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Thursday, April 15, 2004
F#@%ing viruses. *grouch*
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[8:40AM Friday 16th April]
I hate viruses. I got on my computer at about 5 past 7 this morning. Woohoo. I have two trojans. So I chuck up my virus scanner. 69 minutes later it is done. I had 7 whole viruses on my computer. I mean, why the fu... err, fruitcake would you make a virus? They just piss people off. What possible enjoyment could you get from it? I can understand the success and good cheer of a theoretical challenge, but why then release it? It bloody annoys me. An hour and a bit of my morning time gone like that *snaps fingers*.
Actually, I can't even click my fingers. I am so lame ;_;. I can barely whistle either. Anyway.
Bleh. It seems that some of you enjoyed my quiz yesterday. How could you not know the Oreo's theme line though? I mean, isn't Oreo's like the biggest american tradition?
"First you twist it, then you lick it, then you dunk it." Hell, I would even of settled for "Twist, Lick, Dunk". How could you not know that? My universe is crumbling, fetch the duct tape!
It is impossible, inconceivable to me that an American could not know the Oreo theme line. Of course, I have never been to America, or anything but....God. I don't know you people at all, do I? o_O
You could all be deranged psychotic madpeople [politically correct] and I wouldn't know. You must be deranged psychotic madpeople if you don't know the Oreo's theme line!
*runs screaming from the room*
Today's Comic:

What do you know? Size does matter.
Mood: Amused.
Song: Shame of Life by Butthole Surfers
See, that stupid rant composed just about my whole post! I managed to avoid saying much of anything relevant. Woo-dee-hoo!
Have a good day, folks.
Oh, yes Juu. I didn't make the background...I found it on a Vietnam war site. I told the story some time back...if you're interested it's in there somewhere. *gestures to archives*. It just takes a while to load, and I wonder if that annoys people which is why I asked about the background. |
Comments (5) |
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Cut Me Out..
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[6:55AM Thursday 15th April]
Well…ho-hum. Let’s see….yesterday I finally persuaded a friend of mine to join. I wasn’t actually introducing her to mO-apparently she’s been reading mine for quite some time- but I got her to join up. Which was good. I’d direct you over to her page, but she asked me not to. However, if you’re a nice person, then *cough* checkmyfriendslistfornewpoeple *cough* and mosey on over there.
Sorry Ilka, couldn’t help myself ^_^.
Anyway, yesterday was a good day all in all. I left it with a definite sense of well-being and good cheer. I was online for hours, talking with people and [Otaku Franchise]ing, I helped my mum out heaps with stuff, I made my dinner and my dogs dinner too. I did and learnt more stuff about how to ‘run’ a household yesterday than I have before. Ever. And I am 14. How very, very sad. It took me about an hour to get to sleep last night, and I woke-up several times in the night….but whatever. Also, you may be interested to know that I have started my nteenth training regime [nteenth is like, any random number]. I have done it for two days now though, so I might even stick with it. Basically, it consists of me doing three or four periods of 75 sit-ups a day. Good stuff. I’m still too lame to do any more than 20 push-ups though. Heh. Weakling me ;_;.
Yesterday I chatted more than I have for weeks and weeks. It was on MSN though, where all of my IRL friends are- so you [Otaku Franchisers] missed out on me. I signed on to AIM but nobody ever talks to me. Lol. Nah, I like being left alone sometimes. Especially when I am trying to juggle 5 simultaneous conversations….a sixth would just about kill me. Lol.
Hhmmm. Ok. I am going to write up a super-quick Questionnaire which no-one will do [Yes I’m looking at YOU people].
The Official Two Minute Quiz
By Baron Samedi
1. What is your name?
2. What is your online alias?
3. What is your favourite colour?
4. What is your favourite band?
5. What is your favourite song?
6. What is your Quest?
7. What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen, African swallow?
8. What is the Oreo’s theme line?
9. Have you ever heard of Jelly-Babies?
10. Does the economic viability of the poppy/opium industry guarantee it’s profitability with interest of the livelihoods of locals? Due to this, should it be allowed to flourish?
11. What if the swallow is carrying a coconut?
12. Simple Simon says STOP! That was the last real question.
13. Just kidding, there is another one.
14. What is your favourite food?
15. Haha! If you answered Simple Simon didn’t say so!
16. Simple Simon says you’re out.
17.Yes, this questionnaire has only 17 questions. Why?
Wasn’t that fun? Add up your marks and consult the following score-reference.
0-17: You suck
18+: Cheater.
Fascinating! I made that all up by myself.
I’d like to know if you think I should remove my background? I don’t know at this stage whether I’d make a new one, or just leave it white with the postbit or what. What would you guys like to see me do?
Today’s Comic:

