myOtaku.com: BasicSunshine09
Thursday, May 31, 2007
lol I'm aliiiiiiive!! *sparkles* lol. I haven't posted in a while...schoolwork is devouring me....I'm so behind everyone else >.<
BUT I fiiinally decided ona new theme! teeheeeheeee tis a secret though. ^___^ I'll put it up as soon as I can. ^^
AND thanks to the wonderful brittany I'm finally putting a picture from my party on here! wheee! it's of some of the girls doin the humpty dance X3
CAN YOU GUESS WHO'S ME? lol here's a clue...the person taking the picture got me at the EXACT second I put my head down T_T lol. and, I'm like, super short. ahhahaahaa.

okay! well I'm out! I hope your all doing fantastic. please take care! I'll be back soon...muahahahaaa....X3 ciao!!
zomg, I almost forgot. I put up new pics in my portfolio ^___^
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