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Sunday, February 10, 2008

hey guys!
thnx for the comments on my first chptr! and a new chapter will b posted every friday-sunday. if i can't make the deadline i'll tell u all. and thnx again for the comments^^ btw: if u missed the prologue pm me k.
now about my weekend. well, i went with my sister and 2 other girls to go look for bridemaid's dresses. i've never felt like a baby so much in one day b4...*shudders* we couldn't finda any dresses that were right so my mom is actually going to make them! she awsome that way. anywho today i went to watch my bf play a few bball games...his team didn't do so hot. plus yesturday he played 6 games straight, so i don't blame him. but ya. l8er (around 4pm) im going down to the highschool gym with my dad to work on my bball skillz. otherwise that's all i gotta say. anywho here is my Q

1.)do u constantly get sick?

~Bball Babe~

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Saturday, February 9, 2008

Chptr 1
ok hi every1. sorry im a day late on putting up the first chapter. anywho i'll put it up now. so tell me what u think of it^^ btw: if u missed the prologue, pm me k.

Chapter 1
The day was sunny and clear here in Florida. Despite the sun shining the air was as thick as honey with tension and suspense. The crowds around the track were hushed, holding their breaths for the starting shot.
Everyone was there. The town, school, friends, and the rival track team. If I beat this girl in this last event my school will receive free funding for another year!
�Runners to your mark!� The referee-a heavy-set man with a five-o-clock shadow- instructed. Taking deep breaths I drowned out all the sounds. Voices, animals, machines, even the sounds of the winds. All that was left was my own breathing and heart-beat.
The referee�s voice was no more than a whisper in my ear. �On your mark, get set!-� The gun went off and like a coiled up spring I launched onto the track! The roars from the crowd were like far off screams. All I focused on was beating my opponent to the finish. Not only was she fast but this was a one-lap-around-the-track race.
Less than twenty feet from I reach for my last stores of energy. Neck-n-neck, I almost threw myself to go faster. Somehow I hit the tape first. I couldn�t stop from running into the on-rush of the cheering crowd!
I had to endure screaming fans, shaking hands, and glares from the rival team before I could even get free. The principle wanted me to give a pep speech to end the whole track meet; in front of everyone� there is no way. I�d stutter so bad that people would think I was a broken record player! As soon as I spotted Daniella Rite-my best friend- across the track field, we ran like our pants were on fire!
We ran for about a block and-a-half when Daniella said she couldn�t go any farther. So we plopped down on a curb next to each other to catch our breaths. She was always prepared-unlike me- and handed me a towel and water.
�Thanks.� I huffed. I drenched the towel with water and dabbed it on my forehead and neck, then chugged the rest down.
�No problem Sam.� She smiled. Even though my full name is Samantha Taylor-the last name is my adoptive family�s- people one day started to call me Sam. I don�t mind though.
Daniella is in almost every way opposite of me. She�s small-five ft, 2 in-, quiet , has short; brunette hair that is flared out at the bottom, extremely smart, organized, and prefers a sweet sensitive guy who will shower her with roses and kisses. While I am loud, tall-five ft, 11in- with long, straight, golden, blonde hair, semi-smart, sloppy, and I like guys with a sense of humor, finely chiseled body, loving, and knows how to have fun. Even though we�re completely different, we�ve been best friends since elementary school.
Once we caught our breaths, we mad the four block walk to her house. There was no way I was going to my house after that jail-break stunt without a proper excuse or a decent meal.
I always felt at home in Daniella�s house. I�m not sure why to tell the truth, just the feel of the warmth and affection that radiates off the walls gives it a happy feeling.
She had to leave to go meet her parents after a while so I left too. Going our separate ways we said our �See you later!� and headed off. I was over at her house for a few hours so the sun had already set, and the street lanterns were just starting to turn on. The streets were empty except for the occasional alley cats running around. I have walked home at night alone before, but tonight felt different. This eerie feeling that I am being stalked hovered over me like a swarm of flies on a pig.
I start hyperventilating, because I get so nervous. Running faster doesn�t help much either, just makes it worse! Suddenly I see a dark figure-a man- step out from the shadows. I skid to a stop-almost falling flat on my face in the process- and face the man.
He is about six foot, with dirty-blonde hair and hypnotic, blue eyes. He wore a blue collared over-shirt and a white T-shirt underneath. His jeans were dark blue and he had regular ten-a-shoes on. Of course meeting a guy at night with no one around isn�t very romantic if at all, even if he has the most gorgeous smile I�ve ever seen.
Suddenly he started to walk towards me and I noticed something about his smile� his teeth were a brilliant white and in the place of his eye teeth are two little fangs�
End of chptr 1
ps: how was it?