Mood: Reckless.
Song: London Dungeon by the Misfits |
Comments (4) |
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
I'm gonna be an Ironman.
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[8:13AM Wednesday 14th April]
Well, I am not allowed online until 8:30 coz I stayed up late last night…late being 10:15. But I got to watch AllSaints and some of Alias. So, it’s all good. I am also starting myself on a training regime of 100 sit-ups per day and…well as many push-ups as I can do before I fall over [about 20] lol. My friend dared me to come back to school really fit…so I’m going to try it. Be good if I could- and if I don’t, I tried. Yesterday I didn’t really do too much. My mum has….just got a dose of shingles. Hurrah. So she is going to be home all this week at least, and probably for a few more. Bye-bye holidays. But seriously, I’m more worried about her, I don’t think I’ll go to my dads this hols. Just stay here and help my mum out. I was looking forward to scoring a whole bunch of stuff off dad, but….whatever. We’ll see what happens. I’m planning on being here all holidays.
I have a new awesome band. Modest Mouse. I really love what I have of them. A whole 6 songs, but I really like them. It’s good stuff. I really must thank Tony for putting up his Five Cool Bands of the Whatever promotion thing. I have been….exposed to a lot more cool stuff thanks to him. Much thanks, Semjaza.
Anyway, this looks like it is going to be an exceedingly short post unless I can think of some other rubbish to blather on about.
I know! Juu mentioned in one of her last posts about parents expecting you to play with little kids. Like, at a party your parents are hosting, or a party you’re attending. I hate that…it is like they bring you along to be a babysitter. I mean, you don’t even know these kids. Yet, because you’re a teenager, not a child yet not an adult, they expect you to keep the little kids under control, and play with them or whatever. Screw that I say! If I don’t want to play with them, if I don’t want to keep them under control, because I don’t know them or just plain don’t give a damn, then I’m not going to. In a way it is a reasonable expectation of them…but only from the parent’s view. I don’t think you should have to look after kids you don’t even know…especially if you’re one of the invitees. Stuff like that really drives me up the wall. For some reason I just rage against it. I have been used as a “babysitter” of sorts too often for my liking. It was OK when I was younger and actually wanted to play with these little kids. But now I don’t want to. I don’t want to have 6 year olds over to play. I don’t want some ADD 10 year old over to play [long story]. I don’t want to go over there and play either. The only people I want to play with/have over are my friends. Or hot girls… >_> but you get the idea. I mean, I will play with little kids. Some kids I like, especially the little toddlers who are so cute. What I don’t appreciate is having them foisted off onto me, like it is my responsibility. I don’t give a damn about these kids- unless I choose to.
Pheeww. Well, it is now 8:30. I’m going to go online, clean up my MSN messenger, and get onto OB.
May I leave you with a really cool quote from “Different City” by Modest Mouse…”I’m watching TV, I guess that’s a solution”.
Cool, huh?
Today’s Comic:

Mood: Happy
Song: Summer by Modest Mouse
Comments (6) |
Monday, April 12, 2004
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[6:19AM Tuesday 13th April]
Well, I’m back. Had a pretty good time, sadly it was a sparse Easter though. Oh well. I had a pretty good time up there. Nothing much of interest to say though. Sorry. No gory stories, wild orgies [? Haha] or antelope stampedes. Sorry.
However I did have this excellent idea for an RPG. It is called Calibre and I formed the idea around that name. It really has potential I would say…but I sat down to type it up last night and I just couldn’t. I got almost a page down but….it is just sometimes hard to funnel your ideas into words that appropriately convey what you want. I could- I just couldn’t be bothered. If it isn’t up within, oh, say six months forget I ever mentioned it. Because I’ll have forgotten by then. It is dubious as to whether or not it will ever get up, but whatever. Which leads me into my next rant for today.
Creativity. I admire it. I envy it. There are some people who have this…really creative feel to them. They look at a lump of wood, and see a statue. But then, they can make that statue appear. They can put that picture onto the page. They can make that idea work. They can do whatever it is they want to do, because they think outside of the box. They use methods that haven’t occurred to anyone else, or have never been effectively worked by someone else. They can truly achieve the impossible. They see possibilities nobody else does, and they can actually make this stuff work. They’re clever. Just about everything as we know it has been brought about by creativity and by people who thought outside of the box, on what was needed and how to do it. Intelligent people improve and expand. Creative people improve and expand and create. They’re the idea makers. A group of genius’s is a ThinkTank. A group of creative people is a MakeTank. An IdeaTank.
So, to all those people who have had a truly original, remarkable idea in their life, I tip my hat to you. If you are creative, then treasure that gift. Creative people are the bread and butter of this world ^_^.
I’m not sure what all that was for….but basically creative people impress me with their total randomness and genius.
I don’t really have much to say today. I’m glad to be back online though. I’ll just save this, then hop back into bed for a while. Once mom is off to work, I’ll get up and….online. *grins*. Heh.
Note: Yeah Ajeh, that is the Windows Media thing. Be proud man, be proud.
Today’s Comic:

