myOtaku.com: BasicSunshine09
Sunday, July 15, 2007
okay..so with summer going on, I've been super busy. I'm not going to be posting much until school starts again. there's just too much to write and I never have time to explain everything...but I'll still be here doing arts and commenting on your guy's posts and arts because I luff all yoohs ^_^
I might post once in a while, or post up some pictures.
I'm dying my hair back black again by the way...it's just not working out pink or blonde.
and band starts tomorow! woot! lol, and I'm going to the crossing with trina, Julie and Jo. wewt! I haven't been there in a loong time. it's like and hour and a half away, but it's so worth it. there's a bajillion outlet stores and you can find the most peculiar things there! love it.
alright, I'll be off now. take care!! ciao's! <3
p.s. I did this arts, I really like it...but not to many othere people did I guess....-__-
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