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Saturday, April 24, 2004
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[9:13AM Sunday 25 April]
I'm thinking of a bit of a layout change... in regard to several things. One thing I notice is that many people have their mood and their song at the top of their posts. But I always like to finish off with that, because I put my comic there too. Hhmmm. Also- my intro. I think I will make a button page somewhere and just use that. Or, be radical and not link anyone at all. I mean, I can't see people going off to various pages throughout netdom just to see the same buttons that are everywhere else. I'd leave it, but for Kenji's button which is all psycho- and I can't change it because my Intro is overloaded. So, I might cut it down to three buttons, non-linked and random imaged so random buttons show up. And I'll random image the three music ones of Tony's, and link them to his fanlistings area. I think that might be the best way to go about this new limit, and certainly the most innovative.
I bet you all wish you had thought of random imaging it now, don't you :P.
I'd love to leave mine how it is...but I suppose it was overly long in a way anyway. I just wish Adam hadn't cut down the character limit so much. I must say, it was not very well planned =\.
Anyway, thats what I am planning on doing, prolly tommorrow. I'll make a bunch of accounts and just stick a few buttons I like on each account. That way you'll have a higher chance of coming up trumps. So, my Intro will be gaining a new face. Probably about time too.
Basically, it will just be my Intro Banner, Random image of my buttons [or all of my buttons?], random images of your buttons, random Fanlisting-linked fanlisting buttons. And thats it. Got the idea? lol. I just can't believe this. How annoying. I am expecting Adam to lift the limit sometime soon though...already the beginnings of a riot stirs. And stay away from downtown LA on the morning of the's gonna be one hell of a day *cackles*
Err. >_>. Yeah. Sorry. I'm getting too Face-Off ish. lol. If you've seen that movie. Now, what else could I possbily blather on about?
Well, I am still doing my situps, and while my tummy doesn't fit the description of a 'condom filled with walnuts', in another month or so, it may be beginning to. I hope. lol. I have only been doing it and a half weeks though. It just feels like forever, heh.
Actually, on another Introduction related note, how would you feel about lyrics on there?
Depending on character limits and how much what I am planning to do takes up I might even put up some lyrics and be cool. How would that be?
So, I suppose that was my main subject for today. Intro-ism. Good stuff.
Have a good day everyone ^_^
Today's Comic:

Mood: Innovative.
Song: Unattractive by Toadies. |
Comments (4) |
Friday, April 23, 2004
East meets West- The Reality.
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[10:30AM Saturday 24 April]
My, my, the flow of questions never ends!
Panda's Other Other Questions
-Star Wars or Star Trek?
Well, I've only ever seen Star Trek Nemesis from that franchise, so I'd have to say Star Wars.
-If you saw a murder and the murderer said they would kill you if you said anything, would you tell the police? What if this murder was a family member or close friend?
Well, thats a hard one. It would depend who it was and my relationship to them...but I think I would go to the police.
-What is the strangest thing you have eatten?
Some people find tomato and mayonnaise sandwhiches strange. Some find seaweed [read: Sushi] strange. I've had both of those ^_^.
-Have you ever cheated on a test? Been caught?
A Japanese test in YR 8, I wrote the answers to the days of the week on my leg. I didn't end up using them, except for one. And no, I was too sneaky to be caught.
-What is your opinion of online flurting?
Fun, harmless and generally easier to do than in real life, especially if you don't know the person. Even if you do know the person IRL, it is still easier to flirt online- it seems like there aren't any repercussions.
-Have you ever broken a bone?
No. Touch wood.
-If you were able to have a dinner guest, alive now or from the past, who would you want to invite to dinner and talk too?
Provided I could understand them, someone who built Stonehenge would be fun...I'd be able to uncover the mystery ^_^.
Thankyou Panda. How do you keep coming up with interesting questions?
Soooo close. Soooo, sooo close to page 1. Please, visit my page! Everyday!
