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Wednesday, March 31, 2004
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[12:10PM Thursday 1st April]
Well. What do you all think of my revamped site? Better? Worse? Alright?
Personally, I am thrilled with how it has turned out. It has exceeded my wildest expectations. Heh. Inspired by a variety of things, and spurred on by my bored-ness with my old background I decided to add this one, which I have been "sitting on" for quite a while.
So, Mimmi you want to know about the background. Well, I was doing research on Vietnam and I saw this background. I loved it...and I thought to myself "Wouldn't it be fun if I had it as my background. I mean, it is funny, me being Australian and it being American and all that jazz. How ironic and suitably amusing."
So, the idea blossomed. And it grew until it reached fruition one boring day. Also, I removed my shoutbox and re-arranged everything because I was dissatisfied with it. Now it looks much better and...feels cooler. I am happy with it. Ecstatic.
However, I despise HTML. I took about 2 hours figuring out where I went wrong and getting everything to look just how I wanted. HTML is really a trap. And all those damn codes...I ended up chucking it into Frontpage to see where I'd stuffed up. No "s after a colour coding. Messed my page up entirely. Would you believe it? Now imagine trying to create a site lke OB. Drive me absolutely balmy. Even more reason to appreciate it.
I completed my button but forgot to chuck it onto the disk I brought to school, so I'll upload it tonight if I can.
Anyway, make buttons and put them into my Button Thread. Get other's buttons off there.
Everything is running smoothly up here. Nothing really exciting happening, but next period I must do research on the Depression. Aah well.
Have a good day everyone!
Today's Comic:

Mood: Wrapped.
Song: Surfing USA by Melt Banana |
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Tuesday, March 30, 2004
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[9:25AM, Wednesday 31st March]
Juu: Swedish fish? I can't say I have ever heard of them...but they are slightly gummy [jellybabies] but not very. If you leave them out overnight they even go hard. lol. They have a consistency of...snakes. You know the lolly snakes you can get? Yeah, well they're like that.
I am also thinking of following on from James' example and making my very own button. I found one on some site, but I might use another image for it. What would be good is if everyone made buttons for their site [a uniform size would be needed] and people could just link across. I think a few buttons I have seen are 100x35 or something, which would be an ideal size. So, I am going to start a "Button" thread on OB, which will hopefully be allowed and endorsed and whatever. Put your buttons up on there and people can add your specific button to their website if they so wish.
Do you guys think that is a good idea?
Anyway, last night I stayed at my friends house because my mom went up to Perth for a doctor's appointment. It was alright...we played Splinter Cell on PS2 [I hate that damn camera!] and had dinner and went to bed. lol. Exciting. Woke up at 6, packed up my stuff. You know, the usual mornings-before-school routine. I had Nutrigrain and yoghurt for breakfast.
Which leads me to today's Big Question.
How do you pronounce "yoghurt"? Do you pronounce the 'o' like in 'yo-yo' or like in 'dog'? Because the English [Poms ;)] pronounce it like in dog. Which just sounds really odd to me. So, how do you pronounce yoghurt?
Today's Comic:

Mood: Average.
Song: Burn in Hell by Error. |
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Monday, March 29, 2004
Just for you Tony
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Sunday, March 28, 2004
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[11:53AM, Monday 29th March]
I am shocked and offended! My thighs are not "white, pimply thighs". They were white thighs which are now lobster red and sore. However, they are not and never were pimply. What an insult! I keep myself fit, and healthy. So, Bah-Humbug to you Radaghast Scrooge!
Miser. :p
Now to address some points that came up.
1: Sorry for ruining you daydream Kinetix :p
2: What I meant is that I like people I know IRL not knowing about OB. I can be more open on here than I feel I can IRL.
3: Jelly-Babies are... god, how can you not know them Tony? They're little baby-shaped lollies which are made of some kind of jelly candy stuff. Not like jelly-beans, they're soft and...gummy. I don't know how to explain it. I thought everyone knew about jelly-babies!
