myOtaku.com: BasicSunshine09
Saturday, September 8, 2007
hey...gwen stefani's new perfume stuff is called L..and it looks like the L from deathnote..the way it's written...lawls XD
lawls..mangus lensher thought I was the girl on the end....I don't like that girl at all, ahahahaa
I didn't notice how many blonds there were...lol, well anyway, I'm the one in the middle with the black jacket! latching on to the other blond jill! lol. BUT. I. AM. NO. LONGER....BLOND! bwahahaaaa! I missed my hair so much >3<
so...my first picture with my new hair! lol here it isss-

that's me in the middle ^-^ with mi sisters!
guess what! that shirt I'm wearing was only 2 dollars! *self five* lol, and the skirt was a good deal too...I forget though...ahahaaa
the good thing about being small, is that I don't hafta buy new clothes all the time because I never grow out of my old ones! XD love it..
anyway, yesterday I was all T.G.I.F. but then I hadda go tot eh football game for band...uuugh...it was HAWT. boooo...lol.
and then I went to meganss! I slept over too...that's why I wasn't here yesterday...I had school-sleep-game-megans.
yess...we also went to carter's. that's an ice-cream place by this car place, and it's AWESOME. the only sucky thing is that it's all hot out so waiting in line out there is killer!
so it was me nick and joe over at megans, and daym. we hadda wake up for 10:00 practice. I slept in like 4 different places last night, lol. first it was in megans bed with her, then downstairs on the floor with joe on the couch, then in a chair, then back upstairs, lololol.
it was ridiculous.
and practice was death.
I don't know why it's been so fliping hot!! I was baking. I felt so icky! >_<
I also hafta call my boss soon...I think I'm in trouble...O.O I'm really nervous...she scares me ._.
I have work tomorow too...if I'm not fired by then....
and I still have homework to do and a birthday party tomrow after work DDX
GAH. NOT ENOUGH TIME. stupid school. *pouts*
yes...I should be doing my homework..but...but......the naruto movie is coming on tonight! lawls....my priorities are a little messed up...ahahaaa...
I love sweatpants. :3
okay das all...I'm sleepies...but I need to stay up...>.<
lol, have a fantastic weekend! take care~
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