Now onto other other things. In that "God and Americans" thread, I am just about to kill some people. Namely, the moron who started it and that HOTpage fella. Sometimes people can be so dense...I know that I'm not American, and the issue doesn't really affect me, but sometimes things just set me off. Why do people have to be so dense, so rude and so goddamn....blah!. I don't know a word for it. Heh.
Now, seeing as this is a rather boring feeling day, time for a rant.
East vs. West.
No, I am not talking about gang wars. I am talking about the snobbiness of many Easterners in regard to Western Australia.
Western Australia is a part of Australia. We are not Hicksville, Dullsville, Bland or boring or stupid. We are the most isolated Capital city in the world, we have most of the 'money' in Australia living here, we have many valuable industries and we are not hicks.
I am not directing this at anyone in particular, but the whole attitude of Easterners to WA is one of contempt. I'm sure many of you other people may have felt this kind of discrimination between different areas of the country.
Most of this has been sparked of by a comment by the main reviewer on a show called My Restaurant Rules. Excellent show, but Perth may be voted out! Shockng! SMS the number 6 to the number on the site...please!. lol. Anyway...
Not much else to say. DDG has updated her layout to a Freddy Got Fingered theme- it looks pretty swish. Life is continuing as normal for me... I might go down town later and grab some Starburst Babies. Thats about it, though.
Today's Comic:

Mood: Good, perky.
Song: Black Betty by Ram Jam [Original] |
Comments (8) |
BZOINK! *pounces*
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[3:09PM Friday 23 April]
Well, here's to BZOINK all. Hope you like.
[ series 1 ] | Name: | Joshua err... Secret. | Birthday: | 24-August-1989 | Birthplace: | Perth, Western Aus. | Current Location: | South Western Australia | Eye Color: | Hazel | Hair Color: | Dark brown | Righty or Lefty: | Righty | Zodiac Sign: | Virgo...why do I get the girly one? | Font: | MS Sans Serif | *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.* | [ series 2 - your favorite ] | Music: | Most stuff | Cartoon: | CatDog ^_^ | Color: | Black | Car: | The new Jaguar. Vvrrmmm. | Slushy Flavor: | >_> Err... red? | Magazine: | Who. lol. | TV Show: | Hamish & Andy/ My restaurant Rules | Song at the Moment: | Nothing's Working by Error | Language: | English | Spice Girl: | Whoever Geri was. | Food & Beverage: | Chicken Roll and Traditional Cream Soda | Subject in School: | Maths | Weekend Activity: | Lazing | Frozen Yogurt: | >_> What? | Roller Coaster: | I've only been on one. | *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.* | [ series 3 - what is ] | Your most overused phrase: | Lame, like a leper crawling up stairs. | First thing you thought when you woke up: | [Censored] alarm! | Last image/thought you go to sleep with: | Secret >_> | First feature you notice of opposite sex: | Face | Best name for a Butler: | James | Wussiest Sport: | Table tennis :p | Your best feature: | Everything. ;) | Your greatest fear: | Bogeymen | Your greatest accomplishment: | DUX Award | Your most missed memory: | ... | *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.* | [ series 4 - you prefer ] | Pepsi or Coke: | Coke | McDonald's or Burger King: | Hungry Jacks= Aussie Burger King | Single or Group Dates: | Single...I suppose. | Adidas or Nike: | Adidas | Chicken nuggets or Chicken fingers: | Nuggets | Dogs or Cats: | Dogs | Rugrats or Doug: | Whos Doug? | Single or Taken: | Single | Monica or Brandy: | Who the hell is that? | Tupac or Jay-Z: | Jay-Z | Shania Twain or LeAnn Rhymes: | Twain | Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: | Neither | One pillow or Two: | Two | Chocolate or Vanilla: | Chocolate | Hot chocolate or Hot cocoa: | Hot Chocolate | Cappucino or Coffee: | Cappucino | *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.