myOtaku.com: BasicSunshine09
Sunday, June 24, 2007
zomg radical. the past two days I've dissapeared. Jae(robotcookies) came over and dyed my hair.. PINK! BWAAHAHHAAA. that's right, I said it! PINK!! here's my four picture time line ^_^

BEFORE! this was me. lol, emphasis on WAS. ahahaa

with the person who made me her test subject, lolol, JAE!! so now the hair is bleached!

the basic cut! it's all frizzy. ahahahaaa! this pic reminds me of a scarecrow! lol.

PINK! I wish I took this pic yesterday, when it was all new. but I took it today. and the light makes it look less pink for some reason...me no like that. BUT IT'S PINK! it's not the washable kind either..lasts quite a while..ahahahaaa.
I look rather pale in the last three pics. rawrg. anywho....I finished my pic for Insaneandroid's contest! woot! I just hafta put it up. ^^
and I got 150+ votes on my portfolio! howaaay! ahahahaaa.......
I'm not going to do anything today. yesterday I went out with brei and Jae to show of my new hair. ahahahaa that was a good time....lolol.
well that's all folks! take care, ciaaoooo!
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