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Baron Samedi
Somewhere Sunny
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Lackadaisical Student
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| Baron Samedi
Monday, April 19, 2004
Blah blah.
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[9:08AM Tuesday 20 April]
Well, here I am. In answer to Mimmi's questions...
Mimmi's Questions:
1) If you could name a star or a nebula, but not use Hagar or your own name, what would you name it ?
Good question. I'd either name it something that would embarass generations of people whenever they had to say it, or something really pretty.
So, I'd call it Mortimer's Twinky or Mimmi. ;)
2) You have access to the White House for 1 day. Do you rule the nation, or play hide and seek/goof around ?
Hhhmmm. I'd probably do a bit of both. I'd make gay marriage and that kind of stuff legal [do I have to go though Congress?], set up a third world health funding plan, send a bunch of cool stuff to my house, invite my friends over for a huge game of Laser-Tag. Oh, and I'd invite a whole ton of OBers over and the Norwegian Nude Cheerleading Team. :p. Be one massive party.
Anyway, I am glad I got at least one set of questions. I'm loving the attention. lol.
I didn't do much. I have my alarm set for 6AM, but these days I get up, turn it off and fall back into bed. There is nothing so fun as wanting to get up and on the computer...and wanting to stay in bed. And doing exactly whatever it is you want to. I went back to bed and fell asleep. I love holidays. There is no pressure at all, just refined relaxation. Delicious. I had stuff to say before...but damn me if I can't recall it now. I hate that.
Ok. One rant coming up. With Kazaa or other P2P downloader, sometimes songs you download play for five seconds or so, and then this horrendous crackling staticy sound sets in for most of the song. Whats up with that? Nothing is more annoying than wasting half an hour or whatever downloading a song only for it to be absolutely useless. And the sound drives me crazy too. lol. Makes me want to kill things...with a blunt spork. lol.
On the bright side, I have downloaded almost 200 songs without paying a cent so I can't complain. lol. I am sitting here, with my speakers up pretty high listening to Modest Mouse, and I love the raw feel of your body actually vibrating with the music. If you don't have a sub-woofer get one...they make the whole music experience about 1000% better.
Anwyay...yeah. I might change my layout later on today and give you all a look at my other red one. And then my final one is blue. From there I guess I'll have a voting thing where you can say which you liked best. Hopefully I'll get a few comments so I can have a...broader display of what people like, than only one or two people answering it.
Also, and only because I am kind of worried, a shout-out to Azurewolf:
Sorry about last night's comment if it offended you. I really do appreciate you linking me up.
Today's Comic:

Mood: I don't really know. Disappointed that not many people asked me questions.
Song: Float On by Modest Mouse. |
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