* | [ series 5 - do you ] | Shower everyday: | Yes | Have a crush: | Kinda | Think you've been in love: | Maybe | Want to go to college: | Yes | Like high school: | S'alright | Want to get married: | Yeah | Type correctly: | Mostly | Believe in yourself: | Kinda | Have any tattoos? Where: | Nope | Have any piercings? Where: | Nope | Get motion sickness: | Occasionally | Think you're a health freak: | 70% | Get along with your parents: | Mostly | Like thunderstorms: | They're cool. | *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.* | [ series 6 - the future ] | Age your plan to be married: | The Right One | Number and names of children: | 2, and I don't know any names. | Where will you be at age 20: | Rich and retired...hopefully. Probably University. | Dream wedding: | ... | How do you want to die: | Who says I want to die? | Dream job: | Retired buillionaire. | Country you'd like to visit: | America | *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.* | [ series 7 - opposite sex ] | Best eye color: | Don't mind. Pretty though. | Best hair color: | I like darker hair. | Short or long hair: | Longer is nice. | Best height: | Not too far from mine. | Best weight: | Meduim-thin to medium-heavy. | Best clothes: | Appropriate for the occasion- or no clothes. | Best first date location: | Movie? | Best first kiss location: | Anywhere would be nice. | *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.* | [ series 8 - other ] | Last time you slept with a stuffed animal: | 11 years ago? | Rings before you answer the phone: | Least amount possible. | What's on your mousepad: | Daffy duck in a treasure pile. | How many houses you've lived in: | 3 | How many schools you've gone to: | 1 Primary, 2 Highschools. | Bedroom carpet color: | Multicoloured. | Shave your head for $5,000?: | Hell, yes! | Stranded on a desert island. Take three things. No people: | Infinite power source, computer, wireless internet. Or a fully fueled VTO plane to fly away in. | Best time of your life so far: | Not sure... |
Series 1-8 brought to you by BZOINK!
I would love to know how I can spend like... 5 hours online and not run out of stuff to do. It amazes me exactly how much time I can spend online without getting bored.
Anyway, I am extremely happy with my new scheme...the background looks good, and I am absolutely wrapped with how my table turned out...I think that the border edging out of looks really good, and it makes me smile ^_^.
Anyway, OB is all quiet and dead like, so here I am. I spent a fair amount of time trying to help Panda out with her image dilemna. Didn't work though...I wonder what's going on with that?
And sadly, I am seeing more and more buttons being relegated to shady Angelfire pages. 600 characters is a fair bit I suppose...but not that much more than what would be in a signature. I'm gonna see how long mine is...but I would say it isn't that far under 600. It is a good idea though...some were getting seriously out of hand. A big thanks to Adam too, because the update to the friends list and seeing if they updated that day is just 100% genius and wonderful. Once v2 eventually rolls all the way around the corner, it will be interesting to look back. I must say that I liked the layout of the tables and stuff before though, and this new squarey looks feels kind of harsh and...yeah. I'll settle in to it, I'm sure.
Anyway, currently I am listening to "Change Clothes" by Jay-Z which is a very swish little number. I love the beat and the rhythm/melody thing. It just sounds really smooth and pretty. I love it.
Anyway, I don't have much else to say. This is the first time I think that I have made two updates in one day. Wow. Because of the [blasted] time difference though, theyll show up as different days. Blah. Anyway, I'll see you all around. No comic, because Today's Comic is already up o_O Yay.
Mood: Good, but getting a headache...
Song: Change Clothes by Jay-Z. |
Comments (8) |
Thursday, April 22, 2004
Mountains of Answers coming up.-EDITED
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[9:48AM Friday 23 April]
Questions Galore!
Japan's Questions
Choose: Dark chocolate, white chocolate, or milk chocolate? Why?