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Sunday, February 3, 2008

The prolgue to my story (will try to post differ chpts every friday).
Crimson Nights
By: Kaylie Millay

Dedicated to my all friends and family for supporting me through every thing. I love you all.


I couldn�t believe it. For an immeasurable moment I actually tried to trick myself into thinking this was a dream. Some horrible dream I would wake from at any moment.
This was no dream though. No matter how much I wish it, this is one nightmare I will never wake from. Now the tears flow freely down my face without restraint. Like a sudden down-pour.
I kneeled next to the man who brought me into his home with love and respect. Blood slowly trickled from his mouth as he took exaggerated breaths. Grasping his hand we stared at each other for what seemed like hours but only moments. His deep, cloudy; blue eyes were aged beyond his years and peaceful.
His spirit was slipping away and his heart was slowing. �No, I don�t want you to go.� I croaked through heavy sobs.
�It�s my time Sam.� He affectionally squeezed my hand. �You�ll always be my daughter. So No matter what happens you�ll always be a part of me. I love you�Sam.�
Somehow between sobs, �I-I love you t-to d-daddy.� Slowly his eyes closed, and his heart gave out its final last beats. All signs of life faded in one slow moment.
Tom Taylor -my father- died.
I couldn�t keep him in my heart because -just like him- it was dead.
end of prologue.
ps:todays post is below the story

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hey ppl wats up? well as u all know today is the Superbowl *woopdedoo* sorry im not much into the football spirit...my dad is crazy about it (so r many guys. wouldn't u agree ladies?). anyway i saw my X bf 2day and nearly kneed him in the nuts, but i was in church so behaved as best as i could. my bf is at his uncles right now. he wanted me to go but i said no and so did his mom. the bitch....anywho!
i pigged out on doritos chips (praise the man who created them) and played video games, did a bit of 4-wheeling also. thats my day. yesturday a couple friends and i went to the mall for a few hrs. 1 of my friends was finally meeting her bf (they hadn't met in person yet. weird huh). they liked each other so it was all good. i didnt buy anything which was strange...thats the 1st time i've been to a mall and not buy something.
my sister's wedding is coming up and im the bride's maid so i gotta go try on dresses later this week. oh joy. im not particularaly fond of dresses. but other than that its been an ok week.
i believe its time for discussions!

well there's not much to say but the 1st 1 is from Kry, and he says "ugh...don't get me started on mothers" no worries bud i no wat u go through to. anywho, the 2nd one is from joshanime2, and he says "I never seen snow I am more of the desert person" lol! im starting to get sick of snow (we've had it for over a month).

ok now for Qs

Old Q
1.)wats ur fave element?
2.)Fave song?
A:Here(In Your Arms) by: HelloGoodbye

1.)dunno (never heard of that element)
2.)Song of Scatland-Scatman, Clint Eastwood-Gorillaz, and Alive-Godsmack

New Qs
1.)which sport is ur fave?
1.)as if u cant guess....

ok ppl cya!
~Bball babe~
ps. i will put the prologue of my new story up now. it'll b the post above this 1.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

anyway hows ur week so far....hopefully good^^ mine was again very busy. 3 major projects due last thursday (social studies,L.A,science). had friday off, but went up 2 aunt and uncles house in penelton (5 looong hrs in car o.0). stayed there till this morning then drove back.
they have 5ft of snow. i was in heaven! until i fell in some and couldnt get out....*shivers* lol! anyway went snow mobliling, cross contry skiing, snow ball fight, sledding and ya^^ all fun.
but b4 we went (this was last thursday) my mom decided to b a bitch when i was waiting to play a bball game (the younger teams go first the the older teams play). she totally pissed off my boyfriend and made him leave. i was like WTF is ur problem. then that led to a fight at home after the game and etc etc etc!
so i had a great/miserable weekend.
when i got home i called wes. we talked 4 a while and ya. he's gonna call me around midnight 2night.
then 2morrow i got 2 turn in 2 more projects. thats all i believe.
i also asked if i should put on a story and ppl said yes. it might b a while though cuz im still working on it and dont have a title. plus when im working on 1 i have another pop up in my over imaginative mind! so its gonna b a little difficult getting it set up. but i will try! *does a heroic stance*
ok qs now!

1.)what is ur fave element and y?
A: cant decide btween lightening or wind. lightening cuz it has enough power to kill someone with one blow, and wind cuz i like to fly^^

2.)whats ur fave song adn whos it by?
A:Here (In Your Arms) by: HelloGoodbye

ok ppl tootles!
~Bball babe~
ps: i will try 2 get to every1s site l8er but no promises.

