Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Mood: Crappy
Date: 6/2/08 10:16PM
Pretty bad day..
Gradually going to be a bad week. I have doctors appointments that feel like they're never going to end.
Ah but I went today and I actually liked one of them. This guy didn't brush people off like all other doctors. He would telling you what he thought it could be. He didn't shove pills to you and cut you lose without saying anything. I feel like skipping what he told me-
A couple of new artwork's if you noticed them. If you didn't you can click the view all at the top and it's in order from newest to oldest.
The newest ones are the two under Lyricsmisc and another under colored pencil.
The latest artwork is Hyundai:
View By Myo -or- View By DeviantART
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