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Friday, July 27, 2007
we interrupt this program for this breaking news...
zomg your hairs on fire! *grabs pitcfork*
why a pitchfork? well answer me this, are pitchforks used in winter? yeah. wrap your head around that one. X3
well...as you can see, my site looks like shizz at the time. ^_^; I've just been messing around...I'll make it look better soon.
anyway...I'm going down to Richmond for a time. I don't know if there's gonna be internets there or not, so I might not be around for a bit. I'm not even sure how long we're staying...I know it's not more than a week. my aunt's preggers with her seventh baby. DX I couldn't imagine having that many kids...geeeze...
um..that past week I've been really blah and down. it's really uncool. the past three days I've been sleeping from 7 in the morning till 11 at night. whole days, wasted. yesterday I acctually got up at 5 in the afternoon, because of practice(which is a pain). but then fell asleep after untill now, which is around 6 in the morning. I'm just all messed up! >_< so I apologize if I comment a day late or so. I've been trying to comment everyday..
I know once school starts I'll be more consistent.
speaking of that, I'm gonna try really hard to go to school this year. my new goal is to make it past the first month. I had a doctors appt. the other day. pretty sucktacular as usual. =_=
okay, well we're leaving in about 15 minutes, so I must be off. I love you all very much! *gigantic hug* take care!!
*does robot while walking out the door*
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Sunday, July 15, 2007
okay..so with summer going on, I've been super busy. I'm not going to be posting much until school starts again. there's just too much to write and I never have time to explain everything...but I'll still be here doing arts and commenting on your guy's posts and arts because I luff all yoohs ^_^
I might post once in a while, or post up some pictures.
I'm dying my hair back black again by the way...it's just not working out pink or blonde.
and band starts tomorow! woot! lol, and I'm going to the crossing with trina, Julie and Jo. wewt! I haven't been there in a loong time. it's like and hour and a half away, but it's so worth it. there's a bajillion outlet stores and you can find the most peculiar things there! love it.
alright, I'll be off now. take care!! ciao's! <3
p.s. I did this arts, I really like it...but not to many othere people did I guess....-__-
 Mod Team 7 Hosted By theOtaku.com.
please check it out if you have time..^^
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Wednesday, July 11, 2007
*does robot*
Julie's really awesome! she's really shy, but it's all good! I love hanging out with her. we went to the movies with jae and sarah a few days ago and saw...TRANFORMERS- ROBOTS IT DISGUISE! *does robot* it. was. AMAZING. I can't even describe it with words...it was flipping AWESOME. I WAS IN AWE. optimus prime rocks my world. as soon as he came I was like- TEH WORLD IS GONNA BE SAVED NOW! WEWT! GO OPPY! it was sweet. I mean, they got all the names and everything...and bumblebee was so cute! and megatron was all RAWR F34R M3! lololol. yeah...it was coolio...
and we went shopping like a bajillion times...spent my whole paycheck...lol. and then last night we went to the Harry Potter premire! it was SWEET. I'm so pumped that movie tickets are only 5 bucks. because I love the movies ^___^
I'm not gonna say much about hp. beacuse I don't wanna ruin it, and because I can't really remember much...I was tired...ahahahaaa
today Katrina and Julie went to NYC. I was posed to go, but I was TIIIRED. so I'll just go some other time..I don't need to spend any more of my paychecks anyway...ahahaaaa. I remember the one time I went, I got a pic with the naked cowboy. XD that was one of my favortie times in time square..ahahaa it was hillarious..and weird...lolol.
the other day, britty said she was gonna leave the O..I was so sad..I was gonna miss her site so flipping much...T-T but she staying now so I'm all hap-pay! ^^
