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Wednesday, June 13, 2007
whoop! there it is! *points down*
hiya! so, it's FINALLY summer break for everyone at my school...'CEPT ME.... and I haven't really started any of my work yet..muahahaa...rebellion!(not really, I'm just lazy...XD)
I'm so pumped for summer though. it's all waaaarm and niiiice! and summer things are starting! like I get to be with my friendzies from school more! I'll be swimming all the time too!! and marching band season starts REALLY soon, like in a couple weeks! bwahahaa I'm such a band dork XD BUT I LOVE IT! lol, seriously, I love being in it. and (mostly) eveyone are really awesome people! some of my best friends are in it, and it's just alot of fun! and my percussion instructor is so ridiculous, lol. he's alot of fun. and it helps that he knows what he's doing! so our percussion always kicks ass. oh, I'm in the PIT section by the way...woot! lol, for you that don't know what that is...it's the section in the front (or back) of the field that plays all the stationary instruments, like timpani, chimes, gong, xylophone, etc. so we don't march. which is cool with me, marching looks like a pain in the ass! and remembering all that drill! ewey. I play the marimba, xylophone, and vibes, by the way. AND I'M AWESOME AT IT. ahahahaaa, that's just what I make everyone think X3 really though, I'm section leader and I get all the shweet parts, but compared to other schools, I'm not that great ^^'
ANYWAY, geeze I rambled about that for a long time...ahahahahaaaa...yesterday something so scary happened to me! I wasn't in mortal danger or anything, but I almost had a stroke! one of my friends on here, simpleplanluver, got her site deleted! I was scrolling down my friends list, and was like...SHWAT?!? lol. she got a new site, thank god, but I feel so stupid because she signed my guestbook again, but I didn't notice because since all her things got deleted, my guestbook number was the same as before! so I totally freaked out and e-mailed her and everything! but everything was okay....I was just slow and didn't realize she had another site! ^__^;;
ahh...my slowness defeats me again....lol. long post zomg. sorry 'bout that..heh heh heh...
take care, ciao!!
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Monday, June 11, 2007
gah...sorry for not getting to sites yesterday...I had a sucktacular weekend. T-T I had to make 2 papers appear for my teacher and had my first day of my SECOND job....which I despise. It's at the pool stand...but I like my one at the coffee shop better. ;_;..meh....
so today's the last day of school! EXCEPT FOR ME! T-T I still have to do work until the 18th...*dies* but, today I'm going to the chinese buffet with some of my friendzes, including me bestest fwiend joelle! I wuff her ^__^ and then we're going swimming at her house. I'm pretty pumped. ^o^ but after that I have work at the hell job again....uuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh..........
in extrmeley bad news, friday afternoon Pat W. drowned in the River close to where I live. he was swimming with his friends and the current pulled him under. they had a search party for him, but they called it off that night. it's really horrible. he was only in 9th grade, and he didn't even get to finish his 9th grade year by one day. I didn't know him personally, but when I was in school I had a class with him. so I spoke to him a few times. it makes it more real than if I just heard about him on the news, so it's really sad. and I really feel for his family...
well, Imma go to sites and such now.. take care, ciao!
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Thursday, June 7, 2007
hooola chicooss
I'm T-T-T-TIRED. why the stutter? who knows....
oh, so my older sister gots an Otaku. *throws confetti* her name's Fexican, ahahahaa she explains the name on her site. but yes, I'm going to hafta post a picture of us together, because for real, we don't look like sisters. we don't even look like second cousins 3 times removed. lol. so now we're all hermana y hermana on the O. wheee! I'm going to go out to luch with my mother in a bit...I have no idea where we're going but I'm staarving. lol. okay, that's really all I have to say...I know I know, I fail at life, lol, but I'm so tired....*falls over*
take care, ciaaaooo!!
p.s. I'm wearing a hat today. that's valuable information, only everyone who reads this and everyone who see's me in the world will know. *bows* XXD I'll go away now ahahahaaa.....
-ze Beckstir X3
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Tuesday, June 5, 2007
aahahahaaa today, jae(robot cookies) came over and we totally rocked it up. lol. here's some pictures of our chalk filled adventures-

me chalkin it up ^_^

jaes rendition of my sister! lol (it says, you stole the last klondike car, becki!)

my rendition of my sister! (I lost my efin license! rawr!) yeah. she lost her liscense. ahahahaa.

lmao, this is jae with chalk on her face-SALAD FACE!! lol(it's grass I through at her)

there's me being my random ridiculous self, lol ^w^

JAE MADE BY ME! ahahahaa so puuurty!

