Baron Samedi
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Friday, February 20, 2004
v7. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly [err.. Beautiful]
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[6:25AM, Friday the 20th of February]
As I expect most of you will be doing in your mO’s, I am going on a v7 rant, where I will cover what I think the improvements are, and some things I find disappointing.
OK. The Pro’s first.
I love the layout. As some people have mentioned, it is rather skinny… but you can not say that it looks that bad really, can you? The ‘Liquid’ colour scheme, the only one I have tried, is excellent. I might check ‘Geisha’ later on and see if it too rocks the socks. I am happy [enormously so] with the ability to collapse forums, especially since they put two forums I never visit at the very top of the page :p. I don’t really think I like the name of ‘Prefecture’ for those forums like Lounge and stuff…. But then again, it is a kind of cool little name. The self-made title you can have is kind of awesome too, but I feel that how they have rigged up the mO attatchment kind of detracts from it myself. I also find pro’s and con’s with the post thing… seeing as I was getting high up, I liked the post counts. However, I remember being new… and thinking something very close to ‘OMG theez ppl r so big!1!!1 ill neva b able 2 b as good as them an hav so meny posts!!!111!’ With the 20 posts and you become a member deal… you lose that. Which is cool. However, I don’t like the total disappearance of levels. ;_;. Raiha had only a few thousand more to go and she would have broken 10,000. And I really wanted to know what the level was. And I didn’t quite make it to No Life level in time either. Aah well.
The Moderating ‘Teams’ has got to be the coolest thing I have ever heard of in my life. How damn funky is that?
Con’s: I don’t [currently] like the layout of the info on top. It isn’t that bad… but I also feel that avatars have been shunted off to the side a bit. I’m not sure what I think about the ‘Quick Reply’ box now. Kind of awkward to have to click on a link and stuff… but hell, who am I to complain? I mean. Two seconds of time to move the mouse and click. And I complain. Detestable, really.
I also don’t like how maze-like the Rules and FAQ have become. Sure, I could follow it for a while but then I seemed to com back in a circle… or something. If James or someone happens to read this, I think a bunch of links up the top of the FAQ page which linked to various places on the page would have been a lot better, and easier to navigate.
I do understand however, that there is a mountain of little things to go through in the Rules and FAQ, and having it all on one page could be impractical, maybe even daunting to some.
There are other things that I like and dislike, but I would imagine a lot of it is just knee-jerk reaction to change.
I found it somewhat weak that people were already complaining about v7 in the Suggestions Forum. As Tony wisely said, it had been up for two hours.
I understand that most people what a certain level of continuity in their lives… but we knew v7 was going to be big and new. I just think people should have at least given it a chance. Also, I don’t think Ryu_sakura is the best kind of Ober. I don’t really know her, but her post quality seems a bit low. Probably just the shock of having to come back after.. hell. It wasn’t even a week. How sad am I? Felt like a fortnight or more.
Speaking of which, you should check out Sara’s Rant which is hilarious.
Overall, v7 is great. I still miss v6, but that will fade.
Farewell my beloved v6. For, v7 have arrived!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Now, what did I do yesterday? I… went to school, feeling only slightly sore from Wednesday night’s hockey. Nothing particularly interesting happened at school though. I did however first see v7 at school. Sadly, the monitor I was using was… blown. It was all foggy and crap. So I had no idea… well, some, but not much of an idea, anyway. I got home, and the power was off. Damnit. Was everything conspiring against me seeing v7?
So I took the dog for a run. About twenty minutes after I got back the power came on. I decided that I would finish the next chapter of my book, then go online. But my mum had to ring a school teacher about something [No, I am not in trouble] but he wasn’t home yet, though his wife said they would be home soon. So, we wait. For an hour and a half. He rang back.
So, I didn’t get online until something like 6:20PM. And then, I only had an hour to check it out.
Why me?
Mood: In good spirits
Song: The People by The Music
Births: 1898: Enzo Ferrari, Italian car manufacturer
Deaths: 1437: King James I of Scotland, assassinated
Occasions: Feast day of St Eleutherius of Tournai, St Eucherius of Orléans, St Tyranno, St Zenobius, and St Wulfric.