I feel blind.
Mood: Boppy.
Song: Third Planet by Modest Mouse. |
Comments (2) |
Thursday, April 8, 2004
I am really pissed off.
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[6:26AM Saturday 9th April]
Well, I ain’t the happiest chappy this side of Milwaukee all in all.
Lets see. Online life, I missed OB yesterday, will get a tiny amount of time online today and will be away until Tuesday. In real life, yesterday was great but I didn’t get the chance to say goodbye to a friend of mine who will probably be leaving over the holidays. I don’t have her email, phone or anything. Plus she lives in another town to me so I won’t see her or anything. I enlisted a friend of mine to go and see her and give her my email address though. Hopefully she’ll even be there at the beginning of next term…but we shall see. I am just so pissed off with my self. I kind of took my fair time getting out the front, walking out with a few other people after our Gala day. And she wasn’t there, apparently she had just hightailed it back home. What a bloody mess. Bleh. I feel so bad about not saying goodbye.
I spoke with my friend last night and it is strange and scary how many people are leaving. We’re getting one guy back who left last year, but we’re losing another guy, two girls, more people leaving next year. It really sucks o_O. Really, really badly. I don’t like to see all my friends just upping and leaving. Anyway, this hasn’t been the best time for me. I just keep berating myself for missing her. =\.
Aside from that yesterday was really good though. Had an absolute ball. So much fun.
Shout-Out to Ilka: Hey Ilka. If you’re reading this just a little note- please don’t tell everyone about this place, ‘K? I kind of don’t like people from IRL here, as you’d know if you have indeed been reading this place for a few months. So… Hush Hush. Heh.
Anyway, I am going away today, until Tuesday. Well Monday, but Tuesday is the earliest that I’ll be on. *tearfully* I’ll miss you guys!.
Anyway, it is now 6:40 and I am going to wrap this up, get online until 7:30 when I need to wake up my mom [#%@*&$!] and…pack and go. See ya’s.
[b]N[/b]ote: Juu- it wasn’t negative three to one. Lol. I just put in a hyphen after the word…but it made it look like negative three. Lol. The score was 3:1.
Today’s Comic:

Mood: Guilty, pissed off.
Song: Like Humans Do by David Byrne
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Tuesday, April 6, 2004
Listen to Mama
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[6:26AM Wednesday 7th April]
Have any of you heard of Walkerman’s “Listen to Mama”? Oh, I tell you…it is the best song. I love it. It is so upbeat, and happy and bouncy and….damn excellent. I am an addict. Gorgeous song-keep an ear out for it.
Anyway, here I am to update my “fans” [?] about my life. Well, the oral on the autobiography fell through. I was better prepared than the others three in my class [3? Yes, three. Special class] we did the wrong thing. Apparently we were focusing too much on the plot of the book, rather than the values and attitudes. I’d have to disagree- our module sheet said nothing at all about values or attitudes. It just said we had to give a report on the autobiography and listed some things we’d like to include- like a Book Review, author background or historical information. Values? Attitudes? Nary a mention.
I think the Great Depression report has fallen through too. It is due today, and all I have is 49 pages of notes. Seriously- I now know a whole ton about it, but there is so damn much. I imagine at least some of you have explored the Great Depression or American History deeply, right? Isn’t it just…well, cool how everything is so intertwined with everything else? How it all just follows on? The closer the look, the more you can see tendrils of the effect of past events changing what is happening. I just think it is…amazing. I mean, I knew that everything was related, but somehow it is really cool to actually see how it does. I’ll just have to tell my teacher that I might have to present it next term. After this week is over I’ll have two weeks of holidays! Yay. Sadly I think I’ll be going camping, and heading up the coast. Not much computer time =(.
Have you guys been keeping up with James’ RPG plans? I’m telling you…it sounds like it is going to be legendary. He is so thorough in everything he does. I don’t know where he gets these great ideas for all of his RPGs…but it outplays whatever anyone else has ever laid on the table. I think I’ll be sure to read that particular RPG.
Now for my actual life…well. Heh. Not much to say. We did play soccer against the Year Eight’s yesterday. No, don’t look at me like that I didn’t take them out. No…well. He ran into me! I just stood there! Honestly! Lol. Anyway, our skill was matched by their numbers. They had about twice as many as we did. We were too good for them yesterday though -3:1. Long live the triumphant Year Tens. I even scored a goal! Maybe two, but I think it was only one. We seriously outplayed them, but kept losing the ball to the wall. Of Year Eights, that is.
Last week we played an all-boys group of Year Eights and lost 1:0. But we let them. =). Really.
Uuh. I went into town during 25th period yesterday [25th=Free period for students], and almost missed the school bus. I’m bloody glad that he stopped for me. It was a close thing. Why was I so late? Waiting for these girls to get out of the shopping centre of course. What else did you expect? Lol. Anyway, next time I’ll make sure to leave them earlier.
Anyway, I haven’t got much else to say. Life is good.
Today’s Comic:

Mood: Good.
Song: Listen to Mama by Walkerman.
Comments (7) |
Sunday, April 4, 2004
White Rabbit? Late for School. Almost.
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[9:12AM Monday 5th April]
I woke up at 7:30 this morning. Which left me twenty minutes to be dressed, ready and at the bus-stop! I woke up at 6, turned off my alarm and went back to bed because it was cold. I then fell asleep and...yeah. A bit of a rushed morning. And I just found out that I have both a written and an oral assessment on an autobiography due tomorrow. Luckily after this period, I have two more periods in the library, so I guess I'll work on it then. Oh, and the day after tomorrow I have an essay due on how the Great Depression affected our world. Whoop-dee-doo. I haven't done anything on the autobiography, and only taken information on the Great Depression.
I must say all that stuff about Keynesian theory is very interesting though. Has anyone else here done anything on the Great Depression? You could give it to
Anyway, yesterday was a pretty good day. I downloaded an application called 'trustyFiles' which is a downloader which works of Gnutella networks 1 and 2 and also kazaa. Much better. I only managed to download one song [Kyuss- 'In the Middle' or something] which was OK. I wasn't too fond of it though.
But TrustyFiles is good. No adware or spyware or anything either.
I also...well. I didn't do much except Great Depression research yesterday. I did take my gorgeous dog for a run around the block though. Heh. I had toasted sandwhiches and Chocolate Pudding for dinner. Mmm-mmm-mmm.
Also a shout-out to Mamma Vash- she seems like a cool, intelligent person. Rock on, Mamma.
Thats all I have to say I think. Yeah. Except...with my buttons, do they make two even rows or not? Because on mine, it forces out the sides of the main column and forms two even rows. If not for you...I'll just chuck away two buttons who I don't really care about anyway.
Today's Comic:

Mood: Alright.
Song: All Over the World by ELO [Electric Light Orchestra] |
Comments (4) |
Saturday, April 3, 2004
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[8:18AM Sunday 4 April]
Good morning. Bleh. What to say.
Well, we were at his place until 11:30, when we were picked up. Hung around at the ball for a little while [we stayed in the car] whilst my friend's dad went looking for his daughter [he was giving me a ride home]. Got back a bit before 1. I then had a shower, watched something my mum had taped for me and went to bed at 2. I woke up this morning at 7:14. Not much sleep at all, I'm afraid.
Anyway, to be chronologically incorrect, here is what I did yesterday. I woke up at 6, got on my computer and played games. Then a bit after 7 I got online. Chatted with Hataki Vash and.... someone else [excuse my memory]. I also mO'ed, and Ob'ed and emailed in that time. At... 8:45-ish I got offline and had breakfast, woke up my mum and did stuff until a bit after 10:30 when my friends came by. At about 11:15 my mum, the friend and I left and went over to the next town where the party was to be held. We stuffed around there, went shopping and stuff and were dropped off at the Birthday Boy's house at 3-ish. We did a bit of stuff. We had punch and sandwhiches and chips. We watched Pirates of the caribbean, we played [for hours] with the Eyetoy. We walked several of the girls back home at various points through the night. We had trifle, and pizza. It was fun. And then when it was only my friend, the B'Day Boy and myself left we watched the 13th Warrior. Or most of it anyway, before my friend's dad turned up. It was, all in all a good time.
I'm feeling a little bit tired this morning [understated]. I also have homework to do today. So, I'll probably have an afternoon nap methinks. Hopefully I can pull through the day. Early night is in order I think. Like, 5PM. lol.
Note: Thanks DDG ;)
Today's Comic:

