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• BaronSamediOB3
• Baron Samedi
• 1989-08-24
• Somewhere Sunny
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• Lackadaisical Student
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• Joshua
| Baron Samedi
Saturday, June 12, 2004
Full Power Captain
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Time: 8:14AM Sunday 13 June
I have a lot to say, but where to start? Well, yesterday was hockey, and I thought it was going to be a really pissy day. Just about all night the rain was bucketing down, and I mean bucketing. Absolutely pouring it was. The morning dawned, and it wasn't too bad looking, despite having to get moving at half-past 6, as we needed to be at the hockey place by 8:30. ANyway, we played the firts half pretty good. It got to half time...and it starts pelting down. It starts as... medium, already diagonal with wind. Then in about a minute it becoems a deluge of diagonal rain, pelting you on the back and face. Anyway, it keeps raining for about 10-15 minutes [we're playing at this stage], and then it clears up, and the sun comes out. Funny. I must say, I am terribly glad that I was wearing a longsleeved shirt, shirt, and my uniform. o_O.
Otherwise I would probably be feeling pretty crappy right about now. And even better news- we one 2:0!
Anyway, we had some videos to take back from last weekend, but we hadn't watched one of them yet... 'John Q'. I chose it, and it is a beautiful movie. A good blend of humour and drama, as well as some really excellent actors, it is recommended. I loved it.
Then we watched the Kiwi's thrash the pants of the Poms in the first test match of the rugby season. Thats right folks! Rugby is coming back to Baron's myOtaku!
The score was 36-3, and there was some truly excellent play.
*half hour later*
No, couldn't find a good site about it. Aah well. Good match anyway.
Uum. God, I remember so much stuff that I wanted to say, but I can't think of it. Aah well, that'll do.
Edit: Eng vs. NZ Report was found! And, this very afternoon, Australia versus Scotland. Go Wallabies!
Mood: Got a little headache
Song: Open Your Eyes by Guano Apes
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