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Baron Samedi
Somewhere Sunny
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Lackadaisical Student
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| Baron Samedi
Monday, April 26, 2004
Further Introductioinisms.
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[12:05PM Monday 26 April]
Well, as you can presumably see, my introduction has changed. It sill isn't really how I want it. It is still too cluttered and not sleek enough. But, for now it will do. I might go through and reorganise everything using tables and whatnot, but we'll see.
I'd be happy with it how it is, but it just doesn't feel completely right. I might even not link my own buttons to here. We'll see how I can get it looking.
It drove me crazy though. I'm still not happy with my buttons next to my Intro banner. I went into Edit COntent probably....oh, upwards of twenty times changing stuff. The thing is, HTML doesn't display the same between Frontpage and myO. Very annoying. But, it doesn't look too bad. Personally, I think that the horizontal dividers kind of ruin the sleek look. I can live with it until I figure out what I want to do with it though. Adam certainly made my day yesterday when he lifted the limit to 1500. So much better.
My mum left at 6:30 this morning and won't be back until 5 ish tonight, so I'm just lazing around really. Pretty enjoyable, really. The thing is, I really need to do some homework. I've had it all holidays, and have done only a page or two on it. And then next week I have a report from next term due. And I haven't done anything on it. All I have is my research. The thing is, I really begrudge having to do homework over my holidays. I mean, why should I have to when others don't? I really hate it.
On the other hand, hard nougat is absolutely delicious. Heh. My mum went to a Field before last. I stayed home, but anyway she came back with candied almonda and hard nougat. Man, I love nougat. lol.
Anyway, onto other things. I am listening to a song called 'Roses' by Outcast. You may or may not know it, but I love it anyway. I love the style of their music, with the keyboards and everything, and they really seem to poke fun at themselves. Their music is a joy to listen to.
Anyway, sorry for the relative plainness of this update. I might go and fiddle with my intro some more...
Today's Comic:

Mood: Introvertive.
Song: Roses by Outcast |
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