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Thursday, September 20, 2007
*techno beat*
my lips hurt. DX I'm eating a veery spicy taco. and now me mouth hurts! >.< damn you taco...
okay, so interesting story, I fell asleep at 4 pm after school on tuesday...and I didn't wake up until 6:30 pm on wednesday! o.O that's more than 24 hours. I was like....daaaym.....whaaat? and nobody even got me up! I could've been dead or something! >_< lol, but yeah...missed ANOTHER day of school. too bad. Iyyyee hhaaayyte schoooool....deffintley more than the average person. lawls.
yum yum root beer ^-^
anyway....nothing interesting has been going on....such a bummer...but tomorow is the FB game at nanticoke( after that, me megan joe and nick are going to see Resident Evil. MADE OF AWESOME. I'm pretty pumped. and then saturday is our very first competition! ooooh snap! I'm slightly nervous. BUT THAT'S OKAY. Imma trooper. :3
you know what else is made of awesome? the fact that death note is coming to adult swim. you seriously have no idea how pumped I am about this. I can't even begin to explain....XDDD I'M JUST SO HAPPY. I've wanted to see the dub for the longest time, but couldn't find a good version aaanywhere, so I was going to get my friend kevin whose a pirate to help me out with this program he sent me to get it....(because I'm slow and can
yes. that's right. laugh.
I've also been catching up on the dozen shippuuden episodes I've missed. it's pretty much awesome. haaaaaaa
lalalaaaas....I'm having a good day? maybe? I think so! woot. hopefully tomorow will be the saaameee...:3
have a fantastic daaaaaaaaaay tomorow! and if you don't, well then I'll just hafta smack some hoes up. lawls. SPEAKING OF SMACKING HOES UP(lmao...) so many girls annoyed me today. it was really weird....I'M SO SICK OF GIRLS. lolol, there's that one type of girl that just gets under my skin and keeps going and going till I wanna just flip out. meeh.............
OKAY. I'm done wasting away your percious minutes now, lol.
it's really dark out o.o
okay bye! lol, take caaare~!
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Sunday, September 16, 2007
I got the boom with the bit and you babies gonna flip! meow X3
oh. my. gods. where am I? what's going on again? ._o
that's how I've felt this whole week. >_<
school is not cool.
I'm loosing it >.<
so bands been....itself. I mean, all over the place. messy and frustrating. and then friday was the football game at GAR. after the game, when the drumline was putting their drums away, some guy came up and started messing with them. so the drumline kinda pushed him away and he left. but then he came back with other peoples. and started jason and rhonda tried to calm them down, and the drumline started to walk back to the busses. but the guys started following them, and when the drumline started to run, the guys began chasing them. and then someone yelled, 'yo he's got a knife!' and then two of the guys them cornered greg, so jason grabbed the guys by the collars and slamed them to the ground. and then joe called the cops. jason is such a beast, lawls.
interesting night.
I had work today. and yesterday. boooo. exhausting. buuut..I need the cash! lol, I'm saving up to buy things. special things. that cost alot. haaaaaaaaaaa
so I don't really know what to write....I just woke up....after a reeeally long nap.
okay, that's all I s'pose. I guess this is just an 'I'm still alive' post, lawls.
oh, and thanks to everyone who commented on my made me feel really spechal :3 and thatnks too the people who said they would hit on me...XD it's all good, I tend to say things like that to my friends too! then they give me this kinda look O.o lol.
I'll post again tomorow. if I'm less bleeeh @_@
lol. take caaare! :3
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Saturday, September 8, 2007
hey...gwen stefani's new perfume stuff is called L..and it looks like the L from deathnote..the way it's written...lawls XD
lawls..mangus lensher thought I was the girl on the end....I don't like that girl at all, ahahahaa
I didn't notice how many blonds there, well anyway, I'm the one in the middle with the black jacket! latching on to the other blond jill! lol. BUT. I. AM. NO. LONGER....BLOND! bwahahaaaa! I missed my hair so much >3< first picture with my new hair! lol here it isss-

that's me in the middle ^-^ with mi sisters!
guess what! that shirt I'm wearing was only 2 dollars! *self five* lol, and the skirt was a good deal too...I forget though...ahahaaa
the good thing about being small, is that I don't hafta buy new clothes all the time because I never grow out of my old ones! XD love it..
anyway, yesterday I was all T.G.I.F. but then I hadda go tot eh football game for was HAWT.
and then I went to meganss! I slept over too...that's why I wasn't here yesterday...I had school-sleep-game-megans.
yess...we also went to carter's. that's an ice-cream place by this car place, and it's AWESOME. the only sucky thing is that it's all hot out so waiting in line out there is killer!
so it was me nick and joe over at megans, and daym. we hadda wake up for 10:00 practice. I slept in like 4 different places last night, lol. first it was in megans bed with her, then downstairs on the floor with joe on the couch, then in a chair, then back upstairs, lololol.
it was ridiculous.
and practice was death.