Milk chocolate. I am not really a big fan of dark chocolate, except in Old Gold Rum n Raisin [^_^], because I feel that it tastes sickeningly strong. Milk chocolate is nice, but it, on the other hand, is too sweet for seriously indulgent consumption. So, milk chocolate is my man ^_^.
What do you really think of me? ;_;
Well, sadly I haven't had the pleasure of chatting with you all that much [at all?]. From what I see of you around the boards though, you seem like a nice, intelligent member, which is as high a compliment as I can give without really 'knowing' you.
What would you rather have:
Mashed potatoes and gravey, or corn on the cob?
Mashed potatoes and gravy, without a doubt. Delicious-ness on a new level.
What is your favorite colour?
Black, however, if you're of the school of thought that black isn't a colour, I'd have to say... silvery-grey.
What colour is your hair?
Dark brown. It looks much better fresh outta the shower though, coz it loks black then...and I like it.
How tall are you?
I think I'm around 160cm...
Where on OB is Carmen San Diego?
Hiding in various spam threads across the forums, where only the brave or foolhardy dare to venture.
Which language would you rather learn: Korean? Chinese? Japanese?
Japanese, because I already know some from various LOTE years.
Do you like kangaroos?
They're cute, or the joeys are anyway. I'd keep well away from the big males though...especially Big Reds. They can be nasty.
What is your opinion on life?
That we're here to live it, and as such should do the best to further ourselves in life. Who cares what happens after, or if we come back or even if there is any point. You may as well give it your all. Or you could sit on the couch and waste what could be all there is.
Are the suicidal threads on OB lame or what?
To use a favourite expression of mine, they're "Lame like a leper crawling up stairs".
They could even be lamer than that.
Who has the coolest button?
Me. Nah...I'd say the pink SNA one of Tony's is damn cool. ^_^
Which OB member has the most attitude?
Bad attidude= Transtic Nerve.
Good attitude= Dagger
Cool attitude= James/Tony [Semjaza]
Do you enjoy l337 speak?
Not really...until the educational process of your OB banner, I had the utmost difficulty r34ding it. N0w 7h0ugh 17 C0|\/|35 |\|47UR4LLY. lol. I find it annoying.
Do you believe that there are evil beings out there to destroy the earth? If so, who?
Without a doubt. They are an elite industrialist Corp called "The Truth" and are awaiting the day their evil overlords give the order to attack. As Mulder would say "The Truth is out there" right he is.
Cookies or ice cream? Why?
Cookie Crumble Icecream of course. My all time favourite icecream.
If you could live with any two OBers, who would they be? Why?
Tony, because I just really think he is cool and... Raiha because she is fun to talk to. There are lots of people to choose from though...what a nasty question ;_;.
Excellent questions there Japan- some really hard ones too.
Juuthena's Questions
1) Have you ever tried tapioca?
I don't even know what it is o_O
2) If you haven't, you will go buy one- in Honeydew flavour. --
Err...OK. If we even have it here.
3) Name one band/artist you like that might be considered 'embarissing'. (I've got loads of those. xx)
Tom Jones...but I don't really consider him embarassing. I actually really like a lot of the old "parent" music. They have some excellent stuff, and I know most of the stuff my mum does. Kind of embarassing, but who cares ^_^
4) What colour's your room wallpaper?
Well actually, it is just paint and is a light China blue. I have white cornices and a white ceiling.
5) What about the carpet/floor?
Some horrendous shag-styled multi coloured carpet. Seriously, my house is sooo old. Like, 50's it was originally built. Mostly the same I think...but the carpet is not very nice. It isn't even thick shag.
6) Any posters?
Not many, and none with hot girls ;_;. I have... a picture of a Bengal and a Siberian tiger together, one of a wizard and a dragon, and two skateboarding ones featuring Chad Fernandez and Carlos De Andre respectively.
7) What are your top three best-looking celebs?
Angelina Jolie is pretty hot....minus tattoos. Drew Barrymore isn't too bad either. For a guy, just for some variety, I'd say that...Nicolas Cage is pretty cool.