4: Yeah, a few people I know I have told about OB...but luckily they came only for a short period of time.
I also think that that is the most comments I have ever had on a mO entry. 5 Comments! I'm gonna be in a fine mood all day. lol.
Now...lessee. I did absolute f/a so far today. I love not doing anything. I got busted majorly by the librarian, but that is a long story.
Isn't flirting fun? I have...recently discovered exactly how much fun it is to flirt. You feel like your wanted, and provided the 'mood' is right, you can say things you wouldn't normally dare to. Sometimes moods like that are just fun. Recess was a good flirting time. lol.
How do you feel about flirting?
Today's Comic:

Mood: Cheeky ;)
Song: I'm Sorry Ms Jackson by Outkast. |
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What I did.
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[2:05AM, Sunday 28 March]
I am not procrastinating. No, really. I am writing up this entry because I should, not because I want to delay my research on an event that influences us, or re-read that autobiography. I’m doing this because I should. Understood?
Anyway, earlier this morning I was in a very productive mood. I whipped up a banner and an animated avatar for Miss Ryoko. I also…chatted to Amity, Radaghast and PT. [Or should I say Petey? Had me in guffaws] Guffaws. Haha. Lovely word that. I don’t really like Alex’s new name. Petey sounds…odd. He is a PoisonTongue and should be named as such. Anyway…onto other matters.
Such as…I don’t know. Well, let me recount my yesterday for you.
I got up…OBed for a while, added my mO entry. I then did a few hours of solid homework which I almost finished. Then I [had] to go over and help the lady over the road move a massive mound of sand. Took me two hours, and I didn’t take a break. I got twenty dollars for it [AU, so it ain’t that much], but yeah. Long time. I got home and finished my homework. I then…loafed around, did 10KM of riding on our exercise bike [whilst reading the play for English next term]. I…watched some TV, had a shower, had dinner, played on my computer for half an hour, dried dishes and went to bed. I woke up this morning and came online at… 7:20-ish. OBed, chatted and made aforementioned banners. Then I…got offline, had breakfast and finished reading the play on the back step, in the sun. My thighs are painfully white [I’m decently tanned elsewhere though] because I wear boardies. So I let my legs get a bit red [I had shorter shorts on, you pervs ~_^] and came inside. I had lunch, went down to the deli to grab a packet of Starburst Jelly-Babies and here I am, back home typing this up while I’m not procrastinating. After I finish this, I’ll probably start on my homework, get my mum up at 3:15, she’ll come on and work on her Editing of some guy’s book, and I’ll watch the taped Oscars. Yes, it was a long time ago. No. Yes. Yes. Y…no.
Like having a telephone conversation isn’t it? Only you can hear one person. Lol. Yes I am strange. Anyway, not much has been going on for me.
I do have a subject though…what do you all think about your anonymity online? Have you introduced friends to the boards? Do you regret it now? I value the fact that nobody really knows who I am. I could be anyone. You could be anyone. I like not having people judge me from IRL, but from online. It is… a good thing. I am reasonably popular [I guess] in real life…but anonymity is a valuable commodity. I think so, anyway.
And introducing, a new element of mO which may or may not be continued.
Today’s Comic:

Mood: Alright.
Song: Turn Me On by Kevin Lyttle. |
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Friday, March 26, 2004
Busy day...
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[7:08AM Saturday 27th March]
o_O Doesn’t seem like anyone was interested in my last post. I need to be more exciting. Anyway, here is my day so far.
This morning I awoke to find a massive crocodile about to crush my head into pulp. I pulled out my ever handy dagger and pushed the dagger, vertically, as far up into it’s mouth as I could. It bit down, onto my arm. But, I had placed the knife right underneath it’s head. The force of it’s closing jaws drove the knife point though it’s brain, and it stopped within mere millimetres of my arm. Lucky escape.
Until, I heard an ominous rumbling sound. What was this?! A heard of stampeding wildebeest running through the hall. I grabbed my ever handy electric cattle-prod and herded out through the backdoor, avoiding my mother’s prized petunias.
