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Baron Samedi
Somewhere Sunny
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| Baron Samedi
Monday, April 12, 2004
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[6:19AM Tuesday 13th April]
Well, I’m back. Had a pretty good time, sadly it was a sparse Easter though. Oh well. I had a pretty good time up there. Nothing much of interest to say though. Sorry. No gory stories, wild orgies [? Haha] or antelope stampedes. Sorry.
However I did have this excellent idea for an RPG. It is called Calibre and I formed the idea around that name. It really has potential I would say…but I sat down to type it up last night and I just couldn’t. I got almost a page down but….it is just sometimes hard to funnel your ideas into words that appropriately convey what you want. I could- I just couldn’t be bothered. If it isn’t up within, oh, say six months forget I ever mentioned it. Because I’ll have forgotten by then. It is dubious as to whether or not it will ever get up, but whatever. Which leads me into my next rant for today.
Creativity. I admire it. I envy it. There are some people who have this…really creative feel to them. They look at a lump of wood, and see a statue. But then, they can make that statue appear. They can put that picture onto the page. They can make that idea work. They can do whatever it is they want to do, because they think outside of the box. They use methods that haven’t occurred to anyone else, or have never been effectively worked by someone else. They can truly achieve the impossible. They see possibilities nobody else does, and they can actually make this stuff work. They’re clever. Just about everything as we know it has been brought about by creativity and by people who thought outside of the box, on what was needed and how to do it. Intelligent people improve and expand. Creative people improve and expand and create. They’re the idea makers. A group of genius’s is a ThinkTank. A group of creative people is a MakeTank. An IdeaTank.
So, to all those people who have had a truly original, remarkable idea in their life, I tip my hat to you. If you are creative, then treasure that gift. Creative people are the bread and butter of this world ^_^.
I’m not sure what all that was for….but basically creative people impress me with their total randomness and genius.
I don’t really have much to say today. I’m glad to be back online though. I’ll just save this, then hop back into bed for a while. Once mom is off to work, I’ll get up and….online. *grins*. Heh.
Note: Yeah Ajeh, that is the Windows Media thing. Be proud man, be proud.
Today’s Comic:
I feel blind.
Mood: Boppy.
Song: Third Planet by Modest Mouse. |
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