8) What's your dream job?
Retired multi-billionaire. I don't actually know what I want to be...toy-tester would be awesome fun though.
9) Is it okay for guys to pluck their eyebrows?
Only to keep away a serious mono-brow. Aside from that...well, also if you look like our PM. Up to the guy I suppose, but I have nothing against it.
10) 1-10, how fashion-obsessed are you?
I'm not rich enough to be fashion obsessed...however, if I was I'd give myself a 9/10. As it is, I'd love to have some stuff, but really I can live without it.
Good stuff Juu ^_^ Thanks a bunch!
Panda's Questions
-Do stupid people know they are stupid, or are they too stupid to know it?
Depends how stupid we're talking here...I'd say they do it to be annoying, or just don't have a clue.
-When people say "That's the last thing I want to do!" does that mean it IS something they do want to do? It's just last on the list?
=\. Well, that'd depend on the situation...I can see someone saying that when they really don't want to do something (Like hurt a person) or when they actually really want to do something, but say that because they know they shouldn't. Bit rambly but...I think it depends. lol. Sorry.
-If you were given 10 billion dollars to leave the country and never return, would you take it and where would you move to?
Yes. I'd also bring as many of my friends and family over as I could...and I would move to Switzerland and go skiing every day. I'd also travel the world [except Australia, as I'm not allowed to go back].
-Have you ever been obsessed with someone...almost to the point of stalking?
I have obsessed over was only for a few days though...and I don't think I was even 100% serious. So, no.
-Have you been stalked?
Not to the best of my knowledge..wait...
"Oi! You in the bushes!!"
*chases person*
-Are you my friend?
I don't know...but I wouldn't mind ^_^. You seem nice enough, thats for sure.
-Do you own a cell phone? What kind, what ringtone, and how many numbers are stored on it?
No, sadly.
-What is your favorite animal?
I'd say Siberian tiger, because they're big, powerful and just really cool to watch.
Thanks a lot Panda. Some really hard ones in there, but it was fun ^_^
Radaghost's Questions
Question #3: Why the hell did you make my nickame Radaghost? Were you stoned or something?
Well, why do you call me "Le Baron". It was the only thing I could think of ;_;. No I wasn't stoned. I don't do that. *envisions being slit open by his mother* Definitely not doing that.
StrikeGundam'S Questions
-Red Pill or Blue, and why?
I don't know which does what...but being out in Zion seems to be a shitty deal. I'll stay in fairyland thanks.
-Do you visit the MyOs of everyone on your list?
Mostly... I visit any who were updated that day...some peoples I don't visit just because I don't give a damn...most I do though.
-If you could be anyone, living or dead, real or fictional, for exactly six hours, who would you be, and what would you do?
Damn hard question... who is a real lady killer? [Err, I don't mean Jack the Ripper either]. I haven't the slightest... I might be Elvis....just to give everyone a bit of gossip to spread around.
Thanks Strike Gundam ^_^
Anyway, that took me a long time to do. I wans't working full-time on that, but it is now 10:35 PM. Ouchies. Thanks for all of the questions folks ^_^. Now I did have a rant, but not sure if I should do it now.
Might save it for another, more boring day. Anyway, after this I am going to create a new postbit for my posts and put up background number two. Hopefully, you'll all like it. We'll see.
Today's Comic:

Mood: Happy, cheerful. Warm.
Song:Nothing's Working by Error. |
Comments (2) |
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
Brass Monkey Territory....if you know what that is...
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[9:03AM Thursday 22 April]
Cold...freezing. I can barely type, my fingers are so numb. But I'll struggle on. Have to make this quick- in half an hour I'm walking downtown for a haircut...and then at 11 my friend is coming over. Maybe I'll run downtown...that should keep me a bit warm, one would hope. ;P Anyway, Shout-Out to Panda for dropping by and saying hi. Now, for those questions of yours...