On this day in…: 1811: Austria declared itself bankrupt.
[Clarification here. I originally got the History Component from Boba and took it for my use. However I have added enormously to it’s base. So, there you go. The real deal. Thanks for the idea Boba, but I think it belongs to both of us now. :p]
E D I T After school now. Nothing more to say. Your average day, really. Here is a little test I took. Thanks for the link Shinmaru

Congratulations, Joshua!
Your IQ score is 129
This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.
Your Intellectual Type is Visionary Philosopher. This means you are highly intelligent and have a powerful mix of skills and insight that can be applied in a variety of different ways. Like Plato, your exceptional math and verbal skills make you very adept at explaining things to others — and at anticipating and predicting patterns.
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Wednesday, February 18, 2004
Something about Mimmi...
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Now all, don’t forget that I am Australian. As such, my history will probably be for the day before whatever it says my post is. Just depends if I post in the morning or afternoon.
Today is the 19th Feb for me.
There ya go. Anyway, yesterday was an absolute boiling pit. 37 degrees Celsius. Humidity at 68%. Not fun. Especially as for my PA class we had to pack up the gym after the assembly. Hefting stages and, taking the amps and speakers 400m to the music house was not fun. Especially in this broiling heat. In science, it was so hot that everyone was just goofing off. Walking out of the class, soaking themselves with taps [or each other], and coming back in. Fun stuff. So, we pressured my teacher to let us go outside and skip the lesson. Eventually she gave in, so we sat outside under a tree. And I got water poured down my back several times, and dished it back out in return. Fun stuff =).
Then we had swimming next. Which was welcome. We joined with another teachers Yr11 class [I’m Yr10] and played games and dodge and stuff. Then I came home on the bus and… yeah. Had indoor hockey last night. It was boiling… but I felt really good. Tired, but good. Sport always makes me feel good.
That was it for me.
Before I go though…
There is a somebody out there who deserves a real special congratulations I feel.
She is always there. In nearly every mO I have seen, she has commented. She is witty, clever and an overall nice person. She always has the time to look in on you. She is just a really wonderful person. I am amazed that she has the time to visit everyone. But she does, and she is just a really… great person.
So, a round of cheers for Mimmi is in order.
Mood: Cheerful
Song: Hey Mama by Black Eyed Peas [Awesome song]
Births: 1473: Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish astronomer
Deaths: 1997: Deng Xiaoping, China's 'paramount leader'.
Occasions: Feast day of St Boniface of Lausanne, St Barbatus, St Conrad of Piacenza, and St Mesrop.
On this day in…: 1878: US inventor Thomas Edison patented the phonograph.
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Tuesday, February 17, 2004
What to say?
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7:30AM, Wednesday the 18th of February. That’s the date today. Betya wanted to know that, eh?
I find myself at a loss of subject matter, so I shall describe my room to you. My room is about 3 times as long as it is wide. The door is situated on a long wall, in the corner. It is a sliding door. As you walk in from the hall outside, the shorter wall is on your left. Right in front of you is my bed, which is underneath one of the two larger windows covering the outer long wall. Turn to your right and against the inner long wall, from door to wall, in this order is 1) A nightstand with alarm clock and various other little things like my watch on it. 2) A small bookcase with my radio, computer game boxes, a dictionary and other things like my martial arts belts and my caps on it. 3) My computer desk. The monitor is right on the far end, and it is just a basic computer desk. The centre of my room, as such. It is right against the wall. Now, with one side against the inner long wall, and it’s back against the short wall furthest from the door is my wardrobe. An old melamine one. White. I should be getting a new one soon, but we shall see. Then, next to that is my old, white melamine chest-of-drawers. With various things on top like a lava lamp, bike helmet, two trophies. Directly opposite that, against the base of my bed is another bookcase with a whole ton of books on the top row, and computer boxes and more books on the bottom row. On top is most of my coin collection.
So, did you all enjoy that little trip around my room?
Mood: Happy.
Song: The People by The Music
Occasions: National day of Gambia and Nepal. Feast day of St Colman of Lindisfarne, St Flavian of Jerusalem, St Simeon
of Jerusalem, St Theotonius, and St Helladius of Toledo.
