Baron Samedi
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Friday, October 15, 2004
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I've been playing Battlefield Vietnam for about 8 hours. Somebody, shoot me. Again. |
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Thursday, October 14, 2004
Crazy as all get out
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I just submitted another wallpaper- a Trigun one this time. I bet you $50 you can't guess my new favourite pastime ~_^
That aside, you should go and check out my wallpapers. Download them! Comment! Rate!
Anyway, that aside, I haven't been doing much. I saw Kill Bill V2 last night. Very good movie. I enjoyed it. I didn't like how she crawled [Download them! Comment! Rate!] out of the grave though. Smashing the coffin was understandable, but how she crawled out...that was lame. And I was in bed by 11:15 last night. [Download them! Comment! Rate!] Was a good move, heh.
Dad and I went for a ride this morning. Took about an hour. Good fun. I also helped him wind about 300M of line onto his snapper reel. Took about 10 minutes.
I also had BBQ chicken [Download them! Comment! Rate!] pizza for lunch. Yummo.
You all just be jealous for now ;)
[Download them! Comment! Rate!] |
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Wednesday, October 13, 2004
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I want to make a petition about something....any suggestions? |
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I have finally seen some stuff of anime [pronounced ann-im-ay, which I wouldn't have guessed...]. I saw it on the ADV Films website. What was I doing there you may ask? Finding images for the wallpapers I submitted today. They're both very good [I think] and should be met well...when they are approved.
Providing, of course, that they are approved. It took me about an hour and a half to do the first one, and all I altered in the second one was the girls colours. I don't know her name [I think the site said Rosette...] but it is a Chrono Crusade wallpaper. I hope that you'll all like it if it is approved. And if it isn't, well I'll host it on imageshack and give you all a look anyway.
I am pretty buggered though, and have massive shadows under my eyes. We all played Cluedo until 11 last night. Dad and I didn't go to bed until 2. Yep, we played Battlefield Vietnam for three hours. I woke up at a quarter past 8, so about the most sleep I would've had was 6 hours, lol. Aah well. Some earlier nights are required before I go home thats for sure ;)
-Josh |
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Monday, October 11, 2004
Child labour...
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I had to help my dad with the out the front yesterday afternoon. I was out there for three fricking hours. Which is more than enough for me. First, I had to rake all the sand out and smooth it. Then we had to pull this stump out using the winch on the front of the Landrover. Then I had to clean out all the sticks left. Then I had to sweep all the dirt off the footpath, and then I ended up mulching half off it on my own.
Grrr. I really dislike having to garden. I'd rather chop wood - at least that's fun.
Have you guys heard of this mini-series called 'The 4400'? It is about...well, all these people who disappeared [alien abductions] over the past 70 or so years re-appear. And they have these powers and stuff. very interesting movie type thing. The first part was on last night [almost 3 hours long >_<] and the second part will be aired tonight. Should be good.
Anyway, a much earlier night than the night before I had last night. if you get that o_O
I got to bed around 12. Not too bad. Woke up and got up at 7:40. Much much better.
In other, sadder news, Christopher Reeves has died.
-Josh |
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Sunday, October 10, 2004
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I didn't get to bed until 10 to 1 last night. Ouch >_<
I was talking to people, and stuff and...bleh. My dad was having a [very...disturbing...] conversation [using webcam and mic] with a friend of his. And he played a bit of Battlefield Vietnam after that, which is why I was so late. I woke up at 20 to 7 this morning. Thats not much sleep, especially with the high pitched whine of the ADSL modem keeping me awake. Anyway, I'm feeling...alright, just not perky. Heh.
I spoke to Alan and Japan this morning. Sorry if I was a bit... vacant Alan. Just tired, really.
Dad and I just finished about 2 or 3 hours of Battlefield together. That was fun. Now though, time to get off the computer and do...something. Maybe.
We'll see ;)
-Josh |
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Saturday, October 9, 2004
Long day
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Well, I am at dads right now.
Things kinda fell apart [oh so very, very slightly] at the train-station. You see, I was gonna come here on the train. We got there- no train. Anyway, I went to the toilet, and my mum spotted this girl I knew; Chaise.
