for you, and put urban assholes in their place.
Shut Up Already
After reading a story in the NYT, Jim's wife Heidi came up with a method to fight back against the obnoxious cell phone users that we all have to deal with in stores, restaurants, trains and pretty much everywhere else. Can design ride to the rescue? Jim and the incomparable Aaron Draplin think it can. So, as a public service, we introduce the reasonably polite SHHH, the Society for HandHeld Hushing.
[Tha signs]
Heh. It's all good. Enjoy the links, people.
-Josh |
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Super 14 is Rugby, in case you're wondering...
Perth's Super 14 win for the people
19:36 AEDT Fri Dec 10 2004
Melbourne may have the population but in the end Perth had the people.
And in a tight two-horse race that was just about enough to convince the Australian Rugby Union it should award the West a Super 14 franchise.
After a meeting that lasted just over four hours at the ARU headquarters in North Sydney the board voted unanimously in favour of giving Perth a start in the expanded 2006 competition.
While both bids shaped up well and ARU chief executive Gary Flowers said the board was firm in the belief Melbourne or Perth could have hosted a Super 14 team, the feeling rugby would be more sustainable and better supported in Western Australia shone through.
"In many ways this was a victory for the people power, it was a very important thread through their whole submission and presentation," Flowers said.
ARU high performance manager Brett Robinson, who headed the evaluation committee which ultimately recommended to the board it should chose the West Australian bid, said he felt after visiting Perth, its people "connected" more with the game.
"There was a real sense in visits to Western Australia that at all levels there was enormous support, whether it be in government, the community or through the West Australian Rugby Union - there was just a greater sense of connectivity in relation to all that," said Robinson who admitted the evaluation committee hadn't really made up its mind about who to plump for until the middle of the week.
Broadly Perth satisfied the board that it could meet its three key criteria: enhancing the rugby player base; bringing in substantial commercial interest and expanding the game at the grassroots level.
In categories one and two the West Australians always had an edge.
Their player numbers on a junior and senior level top the Victorians by about a third.
As for the commercial concerns Perth also did well with major backers such as jumper sponsor Emirates helping it to a promised sponsorship
figure to date of over $4 million.
"I think a major factor was that we have proved we have the financial support through the sponsorship and hospitality," Rugby WA chairman Geoff Stooke said.
"We had the government support and they knew it would be a high profile sport in this town."
The key thread though was the people.
From the 6,500 that turned up to a community rugby rally in Perth in November to push for the team's inclusion, to the 5,000-plus membership commitments, it was felt the people in Perth simply had a greater affiliation with the game.
Score one for WA
-Josh |
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Tuesday, December 7, 2004
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I hate Daylight Savings. Now the date doesn't tick-over until 1PM.
Aah well. There is a post below this.
That will be all.
:p |
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