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Baron Samedi
Somewhere Sunny
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Lackadaisical Student
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| Baron Samedi
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Cut Me Out..
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[6:55AM Thursday 15th April]
Well…ho-hum. Let’s see….yesterday I finally persuaded a friend of mine to join. I wasn’t actually introducing her to mO-apparently she’s been reading mine for quite some time- but I got her to join up. Which was good. I’d direct you over to her page, but she asked me not to. However, if you’re a nice person, then *cough* checkmyfriendslistfornewpoeple *cough* and mosey on over there.
Sorry Ilka, couldn’t help myself ^_^.
Anyway, yesterday was a good day all in all. I left it with a definite sense of well-being and good cheer. I was online for hours, talking with people and [Otaku Franchise]ing, I helped my mum out heaps with stuff, I made my dinner and my dogs dinner too. I did and learnt more stuff about how to ‘run’ a household yesterday than I have before. Ever. And I am 14. How very, very sad. It took me about an hour to get to sleep last night, and I woke-up several times in the night….but whatever. Also, you may be interested to know that I have started my nteenth training regime [nteenth is like, any random number]. I have done it for two days now though, so I might even stick with it. Basically, it consists of me doing three or four periods of 75 sit-ups a day. Good stuff. I’m still too lame to do any more than 20 push-ups though. Heh. Weakling me ;_;.
Yesterday I chatted more than I have for weeks and weeks. It was on MSN though, where all of my IRL friends are- so you [Otaku Franchisers] missed out on me. I signed on to AIM but nobody ever talks to me. Lol. Nah, I like being left alone sometimes. Especially when I am trying to juggle 5 simultaneous conversations….a sixth would just about kill me. Lol.
Hhmmm. Ok. I am going to write up a super-quick Questionnaire which no-one will do [Yes I’m looking at YOU people].
The Official Two Minute Quiz
By Baron Samedi
1. What is your name?
2. What is your online alias?
3. What is your favourite colour?
4. What is your favourite band?
5. What is your favourite song?
6. What is your Quest?
7. What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen, African swallow?
8. What is the Oreo’s theme line?
9. Have you ever heard of Jelly-Babies?
10. Does the economic viability of the poppy/opium industry guarantee it’s profitability with interest of the livelihoods of locals? Due to this, should it be allowed to flourish?
11. What if the swallow is carrying a coconut?
12. Simple Simon says STOP! That was the last real question.
13. Just kidding, there is another one.
14. What is your favourite food?
15. Haha! If you answered Simple Simon didn’t say so!
16. Simple Simon says you’re out.
17.Yes, this questionnaire has only 17 questions. Why?
Wasn’t that fun? Add up your marks and consult the following score-reference.
0-17: You suck
18+: Cheater.
Fascinating! I made that all up by myself.
I’d like to know if you think I should remove my background? I don’t know at this stage whether I’d make a new one, or just leave it white with the postbit or what. What would you guys like to see me do?
Today’s Comic:
Mood: Reckless.
Song: London Dungeon by the Misfits |
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