I don't know why it's been so fliping hot!! I was baking. I felt so icky! >_<
I also hafta call my boss soon...I think I'm in trouble...O.O I'm really nervous...she scares me ._.
I have work tomorow too...if I'm not fired by then....
and I still have homework to do and a birthday party tomrow after work DDX
GAH. NOT ENOUGH TIME. stupid school. *pouts*
yes...I should be doing my homework..but...but......the naruto movie is coming on tonight! priorities are a little messed up...ahahaaa...
I love sweatpants. :3
okay das all...I'm sleepies...but I need to stay up...>.<
lol, have a fantastic weekend! take care~
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Wednesday, September 5, 2007
mmm---my sister's eating something that smells absolutley delicious....XD
lawls...I haven't posted in a while...had nothing much to say...
schools more tolerable now. yeah...getting used to it. and yes, I have different classes every day except for the main ones(math, science, english) seriously though...all my classes are a joke. aahahaaa, but I'm totally okay with it. all my other friends in 11th are taking things like, physics, a.p. bio, and caculus. and I'm in ecology learning about the shapes of leaves XD
but I know if I took those calsses it would just be too much. I'd rather be under challenged than over challenged, y'know? I also had 2 of my art classes today...3-D design is ridiculous with talaska. she really has no idea what she's doin -___-
but I had printmaking too...that seriously, take almost no skill whatsoever, lol. I got ink on my hands though >_< it was really sticky! I though ink was more waterlike, lol.
the only really bad thing about to today is that I got a 73 on my trig class(the only class where I had no easier choice) it's just really confusing already...I dunno...It's not that I don't understand it, it's just that when all my information was takin away for the quiz I blanked. ._. and I'm sick. I have a cold. but it's hitting me HARD. like uggh...I'm all stuffy and my throat hurts. also, I'm eating decent meals and what not, but my energy is so low. it's like the cold is taking all of my energy for it's own destructive powers >_< I was out of breath and my legs hurt just walking up the stairs at school! compltley ridiculous! DDX
anywho...there's this new girl joing my section in band. I. Hate. Her. she's seriously pretty much a bitch. she's not nice, has serious attitude and is just always so pessimistic about everything! always criticizing others! and that's seriously not cool. I mean, she tried to hit my friend megan with her car at the twist one time! ._o
speaking of band though....I have a picture :3 band. this isnt' everyone though. theres a few younger people and the colorgaurd that isn't here. our band director took this when we went to sabs one day :3
lol...bonus points if you can find me! remember...this was when I had my blond hair XD
and I look kinda misshappen in this picture.. O.o
my torso looks funneh! lol, I think it's the shadow or the way I'm standing lolol.

my version! lolol, if some people saw this they would be piiised. but seeing as I don't share my URL with most people, they'll never know! muahahaaa
lawls...this was just for fun. and to get out some frustration. I didn't do it because I'm a bitch, ahahaaaa I think that's it....have a fabulous rest of the weeeek! booo..schoooll....
take care! ^_^
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Thursday, August 30, 2007
you put the art in retarted! bahahahaaaa beast song ever...
hollaaa! Well, I survived the first day of school! holy poop! XD
I'm pretty surprised acctually. it was nerve wrecking and hectic and BAH, but It's okay I guess...
yeah...first day was yesterday, today was the second. better than the first, but I'm all OCD with my books and stuff, lolol. like, I check my schedule at least once every ten minutes, and keep restacking my books in the largest to smallest or heaviest to lightest, lol. cept at lunch of course, where I have none of that...but daaaym, the lunchroom is CROWDED. it's insane! you can barely move! -___-
oh but, everyone says junior year is the hardest, but I think I avoided that, ahahaa. I took the spediest classes I could.
mi schedule!:
1st period- 3-D design(sounds a hell of alot better than it teacher is ca-raazy in the worst possible way, and works at the jail after school O.o) on mon., wed., and fri., and study hall on tues. and thurs.
2nd period! american history. ahahaaa, my teacher is a moron...literally. we're going to learn NOTHING. but I'm totally fine with that XD
3rd period- technology and society(I still have no idea what it it's easy. we basically just do stuff on our cheapo computers, ^_^) and I'm the only girl in that class O.O, I have that on mon-wed-fri and study hall on tues&thurs.
4th period- trig! ahahaa, deffintley the hardest of all my classes but still not bad. my teacher's awesome too...she makes fun of all the other teachers. and is totally cool with swearing and smack.
