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Baron Samedi
Somewhere Sunny
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Lackadaisical Student
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| Baron Samedi
Thursday, April 8, 2004
I am really pissed off.
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[6:26AM Saturday 9th April]
Well, I ain’t the happiest chappy this side of Milwaukee all in all.
Lets see. Online life, I missed OB yesterday, will get a tiny amount of time online today and will be away until Tuesday. In real life, yesterday was great but I didn’t get the chance to say goodbye to a friend of mine who will probably be leaving over the holidays. I don’t have her email, phone or anything. Plus she lives in another town to me so I won’t see her or anything. I enlisted a friend of mine to go and see her and give her my email address though. Hopefully she’ll even be there at the beginning of next term…but we shall see. I am just so pissed off with my self. I kind of took my fair time getting out the front, walking out with a few other people after our Gala day. And she wasn’t there, apparently she had just hightailed it back home. What a bloody mess. Bleh. I feel so bad about not saying goodbye.
I spoke with my friend last night and it is strange and scary how many people are leaving. We’re getting one guy back who left last year, but we’re losing another guy, two girls, more people leaving next year. It really sucks o_O. Really, really badly. I don’t like to see all my friends just upping and leaving. Anyway, this hasn’t been the best time for me. I just keep berating myself for missing her. =\.
Aside from that yesterday was really good though. Had an absolute ball. So much fun.
Shout-Out to Ilka: Hey Ilka. If you’re reading this just a little note- please don’t tell everyone about this place, ‘K? I kind of don’t like people from IRL here, as you’d know if you have indeed been reading this place for a few months. So… Hush Hush. Heh.
Anyway, I am going away today, until Tuesday. Well Monday, but Tuesday is the earliest that I’ll be on. *tearfully* I’ll miss you guys!.
Anyway, it is now 6:40 and I am going to wrap this up, get online until 7:30 when I need to wake up my mom [#%@*&$!] and…pack and go. See ya’s.
[b]N[/b]ote: Juu- it wasn’t negative three to one. Lol. I just put in a hyphen after the word…but it made it look like negative three. Lol. The score was 3:1.
Today’s Comic:
Mood: Guilty, pissed off.
Song: Like Humans Do by David Byrne
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