Births: 1745: Alessandro Volta, Italian scientist and inventor of the electric battery
Deaths: 1664: Michelangelo died. Also 1967: Robert Oppenheimer, US physicist, inventor of the atomic bomb.
On this day in…: 1930: US astronomer Clyde Tombaugh discovered the planet Pluto.
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Monday, February 16, 2004
My exciting day...
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Once again I am here, typing away at… 6:30AM, on Monday the fifteenth of February, 2004.
I must need something to do. Perhaps I should stop getting up at six, but I enjoy it. Ah well.
Not like you folks care anyway, is it? I only updated yesterday, and the day hasn’t really started, so I might just write up an article I found about the Taj Mahal.
This was written by Susan Storm.
The Taj Mahal is known the world over for being the most magnificent statement of love. It’s a daily Valentine that gleams in the moonlight like a ghostly ice-structure mirrored in the rippling water.
At dawn, it’s aglow with shades of violet, rose pink and muted gold. In the early morning, shrouded in mist, it seems to float ethereally into the sky. And if you put your eye close to it’s skin-smooth surface, you can hear it sing- sometimes a mournful dirge and sometimes a song of great joy.
It is a painting, a sculpture, a poem and an ode to love, but, more than anything, it is arguably the greatest gift one person ever gave to his beloved. When Shah Jahan wanted toshow his wife, Mumtaz, how much he loved her, he didn’t shower her with chocolates, lingerie, jewellery or a trip to the wine-region. Instead, he built a structure that makes any other gift of love pale in comparison.
Sadly, Mumtaz never saw it because her devoted husband built it as a memorial to her life and a mausoleum to house her body after she had died giving birth to their 14th child.
Straddling the banks of the River Jumna at Agra, Northern India, the magnificent Taj is one of the worlds most legendary places. Born of inspiration, it has inspired visitors with it’s sense of beauty and harmony for more than 300 years.
If emotion can be embodied within architecture, then the love of Shah Jahan for Mumtaz is immortalised in the gracious lines, the elegant sweeps and the harmonious balance of a structure that from every angle will take your breath away.
That is as much of the two page story as I can be bothered writing, but isn’t it touching?
I mean, he must have loved her greatly, and 14 children!?! That is a hell of a lot of… ‘work’.
I just thought that would be a good article to put up, considering that it has recently been Valentines, and all that stuff.
So, my fellow OBers. Who among us received a Valentine’s gift? I know I didn’t.
I’ll finish the rest of this when I get home from school.
Ok. Back home again. Well, it has been a few hours that I have been home. It was a stinker [hot] of a day here, so me and my friend decided to bail out on Martial Arts. So, we sat in my room and played Battle-Field 1942.
Fun stuff. School was fairly average. I was kicked out of my band, might be getting back in. Couldn’t care either way.
Got burnt at swimming, but not too badly. Got a maths assignment due in, like a week, so no worries. Couldn’t be bothered starting it in Maths, so I sat and chatted with my friends.
You know, the average day.
Mood: Pretty damn good
Song: Fever for the Flava by Hot Action Cop
Births:1822: Francis Galton, English scientist and founder of eugenics
Deaths: 1834: Lionel Lukin, English inventor of the lifeboat
On this day in…1960: The US nuclear submarine Triton set off to circumnavigate the world underwater.
Have a good day everyone!
[Waiting for v7]
E D I T: In something like 48 hours, mO has gained 1000 members! Impressive, eh? ~_^
Shows what a marvellous job Adam and Co have done with the place.
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Sunday, February 15, 2004
Slicker than your average...
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So, I haveth a new look for my site. What do you all think of it? I personally think it looks a helluva lot sleeker.
Anyway, here I am at 2:10pm on Sunday the fifteenth of February, 2004 waiting for OB.
Hope I don't have to wait too long.
lol. It is really...comforting to see the people on AIM. James, Justin, Adam. All, I would imagine, working feverishly to get v7 up. For some reason that really touches me- not only are they doing it for them, they're doing it for us.
Adam doesn't outlay all the moolah he does only because he loves anime. He does it for us too.
