myOtaku.com: BasicSunshine09
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
aahahahaaa today, jae(robot cookies) came over and we totally rocked it up. lol. here's some pictures of our chalk filled adventures-

me chalkin it up ^_^

jaes rendition of my sister! lol (it says, you stole the last klondike car, becki!)

my rendition of my sister! (I lost my efin license! rawr!) yeah. she lost her liscense. ahahahaa.

lmao, this is jae with chalk on her face-SALAD FACE!! lol(it's grass I through at her)

there's me being my random ridiculous self, lol ^w^

JAE MADE BY ME! ahahahaa so puuurty!

ME MADE BY JAE! ahahahaa gorgeous! lol

jae face! all chalked up and what not!

aand me and jae!! all chalked up....this was the begining of the chalking...lolol.
geeze...LOTSA PICTURES! sorry buot that...ahahahaa^__^
so, jae may be sleepin over, and sense I don't go to school, Trina's gonna be skippin, and jae school is already out, were gonna go roam the town! ahahahaaa.
anywhooo....camping was scary..but I had an alright time...eheh heh heh...>.< um..so..I hope your all doing fantastic! I'm going to visit sites and answer messages now! ^___^
take care, ciao! (gosh..I feel like I'm really forgetting something..but I can't remember X3)
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