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Baron Samedi
Somewhere Sunny
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Lackadaisical Student
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| Baron Samedi
Saturday, April 3, 2004
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[8:18AM Sunday 4 April]
Good morning. Bleh. What to say.
Well, we were at his place until 11:30, when we were picked up. Hung around at the ball for a little while [we stayed in the car] whilst my friend's dad went looking for his daughter [he was giving me a ride home]. Got back a bit before 1. I then had a shower, watched something my mum had taped for me and went to bed at 2. I woke up this morning at 7:14. Not much sleep at all, I'm afraid.
Anyway, to be chronologically incorrect, here is what I did yesterday. I woke up at 6, got on my computer and played games. Then a bit after 7 I got online. Chatted with Hataki Vash and.... someone else [excuse my memory]. I also mO'ed, and Ob'ed and emailed in that time. At... 8:45-ish I got offline and had breakfast, woke up my mum and did stuff until a bit after 10:30 when my friends came by. At about 11:15 my mum, the friend and I left and went over to the next town where the party was to be held. We stuffed around there, went shopping and stuff and were dropped off at the Birthday Boy's house at 3-ish. We did a bit of stuff. We had punch and sandwhiches and chips. We watched Pirates of the caribbean, we played [for hours] with the Eyetoy. We walked several of the girls back home at various points through the night. We had trifle, and pizza. It was fun. And then when it was only my friend, the B'Day Boy and myself left we watched the 13th Warrior. Or most of it anyway, before my friend's dad turned up. It was, all in all a good time.
I'm feeling a little bit tired this morning [understated]. I also have homework to do today. So, I'll probably have an afternoon nap methinks. Hopefully I can pull through the day. Early night is in order I think. Like, 5PM. lol.
Note: Thanks DDG ;)
Today's Comic:

Mood: Heavy-lidded.
Song: Black Betty by Spiderbait. |
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