I don't want any of my friends to leave. ;_; I love you guys so much! making my site was deffintley one of the smartest things I've done. I'm so glad I did it!! *blubbers*
psst...guess what...
tomorow's my birthday!! I already had my b-day..but this is my real one! ahahaaa, I'm finally turning 16. whee! and then I get to take my permit test...but I don't know ANYTHING about driving...ahahaaa.
and tomorow I have my first band meeting thing, where we're gonna meet our new band director george. lol, george...X3
well, I'm starving...again...lol. Imma peace out now ^_^ take care, ciaaoooooooooo!
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Thursday, July 5, 2007
geeze..I've been gone for what seems like foreeveeer...sorry for not visiting sites and such...;_;
I had work everyday last week, and then I was all sick and uuugh...
I was sleeping non-stop! it was ridiculous...
but meesa back ^_^ wewt!
Julie my french student is coming today! I'm SO excited to meet her!! really, I think it's such a neat thing for kids from different places interact, it's so fantastic! and I'm gonna take her practically eeeverywhere I go so she can have a full funtastic trip! ahahaaaa.
me and some of my friends are going out on friday night to the town wyoming, so that's gonna be the first place she goes with me. bahahaaa.
she'll meet my friends too, so that's really great. ^^
WEWT I'm just so pumped! only 10 more hours till she get's here! lol.
oh, the other day, me and my sister had a lttle get together thing for Jae's boyfriend, who was coming to town. twas fun ^^ I woke up like 15 minutes before everyone came, ahahaaa
this weekend I hafta get an x-ray on my arm. o.o NOT COOL. it hurts so badly...but I'm a trooper! lolol. my docter thinks it either tendinitus(sp??) or tennis elbow. I don't play tennis...but whatever...lol.
okay! I'm deff. gonna be posting tomorow about Julie, so now I'm peacing out ^^
have a fantabulous day after the fourth! ahahaa, ciao!
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Friday, June 29, 2007
bleh. okay my head is all sdksljasf right now, so I'm just going to say everything that's going on.
I have work sunday, and a fourth of July party thingy. mondsay, me and my sister are hosting a homecoming thingy party for Jae's boyfriend corey. it's at six and it's gonna be sa-weet! ^^
my best friend Jo can't come though...she'll be in NJ.. waah....
and then July fifth, our french student is coming ^___^ she's 17 and her name is Julie. her english is not good at allll....I mean, I really do know english is haard to learn, but it's going to be difficult o.o I've never learned anything about french...if she was from spain it would be easier ^____^
she wrote us a letter and it starts like this-
my name is Julie. I am 17 old, my birthday is 31st October. I am terminal Scientific. (Becki- I have NO idea what that means..) I will past my high school diploma begining June07. my hobbies are computer, read books and listen music, go to shopping, cinema and bowling.
I am very enjoying to go to States.
that's just a little bit of it.
but I am very excited to meet her ^^ and I know she must be excited to see NYC, we'll be going there often ^_^ especially chinatown, one of my favorite places on Earth! lol.
so the other day at work, this guy gave me mardi gras beads o.o it was weeird.....I was like...uhh...thanks? lololol...I get alot of..interesting..customers there. lmao.
take care!! ciaaaooooo!! ^_______________^
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Monday, June 25, 2007
waaaaaaah. I had a doctor appt. todaaays..booo...
but then I went and bought stuffs. like sparkly stuff. yeaah...tomorow I'm going to see the movie 1408, I'm pretty much PUMPED. and then some day this week me and my sister are having a party thingy here for the visitation of Jae's boyfriend. how exciting! wewt!
so how bout, I came to the realization that I have no idea what I want to do as a career. I have NOTHING. really...I'm so lost in that feild! *bawls* it's pretty suctacular...
alright! random picture time.