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Hi ppl! well just like the title asks *points to it* hows ur weekend? mine is doing good so far.
on friday i didnt have bball practice so i was glad to rest my aching body. got to talk to my bf for a while so that was nice too. on saturday, woke up to a loooong shower and got yelled at 4 using up the hot water (i no im greedy:P). then went to watch Wes (my bf) play bball at 9am. he had 2 games but i only got to see the second 1 for a short time. they lost apparently. anywho, then after that my aba (amity basketball asociation) bball team and i had a pizza party at 3rd st. pizza (we just ended on off season games as 1st place). then when i got home i took a 3hr. long nap and then watched tv. today i plan on going to a Bday party around 1pm. just gotta figure out wat to get her....yep i think im screwed...lol! then the dreaded homework (dunt dunt duhhhh!). i think thats all i really gotta say on this so i shall shut my mouth and ask Qs and wat not.

1.)do u like sausage? i no its random...
A: yes i like sausage^^ sweet and simple.

2.) should i put a story on here?
A: idk. u tell me! thats y im asking (duh)!

~Bball babe~
*turns into a bird adn flys away....striaght into a glass door*...pain.... so much pain....X_X

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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Ello ppl! how was ur Christmas/(insert holiday here)? mine was awsome! i went skating with a friend of mine, got to have chocolate cake for desert(on the Xmas day), for presents: clothes, perfume, lotion, a new Cell phone(yay), and a nintendo DS! oh and some underwear my mom got at Vitoria's Secret. so i had a very nice Christmas.
Last night my bf (Wes) got to come over for new years. His family wasn't doing anything and we hadnt see each other for about a week adn a half, so we thought "what the heck" of coarse my parents supervised us every stinking minute so i couldn't even kiss him (my parents r VERY protective). but when the count down for the new year thing came on, my family was in the living room and wes and i were behind them watching from the kitchen. so when the thing went "3, 2, 1, HAPPY NEW YEAR!" i kissed him before any1 could see. (in ur faces mom and dad XP)
well, thats all really, so i'll shut up and end my little post^^
New Years Resolution(s)
* to be more understanding and nicer to my family (we're not a very close 1)
*Try to forget some stuff from my past
*to work harder at school and sports
*turns into a bird and flys away...straight into a glass door*...pain....so much....pain... X_X"
Lots of Luv
~Bball babe

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Monday, December 24, 2007

*jumping up and down in chair and can't stop* HI! i can't tell if im really hyper (loads of sugar and caffine last night) or really excited (2morrow being christmas and all), or the fact that MY SISTER HAD HER BABY YESTURDAY!!!! HE IS SOOO CUTE! OMG! im going down to visit him again today with my parents.
anywho, this week my bf gave me a silver cross necklace and a jewlery box *squeals with joy* and he wouldn't tell meh what he wanted so i winged it. i gave him a video game, a new knife for his collection, and i made a portiate of him. so that should be ok right?
ok i think thats it^^

Random stuff
Santa's a player! cuz he has 3 hoes named ho.

whats ur fave thing to eat on Christmas(or what ever holiday u call the 25th of december)?
~Bball babe~
*turns into a bird adn flys away....straight into a glass door*.....pain.......so much....pain. X_X
PS- i change my profile a tad bit^^

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

my god i gotta keep better track of my computer life>.< damn im lazy! sorry, had to get that little rant out^^. anywho, im not gonna be posting much cuz there's not much to talk about and im just lazy that way. but i will still visit as often as i can! also, last saturday my bball team won another 2 games:D so we still have our winning streak! *throws confetti* then this thursday there's a bball tournament at my school. sadly, i wasn't quick enough and didn't get most of the players i wanted. i still got som though^^ a descent point (if she keeps her temper), an ok wing (if he isn't a ball hog or idiot), a post (hopefully she won't take someone's arm off when she goes to the basket), and me (a tall post who likes to check ppl and accedentally steps on ppl's feet and yells a little too much^^'). hopefully we'll do ok^^" but thats about it otherwise^^ and i need to shower (because i don't want to get up at 6am and take one) so this is where i end my post^^
Cya around!
*turns into a hawk flys away, flying into a glass door* pain....so much pain...
~Bball babe~

