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Baron Samedi
Somewhere Sunny
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| Baron Samedi
Thursday, April 22, 2004
Mountains of Answers coming up.-EDITED
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[9:48AM Friday 23 April]
Questions Galore!
Japan's Questions
Choose: Dark chocolate, white chocolate, or milk chocolate? Why?
Milk chocolate. I am not really a big fan of dark chocolate, except in Old Gold Rum n Raisin [^_^], because I feel that it tastes sickeningly strong. Milk chocolate is nice, but it, on the other hand, is too sweet for seriously indulgent consumption. So, milk chocolate is my man ^_^.
What do you really think of me? ;_;
Well, sadly I haven't had the pleasure of chatting with you all that much [at all?]. From what I see of you around the boards though, you seem like a nice, intelligent member, which is as high a compliment as I can give without really 'knowing' you.
What would you rather have:
Mashed potatoes and gravey, or corn on the cob?
Mashed potatoes and gravy, without a doubt. Delicious-ness on a new level.
What is your favorite colour?
Black, however, if you're of the school of thought that black isn't a colour, I'd have to say... silvery-grey.
What colour is your hair?
Dark brown. It looks much better fresh outta the shower though, coz it loks black then...and I like it.
How tall are you?
I think I'm around 160cm...
Where on OB is Carmen San Diego?
Hiding in various spam threads across the forums, where only the brave or foolhardy dare to venture.
Which language would you rather learn: Korean? Chinese? Japanese?
Japanese, because I already know some from various LOTE years.
Do you like kangaroos?
They're cute, or the joeys are anyway. I'd keep well away from the big males though...especially Big Reds. They can be nasty.
What is your opinion on life?
That we're here to live it, and as such should do the best to further ourselves in life. Who cares what happens after, or if we come back or even if there is any point. You may as well give it your all. Or you could sit on the couch and waste what could be all there is.
Are the suicidal threads on OB lame or what?
To use a favourite expression of mine, they're "Lame like a leper crawling up stairs".
They could even be lamer than that.
Who has the coolest button?
Me. Nah...I'd say the pink SNA one of Tony's is damn cool. ^_^
Which OB member has the most attitude?
Bad attidude= Transtic Nerve.
Good attitude= Dagger
Cool attitude= James/Tony [Semjaza]
Do you enjoy l337 speak?
Not really...until the educational process of your OB banner, I had the utmost difficulty r34ding it. N0w 7h0ugh 17 C0|\/|35 |\|47UR4LLY. lol. I find it annoying.
Do you believe that there are evil beings out there to destroy the earth? If so, who?
Without a doubt. They are an elite industrialist Corp called "The Truth" and are awaiting the day their evil overlords give the order to attack. As Mulder would say "The Truth is out there" right he is.
Cookies or ice cream? Why?
Cookie Crumble Icecream of course. My all time favourite icecream.
If you could live with any two OBers, who would they be? Why?
Tony, because I just really think he is cool and... Raiha because she is fun to talk to. There are lots of people to choose from though...what a nasty question ;_;.
Excellent questions there Japan- some really hard ones too.
Juuthena's Questions
1) Have you ever tried tapioca?
I don't even know what it is o_O
2) If you haven't, you will go buy one- in Honeydew flavour. --
Err...OK. If we even have it here.
3) Name one band/artist you like that might be considered 'embarissing'. (I've got loads of those. xx)
Tom Jones...but I don't really consider him embarassing. I actually really like a lot of the old "parent" music. They have some excellent stuff, and I know most of the stuff my mum does. Kind of embarassing, but who cares ^_^
4) What colour's your room wallpaper?
Well actually, it is just paint and is a light China blue. I have white cornices and a white ceiling.
5) What about the carpet/floor?
Some horrendous shag-styled multi coloured carpet. Seriously, my house is sooo old. Like, 50's it was originally built. Mostly the same I think...but the carpet is not very nice. It isn't even thick shag.