As I wiped the sweat from my brow, I felt decidedly hungry. So much effort, and I had only been up for ten minutes! So, I opened my packet of Space-O’s and, damn me, if a horde of Martians didn’t jump out and go around kicking over the sugar bowl! So, I scooped them up and put them into the mini-spaceship I’d been making in my spare time. I programmed it for Mars, and they blasted out of my house at light-speed.
I decided on just having toast instead.
It burnt.
Mood: Jocose. Look it up.
Song: Iguana in Trouble by Melt Banana.
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Tuesday, March 23, 2004
OB-less Yesterday =(
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[6:32AM, Wednesday 24 March]
Hiya. Sadly, I didn’t get on OB yesterday. Which sucks =\. Majorly. One free period yesterday, and I went to a friend’s house for it. Aah well. For some reason it always…makes me feel odd to miss a day on OB> I feel like I owe it something…that I owe everyone there something. I don’t know why…but I do. OB has been a really good thing for me. I am…committed to it. I feel like I’d be letting people down if I just upped and left. I know that few people would really care or notice…but all the same. I don’t know.
Anyway, I don’t like missing OB.
Also, on the music front…I like Melt-Banana. They’re growing on I said before I didn’t really like them. However, the more I listen to them, the more I like them. They’re a pretty cool band really. So, now, I would have to recommend them to you. Good stuff.
Also, I have school photos today. I am just soooooo happy. I just luuuuurve having my photo taken.
Can’t you just feel the enthusiasm? I bet you can.
I don’t actually have much to say. I finished one batch of homework, and am now working on an assessment of the picture book “Rose Blanch”. Hurray. I…had swimming yesterday. We played water polo [in the shallow end though], and I must say “It rox0rz s0xorz!11!!!1”. Very fun game- I loved it.
In other news a good friend of mine probably won’t be playing hockey this upcoming season. He’ll be doing football [AFL] instead. It is a shame- he is a really great player, probably the best on our team. I’ll miss him sorely if he doesn’t play =\. People move on though, I suppose.
Now…my question for this week: Relationships.
Girls: 1: How do you show if you’re ‘cracking’ onto someone?
2: How do you judge when you’re being cracked onto?
Guys: 1: How do you show if you’re ‘cracking’ onto someone?
2: How do you judge when you’re being cracked onto?
Mood: 50/50
Song: Mister Love by the Toadies.
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Sunday, March 21, 2004
=\ Why isn't it Sunday again?
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[6:24Am, Monday 22nd March]
Been a while since I wrote one of these up at home… 12 days, in fact. Yeah, I am so anal retentive that I date my mO entries. Here is how I date them.
And then at the end of the month I put them in a folder marked
March 04
How damn anal retentive is that? At the end of the year, you can bet that I’ll put them into a folder marked
lol. Oh well. Maybe I’m just too organised and finicky with stuff like that. Whatever. Lol.
I am proud to announce that I have now downloaded….82 songs off Kazaa. Pretty good eh, especially as I only started using it…last weekend, I think it was. Testament to the enormous amount of time I’ve spent online. Yesterday I was online for 11 hours. I wasn’t actually on the computer the whole time though…and when I was it was homework. ;_; Poor me. Heh. However, something that is baffling me is the “Participation” marker on Kazaa…how do you participate more? I’m down to 6. What’s the deal with that?
Anyway, what did I do yesterday…. Well, I researched a whole ton on Vietnam for an in-class essay on Tuesday. My subject is “The USA had no right to become involved in Vietnamese affairs from the 1950’s to the 1970’s.”. I am arguing for, considering information I have gained. I mean, there is a slight justification concerning the Tonkin incident [though it was…exaggerated and mislead Congress] and about the Domino theory…but really. They should have let it be, I feel. Diem was a bastard who deserved to go.