Panda's Questions
-Have you stopped beating up little kids for their lunch money?
I never did >_>. I used to be a bit of...well, a nerd. Not so any more [Thank God], but I don't think I'll start doing it. On the bright side, I've never had it done to me either =)
-If you had a super power what would it be?
I'd luuuurrrve to be ale to slow time down, and also bring people into my slowed down time. Basically, I could make a second last an hour. Imagine the uses! Correct chat typos before they occur! Spend hours on the computer in minutes! Sleep for hours on ened, in class! Homework done in a flash! Illicit moments behind the gardeners shed! Oh..err. Whatever >_>. lol.
-Did you have a lunch box in grade school (or now) and what is/was on it?
Yeah...I still do. My first one was a light green coloured one. Plain. Some time I stuck these Fruit'n'Veg character stickers on it... but they're basically gone by now. ;P. I then graduated to a purple one with a blue lid. Too big now though [box too large], so back to the green one.
Thanks for that Panda...very hard life questions indeed ^_^
Radaghost's Question ;)
Question #2: Have you ever moaned another doctors name during an exam?
Well, I had that problem now I only go to one Doctor. >_>. Actually, I don't remember ever moaning during a doctor examination. Sooo... Yeah. Odd question Radaghast, but... >_>. Good stuff? lol.
Anyway, once again I have done absolutely f/a. I think my fingers are soon going to drop off, so... yes. I shall be off.
Today's Comic:

Mood: Cold? Is that a mood How about Freezingmybuttoff?
Song: Push The Hand by Toadies |
Comments (5) |
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
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[9:24AM Wednesday 21 April]
Yay! More Questions!
Mimmi's Questions
1) If you could indtroduce a subject to school, what would it be and how many hours a week would it get ?
A real subject? Probably music designing on computers, and I'd give it one period a day. I'd love to learn how to mix and create music on a computer, so I'd go with that.
2) If you could make a movie, would it be big-budget or low-budget ? (basically Hollywood or Sundance)
Medium-large. I mean, I'd want to make sure it was as good as I wanted it to be...not cheap and shoddy. At the same time, I wouldn't want to dramatically over-extend myself in case the movie was a big flop. So, yeah, medium to large range.
3) If you were given the opportunity to go into space, would you take it ?
Without a doubt...I'd want to make sure it was..err, a spaceworthy ship and all that, but I'd absolutely love to go into space ^_^
4) What is the one question that pops up most frequently when you want to know something about someone else ? (like, do you want to ask about their hobbies, or if they've got pets .. etc)
I don't know. I don't generally ask lots of questions about people... probably if they do a sport or not.
Good questions there Mimmi!
Radaghast's Question
Would you ever share a joint with a gay man?
lol. I should have expected this one. Well, if I was into smoking joints, I wouldn't be particularly worried if they were gay or not. Depends if he tries to take advantage of my delicate self. >_>
Good stuff Radaghost. heh. ^_^
Some good questions there. A round of applause for Mimmi and Radaghast. *claps*
Anyway, what have I been doing? Well, I am still doing my situps which is good, and I have been chatting and had a look at my English module for next term yesterday. it is all about consumerism which might be fun indeed. Be interesting, at any rate.
I'm just chatting with Ilka about the old "What is the first word you think of when someone says the word...". Quite enlightening actually ^_^. Some really random stuff crops up. But it is fun. I don't have much to say, soprry. I apologise that the last few updates have been really boring, but yeah. I wrote up a quick story for the ReAnimatrix turned out OK but not the best. Check it if you want, and tell me what you thought of it, please. I'd like some feedback on it. I have another idea for a short story, which I might do later. We'll see. Anyway, thats enough from me for now.
Today's Comic:

Mood: Moodless!
Song: Hybrid Moments by Misfits. |
Comments (3) |
Monday, April 19, 2004
Blah blah.
