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Baron Samedi
Somewhere Sunny
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| Baron Samedi
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
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[9:24AM Wednesday 21 April]
Yay! More Questions!
Mimmi's Questions
1) If you could indtroduce a subject to school, what would it be and how many hours a week would it get ?
A real subject? Probably music designing on computers, and I'd give it one period a day. I'd love to learn how to mix and create music on a computer, so I'd go with that.
2) If you could make a movie, would it be big-budget or low-budget ? (basically Hollywood or Sundance)
Medium-large. I mean, I'd want to make sure it was as good as I wanted it to be...not cheap and shoddy. At the same time, I wouldn't want to dramatically over-extend myself in case the movie was a big flop. So, yeah, medium to large range.
3) If you were given the opportunity to go into space, would you take it ?
Without a doubt...I'd want to make sure it was..err, a spaceworthy ship and all that, but I'd absolutely love to go into space ^_^
4) What is the one question that pops up most frequently when you want to know something about someone else ? (like, do you want to ask about their hobbies, or if they've got pets .. etc)
I don't know. I don't generally ask lots of questions about people... probably if they do a sport or not.
Good questions there Mimmi!
Radaghast's Question
Would you ever share a joint with a gay man?
lol. I should have expected this one. Well, if I was into smoking joints, I wouldn't be particularly worried if they were gay or not. Depends if he tries to take advantage of my delicate self. >_>
Good stuff Radaghost. heh. ^_^
Some good questions there. A round of applause for Mimmi and Radaghast. *claps*
Anyway, what have I been doing? Well, I am still doing my situps which is good, and I have been chatting and had a look at my English module for next term yesterday. it is all about consumerism which might be fun indeed. Be interesting, at any rate.
I'm just chatting with Ilka about the old "What is the first word you think of when someone says the word...". Quite enlightening actually ^_^. Some really random stuff crops up. But it is fun. I don't have much to say, soprry. I apologise that the last few updates have been really boring, but yeah. I wrote up a quick story for the ReAnimatrix turned out OK but not the best. Check it if you want, and tell me what you thought of it, please. I'd like some feedback on it. I have another idea for a short story, which I might do later. We'll see. Anyway, thats enough from me for now.
Today's Comic:

Mood: Moodless!
Song: Hybrid Moments by Misfits. |
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