Mood: Heavy-lidded.
Song: Black Betty by Spiderbait. |
Comments (2) |
Friday, April 2, 2004
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[7:21AM Saturday 3rd April]
God, don't I feel like a bucket of shit.
Excuse the language... I seriously feel like Death warmed up though. You see, I get asthma. Basically, you produce an abnormally large amount of mucus in your throat which clogs up your throat and makes it real hard to breathe. Apparently the reason I get asthma is when I get excited about something [which I think is a load of rubbish], because I never feel excited about anything. Anyway, it makes you cough a lot and everything. Not fun.
Which coincidentally makes it hard to get to sleep. You have to lay on your side, and even then you still cough. Anyway, I went to bed at about 9:15. I was still awake at 10:15. So, to try and stop coughing I sat up in bed. At 11:00 I laid down and was asleep in maybe 30 minutes.
Anyway, I am feeling really tired. And today I am going to a friend's house for his birthday party, and I'll be there until midnight when I'll be picked up and driven half an hour back home. I'm gonna be walking dead.
Anyway...yeah. I had another gripe about something online I was going to put up. But stuff it.
I'll just move on. As PT would say, "Life sucks, get a helmet." Good advice there.
Today's Comic:
Just because there is a reasonable explanation, doesn't help you feel any better about it.
Mood: Crummy.
Song: Would by Alice in Chains |
Comments (2) |
Bit brisk here ^_^
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[6:18AM Friday 2nd April]
Well, it is certainly a bit nippy up here. I have on my PJ’s, socks, slippers, dressing gown, jumper, beanie and gloves. I am finding it a little bit hard to type with these gloves on though, so…. *discards*.
Much better. Anyway I am typing this up now, so I won’t waste my one spare period today when I go on OB and mO. I’ll add whatever happened to me during the day then I suppose. Anyway, Mimmi, I reloaded up my post background for you and made it lighter- it should be easier to read now, especially on poorer monitors, or laptop ones.
I think my….alterations have certainly made a world of difference to my page. I am really happy with how everything is gone.
[Feel free to link to my page, BTW. I must repeat though, please use your own hosts =) ]
Also, don’t hesitate to make your own buttons. I’ll probably add you to my lists sometime if you do.
School is going well for me. Lots of homework, chatting a lot, doing my work, sleeping You name it, I’ve done…actually no. I don’t do a lot in my classes. Just work and talk. Whatever. Lol.…but last night I got in a little bit of trouble. You see, I hadn’t loaded up my buttons at school… so I wanted to do it when I got home. I mowed the lawn, and then came and started doing my homework, but I went on mO and OB too a) Put up my buttons on my site and b) Put them on the Submission page. My mum comes in, sees me on it and goes berko.
I feel so bad…more importantly annoyed that I didn’t here her coming into the room though as I usually do. Heh. Naughty me. But I buckled down and got 6 pages of research done, as well as [secretly] finishing off the uploading. SO, it’s all good I suppose.
Then my ex rang me at… well, about 5 minutes after I got offline [10 to 9 or so] and we talked until 10 to 10. Long talk. It was nice to chat with her though [we parted on good terms] and we covered a…wide variety of topics. Heh. Nice to talk.
I went to bed, to sleep. Got up and did this. What a wonderful world.
Ok now it is 1:37PM and I am at school. Nothing much has happened, and everything is pretty well much normal. Nothing to say, so I’ll find a comic and load this up.
Enjoy ^_^
Today’s Comic”

Mood: Alive.
Song: Smash your Radio by Sister Machine Gun |
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