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[9:08AM Tuesday 20 April]
Well, here I am. In answer to Mimmi's questions...
Mimmi's Questions:
1) If you could name a star or a nebula, but not use Hagar or your own name, what would you name it ?
Good question. I'd either name it something that would embarass generations of people whenever they had to say it, or something really pretty.
So, I'd call it Mortimer's Twinky or Mimmi. ;)
2) You have access to the White House for 1 day. Do you rule the nation, or play hide and seek/goof around ?
Hhhmmm. I'd probably do a bit of both. I'd make gay marriage and that kind of stuff legal [do I have to go though Congress?], set up a third world health funding plan, send a bunch of cool stuff to my house, invite my friends over for a huge game of Laser-Tag. Oh, and I'd invite a whole ton of OBers over and the Norwegian Nude Cheerleading Team. :p. Be one massive party.
Anyway, I am glad I got at least one set of questions. I'm loving the attention. lol.
I didn't do much. I have my alarm set for 6AM, but these days I get up, turn it off and fall back into bed. There is nothing so fun as wanting to get up and on the computer...and wanting to stay in bed. And doing exactly whatever it is you want to. I went back to bed and fell asleep. I love holidays. There is no pressure at all, just refined relaxation. Delicious. I had stuff to say before...but damn me if I can't recall it now. I hate that.
Ok. One rant coming up. With Kazaa or other P2P downloader, sometimes songs you download play for five seconds or so, and then this horrendous crackling staticy sound sets in for most of the song. Whats up with that? Nothing is more annoying than wasting half an hour or whatever downloading a song only for it to be absolutely useless. And the sound drives me crazy too. lol. Makes me want to kill things...with a blunt spork. lol.
On the bright side, I have downloaded almost 200 songs without paying a cent so I can't complain. lol. I am sitting here, with my speakers up pretty high listening to Modest Mouse, and I love the raw feel of your body actually vibrating with the music. If you don't have a sub-woofer get one...they make the whole music experience about 1000% better.
Anwyay...yeah. I might change my layout later on today and give you all a look at my other red one. And then my final one is blue. From there I guess I'll have a voting thing where you can say which you liked best. Hopefully I'll get a few comments so I can have a...broader display of what people like, than only one or two people answering it.
Also, and only because I am kind of worried, a shout-out to Azurewolf:
Sorry about last night's comment if it offended you. I really do appreciate you linking me up.
Today's Comic:

Mood: I don't really know. Disappointed that not many people asked me questions.
Song: Float On by Modest Mouse. |
Comments (2) |
Sunday, April 18, 2004
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[10:06Am Monday 19 April]
Hhhmmm. I suppose I may as well follow the newest fad and do a question thing. Ask me stuff and I'll answer. If anyone can be bothered asking me any questions, that is.
Now, what have I been up to. I watched "The Ring" yesterday...I thought it was pretty scary. Then again I am a horror movie amateur. I don't really watch horror movies. In the next week I'll be watching "Black Cadillac" sometime too. So, that'll be my entire dose of horror for the next year and a half. Also, I watched a movie called "The Killing Fields" two nights ago... it is all about Cambodia and the Vietnam war. A really excellent, touching movie. See it if you can.
If you are in the mood to be disturbed, check out Charles site and his...err, Letters to Charles. Some of the stuff on there is truly disturbing. Like...gross. I wonder about his sanity on occasions, you know.
If you're looking for a good, politically oriented laugh check out Shinken's site. Funny stuff.
Uuh...I don't have much to say. I downloaded a ton of Misfits stuff yesterday. I really like their style- proper hard rock is a gorgeous thing. I love the whole feeling of...being in some big tidal wave of noise. I love all sorts of music, but rock is definitely a favourite. They just seem to get out their and give it their all and hammer away...and it is good.
Anyway, I don't have anything else to think of some questions to ask me. Please.
Today's Comic:

That's gotta be some kind of record.