Whatever. Lol. It happened. But that is what I was dong anyway. I made a start on my maths homework [Due Tuesday] but didn’t get too far. I’ll need the GFX calculator tonight if I am to get it done. However, I have like… 3 periods free today. Time enough for OB, mO and homework. I should do the homework first I suppose…
I woke up this morning and immediately thought it was Sunday…after about 5 seconds I realised I was wrong though. ;_; Such a shame. I was all ready to jump online at 7 and OB. Lol. Disappointment galore.
Which leads me to a question…
How fast do you wake up [by alarm] and do you take any time to “Get yourself together” so to speak?
I awake in like, 2 seconds flat and generally know where, who and when I am by then as well.
[drawl] “They call me Lightning Eyes. Fastest Waker in the West” [/drawl]
Mood: I don’t know…
Song: Close Our Eyes by Oingo Boingo
[Yes, I know I have had it before. Doesn’t say it needs to be a new song, just whatever is on my mind at the time.] |
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Saturday, March 20, 2004
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[8:45AM, Sunday 21st March]
Well. Well.
Well. Ladidada. What to say?
Well...I haven't been doing anything. I finished my homework for English, and I am currently working [or going to be working on today] my SOSE research on Vietnam and starting the Autobiography study for English. Busy me.
Now...Soul Asylum. I downloaded "Runaway Train" which it turns out I have heard lots before. I then downloaded another one...which I didn't like. So I left them.
Butthole Surfers. I absolutely adore "The Shame of Life" but the other two I downloaded I don't really like at all.
Also, after downloading Oingo Boingo's "I am the Walrus" I know where Stephen King got those strange lines from in "Dreamcatcher"...or I know they had a similar source at least. Heh. Amazing how connections happen, eh?
On Friday we had a test in Genetics. Piece of Piss. Easy as pie.
UUh. Oh, more homework. I have to do that Maths assignment today, hopefully have it done for Tuesday. Otherwise I'll flunk the test we'll be doing in class. The homework is an integral part of it... so, it has to be done =\. Curses.
Anything else on my mind? Hhhrrmm. Oh, yeah, visit my new banner thread and reply. I'd greatly appreciate it. Can't think of much of anything else at all.
Well then, I suppose that's enough for today.
Mood: Shplat. Yep, I feel Shplattish today.
Song: Louise [Live] by Oingo Boingo. |
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Friday, March 19, 2004
More music talk...
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[1:38PM, Friday 19th March]
Well here I am, just finishing off an appetising round of Peanut Butter sandwiches. Mmm-mmm-mmm.
They're delicious. I just love my peanut butter. Now I have been eating it compulsively for....hhhmmm. About 6 months. Or longer. lol.
Good stuff that.
Thankfully, I am staying home this weekend so I can get my veritable mountain of homework done. Yay.
[Also, Mitch. I read your last story, Dead Astronaut. Excellent. Very... good. I enjoyed the parallel planes concept you used.]
Now done to one of my true
Once again, thanks to Tony's overwhelming influence [I think I idolise him >_>. So cool.], I downloaded a band he has mentioned in the past.
Toadies. Bwah. Excellent. I love their music. Wonderful stuff.
[Mimmi- I'll look into that Soul Asylum group, they sound good]
I have a problem with the Toadies though... I have two songs ['Possum Kingdom' and 'So Help Me Jesus'] and they're both the same, but I think the 'Possum Kingdom' song is mislabelled. Whatever. Good music anyway.
Any other suggestions from you music connoisseurs out there?
Anyway...I didn't do much so far today. Had Health, Intro-Calculus, Biology....and now this.
Even though typing up mO isn't a subject....whatever.
lol. Naughty me.
I should be able to chat with people feel free to give me a buzz.
[Also, I am the 5th victim of Skedy's random IMings. It'll be good to chat with him]
However, I am off nw to cruise the boards and read some more of Temple. [Matthew Reilly]. Has anyone here read any of his books?
See ya's.
Mood: Cheerful...hhhrrm. I need more synonyms.
Song: Motivational by [The] Toadies
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