Were it not for them, this place wouldn't be here. I wouldn't have met all the wonderful, kind and intelligent people I have.
We'd all be scattered to the Four Winds.
What I am trying to say is this: Thankyou.
Next time you talk with them, just thank them for what they have done.
They deserve our congratulations and praise.
Anyway, I have not been doing much. I posted up my Re-Writing History assessment yesterday for school... had a quiet weekend.
This morning, I chatted with a few people. Mitch has written a wonderful story. Very... ingenious. Read it.
And Raiha's pet plecostemus, Suckie died. She insists I did it.. but I swear I didn't. Visit her site and see. It is hilarious- well, some parts of it are.
Anyway, I am going to see if I can figure out how to get a background for my tables. If I can't... I'll ask someone.
Note: For HTML help, visit this link. Done by Adam and the crew, it is a good guide. Useful, especially to HTML illiterates like myself.
Song: We Used To Be Friends by The Dandy Warhols
On this day in...1928, the first edition of the Oxford English Dictionary was completed after 70 years and 300,000 pounds worth of outlay.
[I win Boba!]
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Friday, February 13, 2004
Down I go.....
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The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Fourth Level of Hell! Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test
Thanks for the link Syk! I honestly don't think I deserve to be this far down though... :(
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Tuesday, February 10, 2004
Looong Post.
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Well, well. Here I am, at 6:44am, after finishing up a half hour of maths. Yes, I get up early. I haven’t updated for a while (no chance) so, I am typing this up, then gonna transfer to floppy and take it to school. Like you’d care anyway.
So, what have I been up to?
Had to help with a fundraising BBQ yesterday. Hardwork, 400 or so people, and there is me, handing out the ‘dogs. Anyway… I missed my English lesson and half of my maths lesson because we had to cook before the BBQ, and clean up afterwards. Wasn’t too bad though. Fun.
A few days ago, someone came and nominated [or wished to] nominate me for Student Executive. The idea of power was strong, but I said no. I am too lazy and unmotivated to do anything like that… well, I am not lazy as such just… I don’t know. Something. Plus I am busy enough already.
Here is my schedule. Yours is probably busier, but WTF.
Monday- Martial Arts
Wednesday- Hockey
Ok, so that is it. But when I have to start getting up at 6am to finish off my homework, I know that I need all my spare time. Lol.
I got on OB for about an hour yesterday, but shock, horror I DID NOT POST!!
If this was the holidays… a day never passed without at least one post. But school… homework… social stuff. It all piles in on my time.
Plus yesterday there weren’t a great deal of interesting threads. Or so I felt, anyway. Also, Knight of the Rose has started up another Black Horizon sequel. Hopefully this will go down well as well. Black Horizon the Original was excellent. A genuinely good read if you’re bored one day. I should probably get a font and stuff for OB. I mean, I just do the standard. Maybe I’ll just start using [size=1] text, but that way I have to write so much more to make it appear the same. Lol. I’ll just use more paragraphs in the future or something >.>
We’ll see.
[Back from getting ready for school]
Ok. Lessee. Anything else I wanted to mention?
Yeah. I think there is a secret “mOCS” group around. Hardly anybody comments on my stuff for example, whereas others get heaps of comments. [BTW, mOCS stands for my Otaku Comment Society] I think there are a few reasons for this.
One- I am too boring.
Two- You don’t like me
Three- You’re lazy
Four- There is a “mOCS” group
Which is it? You tell me…. Am I not anime-y enough for you? Or something… anyway. Lol.
EDIT: I must however thank those who do sign my book. And in response to your replies for my last one- no, I was not drunk. Hell, I am only fourteen! Lol.
I also have a theory- when you start receiving spam GB signings only involving you going to sign their site, then you know that you’re getting somewhere. You are finally becoming a somebody.
As quoted from the Paris Hilton ‘Unveiled’ doco last night, “when you have a site created just to make fun of you, then you know you’re famous”. I suppose it works the same here, right?
Before I go, I want your opinion on something.
Should I bring Hagar back to OB?
Do you folks want that red-bearded beast of Valour, Hagar the Horrible back to represent me?