MY FAT TRANNY CAT JAZZY! WOOT. I wuff him! (hey look, it's your leg trina! ahahaa) I like to use jazzy as a pillow. :3

I saw this random bus today. it had a funny picture of these cars crashing for some reason, lol. (you probally can't see it..bad quality >.<)
okay that's all. lol....take caaare, ciiaaaaooo! ^_______________^
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Sunday, June 24, 2007
zomg radical. the past two days I've dissapeared. Jae(robotcookies) came over and dyed my hair.. PINK! BWAAHAHHAAA. that's right, I said it! PINK!! here's my four picture time line ^_^

BEFORE! this was me. lol, emphasis on WAS. ahahaa

with the person who made me her test subject, lolol, JAE!! so now the hair is bleached!

the basic cut! it's all frizzy. ahahahaaa! this pic reminds me of a scarecrow! lol.

PINK! I wish I took this pic yesterday, when it was all new. but I took it today. and the light makes it look less pink for some reason...me no like that. BUT IT'S PINK! it's not the washable kind either..lasts quite a while..ahahahaaa.
I look rather pale in the last three pics. rawrg. anywho....I finished my pic for Insaneandroid's contest! woot! I just hafta put it up. ^^
and I got 150+ votes on my portfolio! howaaay! ahahahaaa.......
I'm not going to do anything today. yesterday I went out with brei and Jae to show of my new hair. ahahahaa that was a good time....lolol.
well that's all folks! take care, ciaaoooo!
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Wednesday, June 20, 2007
okay, so it's hammer time! and cardboard tastes like eggshells. yeah. don't believe me? then how bout you try it! then what? oh snap. ahahahaaa....
I'm awake today! *10 points for Becki*
yesterday I went out to eat at this jewish deli, it was SO flipping good. man....
I went with one of my really good friends, who I haven't seen in a looong time. T-T so I was so happy to see her. and I went with Jae (robotcookies) and Joey was supposed to come...but for some reason last minute he couldn't. that made me saad..I miss him. T_T
so how bout, yesterday, it RAINED. and not like drip drop my shoes are wet, more like BUCKETS OF WATER being poured out to create an knee-high inferno of water to drown our innocent shoes.
now it's all sunny..weeird...
I can't wait for the new episode of maury that starts in 10 minutes. yeah, I'm that odd and twisted to like that show, but I can't help it! I love maury! he's the man.
so..I think I'm gonna peace out..I'm all bleh...there's this thing, called morning, and it's so ridiculous. there's like, a sun out, and you can hear these strange chiping noises...their called "birds" or soemthing. o.o
alright! I want you all to have a fantabulous day filled with sandwhiches...because sandwhiches are amazing. seriously. ever had one? it's INSANE. an explosion of flavor. in your mouth. and bread. that's right, I said it, BREAD.
take care, ciaaooo!
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Sunday, June 17, 2007
tis 5 a.m...been up all night! *dances* but I have work in 3 hours! *falls over* I got "fired" from my pool job. (YESH!) I didn't show up on purpose..and got the axe! XD and my friends were cool with everything..so things are going pretty swell! ahahaa. me hungry..
waaaaaah....what day is it? zomg I'm all lost and confused in this big world....
okay, so since I only post like, once every two or three days (because I'm lazy like that X3)I'm going to ask a question. A SUPER HARD QUESTION! bwahahahaa..*thinks*
1. stop! it's...FILL IN THE BLANK!
2. what flavor is cardboard?
I know, I know...I said only one question. but I got carried away. anywhoo...CLICK THIS.
okay that's it...ahahahaa..waste of space..meh...
take care, ciaaooo!!
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Friday, June 15, 2007
hola all! I got an hour of sleep yesterday. and I had to work two jobs. *cries* it was practically torture....lol.
so, I'm not in the most spectacular mood today. I woke up late and had work today. and I don't feel like doing anything. I think two of my friends are kind of peeved at me...I didn't necisarily ditch them but I couldn't hang out with them for certain reasons..and I told them before that I would be there...so I'm all scared to talk to them ;_; gaah I'm so pathetic, I know, but it's so hard to explain to them why I'm a bitch like this sometimes! they know I have "health issues" but that's it, so it's hard to tell them that they can't always believe what I say, like when I say I'll be there but never show up.
bleeh...oh, and my pic that I worked pretty hard on got like no votes...I know it doesn't exactly look like her, but that was my intention! T-T
ladedoo....well I hope your mood's better than mine. I'm going to eat something now...take care, ciao!!
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