LUNCH. woot! that's at 11:02, lol.
5th period english 11. meh...can't complain, lol. just reading and what not...
6th period! ecology! ahahaa, best class EVER. I could either take this or physics, so of course I took this, lol. just about everyone in my grade chose physics or both(damn overachievers! lol) our first poject that counts for most of our grade is collecting leaves, glueing them on construction paper, and identifying them by using a packet she gave us, XDD it's like little kid work! I love it, aahahaaa
7th period gym on thurs. and either study hall or printmaking on the others. which is just an art class...I'm not really sure what we do in
8th period painting! awesome, lol. or study hall.
so basically my schedule is win. I only have 3 textbooks, and 2 I don't even hafta take to class. :3
yuup....okay enough about school! tonight I have practice and then tmw is the first football game. woot. lol, they can be such a pain...their only fun sometimes. and gosh..I hope it's not all hot in humid...icky...
so how have you all been doing?
oooh, I have questions for yooh!
1. has school started for you? when?
2. do yooh liike it? :3 are you taking uber hard classes or not?
3.what grade are you in? (I can't wait till I'm a senior! only one more year...>_<)
I s'pose that's it! oh wait...yeah I think I talk funny. lol. I've gotten comments latley about the way I say words and pronounce them...O.o I never really noticed but I dunno....lolol
have a fantastic daaayyy!! ^_______^
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Saturday, August 25, 2007
Who do you think you are? Batman!?
I'm freeezing.
I'm so happy...*blubbers*
I didn't think I was going to make it, lol. BUT I PULLED THROUGH! was the last day...and then we had the end of band camp party thingy. it was like...unfun...ahahaa, I dunno, it was just kinda bleh...but what can you expect?
and the staff handed out the awards(they're like awards they make up for some of the members, not really serious, just for amusement or whatever, lol)I got the flasher award...lawls...because I wear these little dress thingys all the time...(actually they're shirts, you know...the long ones that you wear over jeans?) but I'm so short, I wear them as dresses XD anyway, I always wear short underneath because they are quite short...and I didn't eant anyone to thing I was dressing like a hoe(lol) so I would always come in and lift up my dress and say "I'm wearing shorts under here!" so they would all know...ahahaaa. X3
I also got an award from george, our band director, that was the "most likely to be a rockstar award" ...? I didn't get it, lol. everyone was like, "oh em gee that's so true" and I'm just totally clueless...I'm like.."so is it a good thing?..." they said whatever, ahahaaaa.
so how bout, last night, I had like LSD dreams or something, lawls...I couldn't tell if I was awake or asleep! it was so creepy, because I would get a pounding headache, and then I couldn't breathe..and it was weird...idk it felt like I was dying, it was just insane. everytime I thought I stopped breathing, I guess I woke up and my heartbeat was just unbelievable, and I was gasping for happened at least a dozen times, so I got really freaked out. then I went to sleep with my little sister in her bed, so if I freaked out to bad, I wouldn't be all alone o.o
so yeah. I hope that doesn't happen tonight...O_o
psst..guess what! I have 333 visits, lol. I just thought that was funny. and random.
ooh! ooh guess what! lol, I have 200+ votes! wheee! shpankyou so much to everyone who voted on my pictures...I super appreciate it!! *huggsss*
oh that reminds me...I've been meaning to say this for my last three posts, XD, but I put up a new picture. wewts! lol..
umm...I thiink that's all I have to say...I know I probally forgot something....eheh heh heh...
WELL THEN. I'll be my air-oh-plane...
ahahaa, if you get the chance, check out the david blaine street magic youtube edition on, you guessed it, you tube. it's effing hillarious! XDD
what the eefff?!? X3
okay I'm gone seriously this time...take care!! *gigantor end-of-the-world inducing hugs*
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Wednesday, August 15, 2007
I'm so tired of getting out of bed.
*hangs head* guys...I'm so sorry I haven't been commenting camp is eating my soul. I go at 7:30 in the morning, and by the time I get back home at 4, I'm so exhausted. it's ridiculous.
things from last week have been pretty much resolved I guess..I'm feeling pretty crappy though. I don't know if I can make it in school this year. I can bareley handle my issues now.
my percussion instructer made me cry today.
I'm so pathetic.
I was feeling extrmeley depressed today, for a bunch of reasons, and he basically told me that it was my fault my section sucked so bad. he goes, your attitude is bringing your peers down, I really expected more from your potential today, I'm dissapointed in you. *stab through the heart* it was just the icing on the pushed me over and I couldn't help but feel overwhelemed.
I tried to pull it together, but I couldn't and cried.