6) Any posters?
Not many, and none with hot girls ;_;. I have... a picture of a Bengal and a Siberian tiger together, one of a wizard and a dragon, and two skateboarding ones featuring Chad Fernandez and Carlos De Andre respectively.
7) What are your top three best-looking celebs?
Angelina Jolie is pretty hot....minus tattoos. Drew Barrymore isn't too bad either. For a guy, just for some variety, I'd say that...Nicolas Cage is pretty cool.
8) What's your dream job?
Retired multi-billionaire. I don't actually know what I want to be...toy-tester would be awesome fun though.
9) Is it okay for guys to pluck their eyebrows?
Only to keep away a serious mono-brow. Aside from that...well, also if you look like our PM. Up to the guy I suppose, but I have nothing against it.
10) 1-10, how fashion-obsessed are you?
I'm not rich enough to be fashion obsessed...however, if I was I'd give myself a 9/10. As it is, I'd love to have some stuff, but really I can live without it.
Good stuff Juu ^_^ Thanks a bunch!
Panda's Questions
-Do stupid people know they are stupid, or are they too stupid to know it?
Depends how stupid we're talking here...I'd say they do it to be annoying, or just don't have a clue.
-When people say "That's the last thing I want to do!" does that mean it IS something they do want to do? It's just last on the list?
=\. Well, that'd depend on the situation...I can see someone saying that when they really don't want to do something (Like hurt a person) or when they actually really want to do something, but say that because they know they shouldn't. Bit rambly but...I think it depends. lol. Sorry.
-If you were given 10 billion dollars to leave the country and never return, would you take it and where would you move to?
Yes. I'd also bring as many of my friends and family over as I could...and I would move to Switzerland and go skiing every day. I'd also travel the world [except Australia, as I'm not allowed to go back].
-Have you ever been obsessed with someone...almost to the point of stalking?
I have obsessed over was only for a few days though...and I don't think I was even 100% serious. So, no.
-Have you been stalked?
Not to the best of my knowledge..wait...
"Oi! You in the bushes!!"
*chases person*
-Are you my friend?
I don't know...but I wouldn't mind ^_^. You seem nice enough, thats for sure.
-Do you own a cell phone? What kind, what ringtone, and how many numbers are stored on it?
No, sadly.
-What is your favorite animal?
I'd say Siberian tiger, because they're big, powerful and just really cool to watch.
Thanks a lot Panda. Some really hard ones in there, but it was fun ^_^
Radaghost's Questions
Question #3: Why the hell did you make my nickame Radaghost? Were you stoned or something?
Well, why do you call me "Le Baron". It was the only thing I could think of ;_;. No I wasn't stoned. I don't do that. *envisions being slit open by his mother* Definitely not doing that.
StrikeGundam'S Questions
-Red Pill or Blue, and why?
I don't know which does what...but being out in Zion seems to be a shitty deal. I'll stay in fairyland thanks.
-Do you visit the MyOs of everyone on your list?
Mostly... I visit any who were updated that day...some peoples I don't visit just because I don't give a damn...most I do though.
-If you could be anyone, living or dead, real or fictional, for exactly six hours, who would you be, and what would you do?
Damn hard question... who is a real lady killer? [Err, I don't mean Jack the Ripper either]. I haven't the slightest... I might be Elvis....just to give everyone a bit of gossip to spread around.
Thanks Strike Gundam ^_^
Anyway, that took me a long time to do. I wans't working full-time on that, but it is now 10:35 PM. Ouchies. Thanks for all of the questions folks ^_^. Now I did have a rant, but not sure if I should do it now.
Might save it for another, more boring day. Anyway, after this I am going to create a new postbit for my posts and put up background number two. Hopefully, you'll all like it. We'll see.
Today's Comic:

Mood: Happy, cheerful. Warm.
Song:Nothing's Working by Error. |
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