When I came out it turns out that the train had broken down, and so two of the buses outside were going to Perth. Thank God Chaise had been there! Otherwise the buses would have left and... woulda been stuck. I ended up ahving to sit next to some old lady, but she didn't smell so that was OK. They had on '10 Things I Hate About You' which I hadn't seen, so that was good. I listened to my mp3 player for the rest of the way. Now, the train was supposed to get in at 5:12. Well, the bus got in at 4:45 or something. So, I was there for about 40 minutes all up, waiting. Dad was late to pick me up.
But some good news! Dad has broadband [512] and is thinking of upgrading to [1500] soon. And he reckons he'll get me broadband too! Excellent.
We had tortilla's for dinner. Yummy.
-Josh. |
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Friday, October 8, 2004
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She found the bloody present. I’d hidden the present in the corner next to my computer desk. It was about the only place I could think of. Closet is a no- too dark. Under bed is a no- too dark. Outside is a no- It is sunny and she might have gone gardening.
And it’s all because she is nosy and I forgot a sweater.
First of all, some background. Whenever my mum comes in my room [like, to look for something] I get antsy and agitated. I don’t have anything to hide, but it just…bothers me to have people going through my stuff. And then she always snaps at me because I’m feeling antsy, and then we have a fight. Well, actually, it’s not really a fight. You see, I don’t argue with my mum. She just yells at me. There are often things I want to say but my mum is just…unreasonable, commonly. Even when she isn’t angry. But anyway, I needed to pack for my dads, right, and I was sure that I only had 1 good jumper. I had another small one, and another one that was really small. I forgot about the new grey one my dad bought me last time I was up at his place. So, my mum is certain that I have more than one jumper, and whilst I am outside kicking my soccer ball, she comes into my room. And goes through my drawers [*sigh*]. And then she came and called me inside. I followed her into my room.

As the above ‘map’ shows, the plant was between my wardrobe and desk. And my mum was kneeling in front of the chest of drawers, saying ‘Look, I knew you had another jumper’, and when she turned, she caught a glimpse of it. Which really pissed me off, I got pretty upset. Why does that shit always seem to happen to me? Silly, I know.
Anyway, I went outside and kicked the soccer ball against the wall. Hard.
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Thursday, October 7, 2004
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Ooh, a static background. Excellent. Thanks to Des for that useful bit of information, even if he didn't mean to give it to me ~_^
Is the background better with or without it being static?
-Josh |
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It's scary. I can already feel myself being pulled more and more back into this site. I guess that's onlt to be expected though, because it is holidays and I do have something like 4 hours at home on my own before mum gets back from work. On Saturday I'll be going to my dads for the week, coming back Saturday after next. And then I'll have a day at home and then back to school >_<
But, hey, holidays are holidays. I just returned from going down town. My mum's birthday is on the 12th and I went to get her something for it. I had a rough idea what to get, and I ended up with a plant and a little ornament type thing. My mum loves plants, and cows [which the ornament happens to be...] so, it'll hopefully be a good present. The sad thing is that I won't actually be here for her birthday, I'll be in Perth with my dad. She says it doesn't bother her, but it sure bothers me. Oh well.
Some news which may interest you. UWA [University of Western Australia] is hosting a kind of 'Engineering Camp' which will introduce kids to... well, engineering, all the different aspects and stuff. I don't know what I want to do, but I thought I'd apply for it anyway. My maths teacher wrote up an excellent recommendation for me. And guess what! I got in. I got the acceptance letter about a week ago, bit less. So thats great. During the Christmas holidays [17th-21st January] I'll be staying on campus at UWA, all fees paid. There are 100 kids going, all form Yr 10. 72 guys, 28 girls.
I'm looking forward to it. Another girl I know from my school is going too, so at least I won't be friendless. That'll be interesting anyway. So, either today or tommorrow I'll need to write up an acceptance letter and mail it back.
Something else I need to do before I go up to Dad's is mow the lawn. I haven't done it for about 3 months. It is horrendous. And I always intend to do it, but I...don't. Aah well.
-Josh |
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