myOtaku.com: BasicSunshine09
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
mmm---my sister's eating something that smells absolutley delicious....XD
lawls...I haven't posted in a while...had nothing much to say...
schools more tolerable now. yeah...getting used to it. and yes, I have different classes every day except for the main ones(math, science, english) seriously though...all my classes are a joke. aahahaaa, but I'm totally okay with it. all my other friends in 11th are taking things like, physics, a.p. bio, and caculus. and I'm in ecology learning about the shapes of leaves XD
but I know if I took those calsses it would just be too much. I'd rather be under challenged than over challenged, y'know? I also had 2 of my art classes today...3-D design is ridiculous with talaska. she really has no idea what she's doin -___-
but I had printmaking too...that seriously, take almost no skill whatsoever, lol. I got ink on my hands though >_< it was really sticky! I though ink was more waterlike, lol.
the only really bad thing about to today is that I got a 73 on my trig class(the only class where I had no easier choice) it's just really confusing already...I dunno...It's not that I don't understand it, it's just that when all my information was takin away for the quiz I blanked. ._. and I'm sick. I have a cold. but it's hitting me HARD. like uggh...I'm all stuffy and my throat hurts. also, I'm eating decent meals and what not, but my energy is so low. it's like the cold is taking all of my energy for it's own destructive powers >_< I was out of breath and my legs hurt just walking up the stairs at school! compltley ridiculous! DDX
anywho...there's this new girl joing my section in band. I. Hate. Her. she's seriously pretty much a bitch. she's not nice, has serious attitude and is just always so pessimistic about everything! always criticizing others! and that's seriously not cool. I mean, she tried to hit my friend megan with her car at the twist one time! ._o
speaking of band though....I have a picture :3

lawls...my band. this isnt' everyone though. theres a few younger people and the colorgaurd that isn't here. our band director took this when we went to sabs one day :3
lol...bonus points if you can find me! remember...this was when I had my blond hair XD
and I look kinda misshappen in this picture.. O.o
my torso looks funneh! lol, I think it's the shadow or the way I'm standing lolol.

my version! lolol, if some people saw this they would be piiised. but seeing as I don't share my URL with most people, they'll never know! muahahaaa
lawls...this was just for fun. and to get out some frustration. I didn't do it because I'm a bitch, ahahaaaa
yes...so I think that's it....have a fabulous rest of the weeeek! booo..schoooll....
take care! ^_^
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