I'm not a drama crier though. I didn't want tons of poeople to coo to me. I excused myself and went into the hall.
fantastic day.
my friends jill and sheryl came and helped me out..and then they invited me to go to dinner with them, so that made me feel better, even though I feel to tired to do anything. they ususally don't do that.
I really just want to go to sleep right now.
I'll be forced to eat something if I go too.
but as I said...they never do things like this for I'll go. =_='
I hafta go get ready I'll be leaving..
sorry for the emo-filled post.
take care everyone *hugs*
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Sunday, August 12, 2007
Heard they'd do anything for a klondike
gods. I'm so angry. this has possibly been one of the worst weeks ever. -__-
band has been sucktackular. everyone else has music for the show, EXCEPT my section. of course. so we're stuck doing dinky little excercises and scales and what not. it's so ridiculous.
I let this girl megan borrow my phone tuesday. she never gave it back. instead, she gave it to this girl hillary, who decided to call someone and leave an angry/bitchy message on their phone. so when I finally get my phone back(I had to go find it -__-)that person she called called back. started FLIPPING out. seriously, it was uber scary...and I have NO idea who the heck this person is! I'm trying to tell him I never called him before, that I don't even know who he is, but this guy is MAD. I hung up ._. that night he called me back a dozen times, leaving these vulgar threatening messages on my phone! so now I'm extremely pissed off. he even texted me a ton of times.
Hillary and me have had plenty of problems with eachother in the past..but this is just ridiculous. this guy would not stop harrassing me. friday he FINALLY stopped calling me.
I can't get a hold of hillary. she's avoiding me, hasn't been at practice, and I don't any way to contact her. I'm so sick of her. how immature can you get?? seriously! augh...
I can't stop sleeping. I don't know why, but I'm sleeping way to much. today for example, I woke up at 9 am. fell asleep 2 hours later at 11, didn't wake up from my "nap" till 2:30 the next morning. >_< other days I'll fall asleep around 11 pm, and wake up at 5 pm and have practice at 6. -____-
this guy Wc asked me to be his girlfriend yesterday. that killed me a litle inside. ahahaa, gosh...I can't stand this guy. I have NO clue as to why he would think I was even slightly interested in him. so of course I turn him down. and not in the nicest fashion..but I really can't stand him! it makes me nauseous to stand near him... lol, I'm really not liking guys this week.
that's only some things that happened this week...but I hafta go to work in a bit and I'm still in my pj's. DX
I hope your all doing good! I hearts you alls! *hugs*
I want you all to have a fantastic day too!! happy 12th~! :3
I'll be around..hasta luegooo....^__^
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Tuesday, August 7, 2007 the lonliest number....
the subject has nothing to do with this post, I just really like the melody of that song and stuff..*hums*
SO. I'm finally hoommeee!! *hugs everyone* I'm so pumped to be back. I really missed my bed!! I was sleeping on a cot thing for a week..-__-
I got back sunday..but to a broken computer. that was really uncool.
so now I will be back to visiting everyone's sites every day again! wooo
I spent alot of monies down in VA. last 4 paychecks..DX teehee I boughts new shoesies X3
and alot of other things...I don't know when I get payed next either, so I'm completley BROKE. *groans*
I can't believe it's already been a week in august. I dun wanna go back to schoool!! T_T
I go back the 27th or 28th..I can't remember, ahahaa. it's really bumming me out though. ;_;
oh yeah, I have yet to fix the icky green that makes my site looks like christmas, lol. I'll be doin that sometime this week too! I have band practice this week. and then next week starts band camp. siiighh......
band used to be so much fun. but now I'm section leader, so I have these things called "responsibilites" or something, and it's such a drag.
lmao. but the good thing is I make the other people in my section do tasks for me, like bring me food or drinks, and I make them clean all the instruments, lol.
whoopsie..longer post than I intended....
I'll be goin then! hasta luego, take care!
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Tuesday, July 31, 2007
whee! I'm still not back to the north, but there's internets here this time! *dances* this puter like 30 years old though...haha..not really...
I'm so happy being home ^___^
I love it here. I keep forgeting how much I do. I don't want to leave sunday...T_T
yes..leaving sunday....booo...
tis 2 a.m.
today we went shopping. for 8 hours. *dies* it was almost torture....we went to this outlet mall was HUGE.
I don't have much to say....I miss coming on here everyday...but again, this puter is really old, and only decides to work at random 2 a.m..ahahaa
my cousins kind of annoy me. first of all, there's soo many of them that they're everywhere. I mean EVERYWHERE. there's one upstairs right now, and this isn't even her house!! >_<
Imma go now..see how many sites I can get to before I pass out from
I miss my black hair ;_;
*hugs all* take care!!
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