Baron Samedi
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Sunday, December 28, 2003
The Witching Hour
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Yes yes, no need to berate me. I am up late, once again. So much for my early night plan, Pfft. Anyhow... just came back from 3 or 4 hours of blowing the shit out of other people on Battlefield. If any of you have it, come on before the week is out, go to 3fl filter- I'll be in NSW or WA as Baron [surprise!] so yeah. That'd be good.
An average day today. Tomorrow [well, technically today] we might be going bowling. Do all you guys like bowling too? I think it is great fun. I had prawns, oysters, kangaroo and coke for dinner. Yum.
On OB today I launched a new banner and avatar set. It looks OK, we'll see how long I am in love with it for. lol.
Anwyay... almost New year everyone. Time to celebrate. Get drunk [if you're old enough] have fun. Paaaaarrrrttaay people.
Anyhow. Goodnight. I'll cruise OB, and go to bed. Bye. Thanks for coming. |
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Saturday, December 27, 2003
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Ok. Nothing much been happening for me, excepting late nights >.< *yawns*
Anyhow... yesh. Very nothing really. I did lots of nothing.
Ooh, I saw Master and Commander yesterday. That was as a very good and clever ending to the movie I thought. Very.. sleek. So.. thats about it for me. Just thought I would update. Power was out this morning whe I got up. I am a bit cold... might go put on a jumper. See ya's. |
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Wednesday, December 24, 2003
You all suck ^_^
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 you are the "you're so dumb" happy bunny. you are brutal in your words and enjoy putting others down.
which happy bunny are you? brought to you by Quizilla
I don't enjoy putting people down.
*coughs* No, really, I don't.
Merry Christmas. |
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Yay. Haven't opened anything yet- not allowed to until 9:00 -.- Anyhow. Yeah. What a pointless message. Cool beans.
[Thanks Charles. And Charles. Heh] |
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Tuesday, December 23, 2003
Engine Number Nine.
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Ooh. I am partially annoyed, still.
Today I got my computer back - Christmas present is more RAM, space etc. Well, two big dramas. My [new] video card was all glitching with Desert Combat. Eventually we fixed that. Bleh.
But I needed a new hard drive. So I now have a Drive E. They tried to copy, or 'ghost' all my current info onto the new one, but it wouldn't let them. Anyhow... my old one may have corrupted files/be about to die.
So I need to copy, delete, reinstall. Everything. Nearly everything, anyway. Bleh.
Anyway, my day was pretty good.
'Ere I depart, I wouldst leaveth with you a small note of one of my favourite tunes:
Engine, Engine, Number 9,
On the New York transit line,
If my train goes off the track,
Pick it up, pick it up, pick it up,
Put it back!
Ah well, tis 20 minutes to midnight. Sleep tight you all. Two more sleeps for me to go before Christmas now! ^_^ |
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Monday, December 22, 2003
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Bleh. Ok, a run through of the past day. I woke up at... 6:30 today
Came online. I Obed a bit, then was invited by... Shinobi to join a chat. Yes, this chat was Desbreko's soon-to-be-famous, world-record-breaking-awesome-action-and-language-packed 24-hour Chat. He has a saved record of all 25 and a half hours of convo
lol. That was fun
Sadly, I wasn't there all the time. I was there for about 6 or 7 hours though, on and off. I got D?Ced so many times today. Bloody annoying. Anyhow.,.. had a great day. Made some more friends, did a lot of mOing this morning.
Met someone I disliked. Wind master. What kind of dickhead wants to take over the world?I mean... the guy is obviously immature and stupid. IMO. I just find him annoying.
Anyhow. Yesh. Good day. I just finished playing about 3 or 4 hours of BattleField 1942 with my dad ^_^. That was fun. It is... 12:30am. yes, half an hour after midnight. I am tired. I am going to bed. I love you all. heh. Aside from Wind Master. Will see you guys in 6-7 hours.
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Sunday, December 21, 2003
Well... Bleh to you...
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Man. what a completely mind numbing day. First of all, I didn't go to bed until midnight. Woke at 5:30 finished the book I was reading at 7:40. Went on OB. Played games, blah-de-blah. Chatted with PT and a few friends. Got booted, went for a bike-ride. I think I had lunch... actually I didn't. Came here. Been on here for 5 hours, on OB and various gaming sites. I am feeling like crap. But I like OB. lol.
Tomorrow I'm getting my computer upgraded. 512mbRAm, 60Gb space, NVidia[probably] video-card. yeah, good stuff. I am looking forward to it.
Also I... yeah. That is all I have done all day. I feel proud. Oh, I also made a poem. It's on the Boards, go visit it, it is entitled [Fortune faded]. Also, a heads up- I have PMed Syk in regard to me making a banner competition. We'll see how that goes.
Anyway, hope your day was good. Only... 4 sleeps to go. I'm excited. lol. Hope you all get what you want for christmas. |
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Thursday, December 18, 2003
In the music...
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As my new banner currently represents, I am severely into music. Music is... an exytreme form of self-expression, appreciation and... it is a multitude of things. It is fun, a group instinct, a wave, a public feeling. At the same time, it can be somehting intrinsincly private. Like singing in the shower, or playing music on your comp. It is something entirely personal, whilst at the same time somehting to share with everyone.
So, how do you all feel about music? What... meaning does it have for you? Some kind of special place does it hold?
Also, if you feel like it, list your top 3 favourite bands. Mine are Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Linkin park and.... Offspring. I suppose.
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Wednesday, December 10, 2003
Long time
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Been a while since I updated, so here I go. Sorry to keep you all waiting, but you know the deal- nothing happening. I have been thinking of changing my 'skin' for mO but I'll need a few hours one morning.
Anyhow, my new RPG is going very well I feel. Check it out. Also, KOTR's RPG is marvellous. I'm really enjoying it.
In my life... school is almost over. I'm finishing thursday week. I got 'The Sims' about 2 weeks ago. Much fun, it is a cool game. Aside from that... not much happening. Hope that your lives are more interesting than mine. Heh. Yesterday I sent my girlfriends present to her... hopefully it will get there in time. Anyway... have a good day y'all. |
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Thursday, November 27, 2003
No computer this weekend -.-
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No computer for me this weekend..... and no, not because I've been a bad boy ^_^. I am going to mandurah for the weekend. Hurray! I wish I had a laptop though. heh. I wake up at 6 every morning and do homework [don't tell my mum]. At least I'm procrastinating about 0.5% less than before... and terra? I know someone who doesn't procrastinate.. my girlfriend. She manages just about everything, she is so amazing. Iyeh. heh.
So, not much going on currently. Just a little update. I should go check out other people's myO's. Get some subject or something. But really, is it my fault that my life is dull? Just because I can't tell you that I'm a secret agen.... Uuum. a travel agent? |
Haha. Well, I need to be interesting even if it makes me lie. lol. Anyways. Hope you are all having a good day. Heh.
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