ME MADE BY JAE! ahahahaa gorgeous! lol

jae face! all chalked up and what not!

aand me and jae!! all chalked up....this was the begining of the chalking...lolol.
geeze...LOTSA PICTURES! sorry buot that...ahahahaa^__^
so, jae may be sleepin over, and sense I don't go to school, Trina's gonna be skippin, and jae school is already out, were gonna go roam the town! ahahahaaa.
anywhooo....camping was scary..but I had an alright time...eheh heh heh...>.< um..so..I hope your all doing fantastic! I'm going to visit sites and answer messages now! ^___^
take care, ciao! (gosh..I feel like I'm really forgetting something..but I can't remember X3)
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Sunday, June 3, 2007
YESH I'm finally home ^_^
sorry for leaving ._.
we went camping...in this campsite hours away....I thought I was going to DIE. lol. we had to like...sleep outside...ahahahaa...
and this ADORABLE racoon kept visiting our campsite...>.< and we saw a bear when we went on this waterfall trail. scary ._.
but the trail was pretty sweet. it was like 15 miles and geeze.....it was ROUGH. lol. the waterfalls were soo pretty though^_^ I got all wet....I took off my shoes and socks at this one fal, and I slipped on this wet rock and fell right on my butt!! ahahahaha it was priceless...so my butt and back were all muddy and wet, so I tried to clean them off by sticking my backside under the waterfall...all I got accomplished was getting SOAKED...ahahahaa....
and my back was still kinda dirty, so I took off my shirt and washed it under the fall XDD
my sister was just laughing her ass off at me lmao. lucky no one was there but us...so no one saw me topless XDDDD
but yeah...pretty much a good time...
I'm exhausted too... ^^
kay I'm out! take care, ciao!!
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Friday, June 1, 2007
I'm gonna be gone for three days! (again) I'm goin on a trip with my sisters and me mother ^___^ acctually...were leaving inlike 3 minuites...ahahahahaa......TAKE CARE!!! xoxoxoxo, Becki!!
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Thursday, May 31, 2007
lol I'm aliiiiiiive!! *sparkles* lol. I haven't posted in a while...schoolwork is devouring me....I'm so behind everyone else >.<
BUT I fiiinally decided ona new theme! teeheeeheeee tis a secret though. ^___^ I'll put it up as soon as I can. ^^
AND thanks to the wonderful brittany I'm finally putting a picture from my party on here! wheee! it's of some of the girls doin the humpty dance X3
CAN YOU GUESS WHO'S ME? lol here's a clue...the person taking the picture got me at the EXACT second I put my head down T_T lol. and, I'm like, super short. ahhahaahaa.

okay! well I'm out! I hope your all doing fantastic. please take care! I'll be back soon...muahahahaaa....X3 ciao!!
zomg, I almost forgot. I put up new pics in my portfolio ^___^
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Sunday, May 27, 2007
I'm dead. like seriously. ahahaa....I'm goone. I didn't get to sleep till 2 last night..and I still hadda wake up for work.....X_x
so I'm out. Imma try to out pictures from last night up here tomorow!...see ya then.........
ciaoooo.......*falls over*
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Friday, May 25, 2007
hokay! so tomorow's the day! I'm pretty anxious....;_;
I had work TWICE today. it suucked. and it was BOILING LAVA HOT. lol. seriously, I was DYING. >.<
OH okay so I'm going to change my site finally! yaaay! but I can't decide on what to change the theme to.. XD but I'll decide soon enough...^_^ and MUCH thanks to brittany again for all the help!!
GAH...I have nothing really to say....OH except this succesful artist/art teacher that lives around here gave me her card and invited me to a one of her shows tomorow afternoon! I was so excited about that. and she said she liked my personal style too! X3 *dances*
wheeeee! alright! Imma go now! Have an enjoyable rest of the day/night! ahahaaa. ciao!!!
*waiting for tomorow*
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Thursday, May 24, 2007
*wakes up*
gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! *dies* lol..omg...I really need to learn that night time means sleep, day time means awake!! Tuesday, I woke up at 2 in the afternoon, and didn't go back to sleep till 1 in the afternoon, on WEDNESDAY. ahahaa...geeze...that's almost 24 hours....
yup and I slept from then until about half an hour ago...it's 3:35 by the way.....on THUSDAY morning. now I'm bored. lol no one's awake! and they shouldn't be..I just have the worst sleeping schedule ever!!
the worst part is, I didn't get ANYTHING done yesterday, since I was sleeeeping the whole time...lol. *crawls in hole to die* ahahahaa..I hope I can wake up saturday! >.<
oh and I'm hungry too. all I ate yesterday was a special K cereal bar!! >__< *eats keyboard*
yeah I'm starving...so I'm gonna go find some food! have a fabulous day, and sleep when your suposed to! unlike myself..lol.
take care, ciao!!
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