Song: ‘By the Way’ by Red Hot Chilli Peppers
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Friday, February 6, 2004
Random musings
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Haha. I wil continue it Boba. And mine will be better than yours!!
Check the comments for my previous post for the reference. lol.
Anyway, the weekend hath arrived, and my heart still beateth within my chest. So it is all good.
Here is a really random thing... what do you call breasts?
*cracks up laughing*. Ok, I get the feeling this is going to be a really random post. So prepare to be confused.
Anyway, I did stuff this past week. Nothing particularly great, but I got some Toblerone yesterday. Toblerone is delicious.
I did some homework, and got some more due next week. My classes are interfering with my other ones, and I am missing most of my electives and everything is shit.
But my week was good. It is just annoying. Like yesterday, I was complaining to my mom about it. And she blows up at me! As my mother, I kind of expect to be able to talk to her, and complain to her. But she blows up at me. So annoying.
She never gives me a chance to explain/argue/talk sensibly. She just blows up and yells at me. She doesn't gve me much freedom, and doesn't seem to understand that we're two different people. It drives me crazy. Thats probably why I love OB so much. It is one of the only places where I can express my opinion, and it is accepted, and I would like to think, repected. Maybe you all hate me. I don't know. But OB is a good place for me.
Anyway, time to wrap up this random post. What do you all think of my new Welcome Banner?
Mood: In between
Song: Crossing Thy Bridge by ICP
On this day in...1845: The Portland Vase, a Roman cameo glass vase dating to the 1st century BC, was smashed by a drunken
visitor to the British Museum. |
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Tuesday, February 3, 2004
Pheww *wipes brow*
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Well, here I am. Already school is starting to infringe on my OB time. It is only the second day, but I can feel it nonetheless. I am sure it will clear up the further on we get into the year. I'll give it a week. Not like it affected me the last three terms of last year, huh?
School has been good. It is always great to see your friends again. I have had a really social time of it so far, which is a great surprise for me >_>. I am normally holed up in the library.. but I haven't spent any Lunch/Recesses in there yet. I am feeling great, so yeah... it's all good.
Had sport today. It was boiling. I sweat so much- I have always sweated 'like a pig' as the expression goes. Anyway, it left me on an endorphin high. What more could you want?
I'm doing Biology, Calculus, P.A Sytems/Sound engineering, English and Sose this year. This term I should say. Anyway, I am feeling quite positive about this year.
Tomorrow we are starting indoor hockey as practice for the in-season when we start playing properly again. I love my hockey, plus any exercise is good.
I have made a resolution to get up at 6:30 each morning and use the twenty minutes before I start getting ready for school to do exercises... not sure if I will, but I made the resolution nonetheless. Feels good XD.
Aside from that not too much going on. Usual beginning of school rush. No homework to speak of yet.
Mood: Cheerful
Song: Project Insane II by Trance Control
On this day in...1966: The first rocket-assisted controlled landing on the Moon was made by the Soviet space vehicle Luna IX. |
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Saturday, January 31, 2004
I'm Back.. no need to cheer.
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Ahoy. I am back, and you can all get your big booster shot of BARON to fix you all up. There, isn't that better?
Anyway... I suppose one of you might hapen to wonder what I've been up to. We stayed at home until around 1200 on the first two days up there. We went shopping, did a few chores. No beaching as it was infernally cold and blustery. Then my mum had a doctos appointment on the Saturday, so we went there and were met by my grandparents. We went to a cafe and had lunch before the drive home. So, it was a fun time.]
And, as expected the temperature will be warming up tomorrow. A boiling day for my first day back at school. Why does this always happen to me? There is some evil hand stirring this pot.. everytime school starts it is a boiling day. Freaky. I am sad that this is my last day of freedom before I start school again. Any part in OB chats will be pushed to two days, or even one a week. That is the bad thing about living in Australia- OB times. Heh. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else though.
Not much else going on.. but I am not looking forward to school. Will be good to see my friends, but I also value my freedom.
Anyway, that about wraps it up. Use my Shoutbox fellas. Go ahead.
I will start up a new way to end my posts... but not today. Got work to do.
Catchas. |
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