Mood: Happy.
Song: Shining by Misfits |
Comments (3) |
Saturday, April 17, 2004
Layout re-done!
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[8:27AM Sunday 18th April]
Well, much thanks to DDG and her artistic help, my new layout is up. It looks OK- but I'll have to wait to settle into it. Loading time is minimised significantly, and it looks good. I am anticipating leaving this up for a few days, then showing off my other two. I went through three or four others, so if you were watching about 20 mins ago it would have looked very odd. The others just weren't the right colour and didn't look how I wanted them to. I am reasonably happy with this one though. What do you guys think?
Anyway, I have been chatting to DDG this morning...and that's about it. I was thinking of putting up a new OB avatar...but I am too fond of my "Bear it All" avatar. If you check out my OB profile, you'll see that I still have Hagar as my picture though ^_^. Viva le Hagar le Horrible!
Not much happening at my forums anyway. Aah well. Is the John Butler Trio a big thing wherever you live? Well, they're really big here. Zebra plays on the morning radio every day, and Respect Yo Mama is something like 15 on the VH list. Somewhere around there anwyay, I think.
I have to say also, that the "Drum n Bass Solo" by Modest Mouse is pretty silly. I mean, it's kind of cool, but a real 15 minute solo would have been excellent. Poor me :(.
Anyone here heard of Sister Hazel? A friend recommended them to me but I'd like to know what they're like.
Anyway, not much has been happening to me. School hols, while lovely and lazy, do not make for good mO entries. If only I could find a rant...but you know what? I can't be bothered. Nothing is on my mind, I'm feeling relaxed.
I'm still doing my training thing, I've helped make dinner, I need to do the dishes this morning...but you know I'm just happy.
Today's Comic:

The days are just packed. Yes, I am mixing my cartoons. You caught me. Or did you?
Mood: Happy, relaxed.
Song: Zebra by John Butler Trio. |
Comments (5) |
Friday, April 16, 2004
Hell's Fire... Bleh
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[9:08AM Saturday 17th April]
I find myself really not liking Hell's Fire. Have any of you seen the Hazing thread? And some of his other stuff..he lives a vastly different life to me, but also he seems...well, just like I described him in the Hazing thread. I really have a problem with him and his manner. Hazing sounds like a damn horrible activity, and here he is advocating it. Big man there folks.
Hhmmm. I wonder how terra is going in Kiwi-land. Hope she's having fun. Man. I feel boring today. Nothing to say. Oh, I posted up another piece of art in my Celestial Art thread. Go check it out, if you want. It's alright, but not as good as some of my others I feel. I am so bored today. What a drag. Nothing much of interest been happening. I was up from 8-9 last night chatting w/people on MSN.
Hell's Bells. I wrote using the infamous "w/" abbreviation. My God....MSN and chats are starting to ruin me. Horrendous!
I love this line from a Toadies song
"I'm not gonna lie /
I'll not be a gentleman /
Behind the boathouse /
I'll show you my dark secret".
God, doesn't that sound naughty? It then talks about other things, related if you will to that kind of theme. Like 'rushing blood' for one. Good song. "Possum Kingdom" if you're wondering. Hhmmm. I really don't know what to say.
I think myOtaku may be more popular than OB. I still frequent OB, but lately there has been more mO action. Yesterday though, some interesting OB stuff happened, so it evens out. I'm still thinking of changing my mO layout, because it takes quite a while for my page to load...but we'll see how I feel and if I can think of something...I have a background [about 8 of them actually] in the wings, but we'll see.
You still haven't said if you'd like to see them or not yet. You guys want a change?
Also, I am #57 on rankings. Almost first page! So close, I can almost taste it. If only I'd signed up earlier.
Today's Comic:

Unique approach to medicine, hhmmm? ~_^
Mood: Bored.
Song: Possum Kingdom by Toadies. |
Comments (3) |
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