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Saturday, December 8, 2007

   im being lazy today...don't like it? LIVE WITH IT! jkXD
Okay a friend sent this to me and i've never been soo proud to be a blonde^^
Warning: it is Very LONG!! and if u want to comment, jsut pm me^^ thnx!
>A blonde and a redhead met for dinner after work and were watching the
>o'clock news. A man was shown threatening to jump from the Brooklyn
>The blonde bet the redhead $50 that he wouldn't jump, and the redhead
>replied, "I'll take that bet!"
>Anyway, sure enough, he jumped, so the blonde gave the redhead the $50
>owned. The redhead said, "I can't take this, you're my friend." The
>said, "No. A bet's a bet."
>So the redhead said, "Listen, I have to admit, I saw this one on the 5

>o'clock news, so I can't take your money."
>The blonde replied, "Well, so did I, but I never thought he'd jump
>This blonde decides one day that she is sick and tired of all the
>jokes and how all blondes are perceived as stupid, so she decides to
>her husband that blondes really are smart.
>While her husband is off at work, she decides that she is going to
paint a
>couple of rooms in the house.
>The next day, right after her husband leaves for work, she gets down
to the
>task at hand.
>Her husband arrives home at 5:30 and detects the distinctive smell of
>paint. He walks into the living room and finds his wife lying on the
>in a pool of sweat.
>He notices that she is wearing a ski jacket and a fur coat at the same

>time. He goes over and asks her if she is OK.
>She replies, "Yes."
>He asks what she is doing.
>She replies that she wanted to prove to him that not all blonde women
>dumb and she wanted to do it by painting the house.
>He then asks her why she has on a ski jacket and a fur coat.
>She replies that she was reading the directions on the paint can and
>said, "For best results, put on two coats."
>Two blondes were in a parking lot trying to unlock the door of their
>Mercedes with a coat hanger. They tried and tried to get the door
open, but
>they couldn't. The blond with the coat hanger stopped for a moment to
>her breath, and her friend said anxiously, "Hurry up! It's starting to
>and the top is down."
>A young brunette goes into the doctor's office and says that her body
>wherever she touches it.
>"Impossible," says the doctor. "Show me."
>She takes her finger and pushes her elbow and screams in agony. She
>her knee and screams, pushes her ankle and screams and so on it goes.
>The doctor says, "You're not really a brunette are you?"
>She says, "No, I'm really a blonde."
>"I thought so," he says. "Your finger is broken."
>Three blondes are sitting by the side of a river holding fishing poles
>the lines in the water. A Game Warden comes up behind them, taps them
>the shoulder and says, "Excuse me, ladies, I'd like to see your
>"We don't have any," replied the first blonde.
>"Well, if you're going to fish, you need fishing licenses," said the
>"But officer," replied the second blonde, "we aren't fishing. We all
>magnets at the end of our lines and we're collecting debris off the
>of the river."
>The Game Warden lifted up all the lines and, sure enough, there were
>horseshoe magnets tied on the end of each line. "Well, I know of no
>against it," said the Game Warden. "Take all the debris you want." And
>that, he left.
>As soon as the Game Warden was out of sight, the three blondes started

>laughing hysterically. "What a dumb Fish Cop," the second blonde said
>the other two. "Doesn't he know that there are steelhead trout in this

>A blonde decided she needed something new and different for a winter
>She went to the bookstore and bought every book she could find on ice
>For weeks she read and studied, hoping to become an expert in the
>Finally she decided she knew enough and out she went for her first ice

>fishing trip. She carefully gathered up and packed all the tools and
>equipment needed for the excursion. Each piece of equipment had its
>special place in her kit.
>When she got to the ice, she found a quiet little area, placed her
>stool and carefully laid out her tools.
>Just as she was about to make her first cut into the ice, a booming
>from the sky bellowed, "There are no fish under the ice!!"
>Startled, the blonde grabbed up all her belongings, moved further
along the
>ice, poured some hot chocolate from her thermos, and started to cut a
>Again the voice from above bellowed, "There are no fish under the
>Amazed, the blonde was not quite sure what to do as this certainly was
>covered in any of her books. She packed up her gear and moved to the
>side of the ice. Once there, she stopped for a few moments to regain
>calm. Then she was extremely careful to set everything up
>in the right place, chair positioned just so. Just as she was about to
>this new hole, the voice came again.
>"There are no fish under the ice!!"
>Petrified, the blonde looked skyward and asked, "Is that You, Lord?"
>A blonde was driving home after work and got caught in a really bad
>hailstorm. Her car was covered with dents, so the next day she took it
>the repair shop. The shop owner saw that she was a blonde, so he
decided to
>have some fun. He told her just to go home and blow into the tail pipe

>really hard, and all the dents would pop out.
>So, the blonde went home, got down on her hands and knees and started
>blowing into her car's tailpipe. Nothing happened. She blew a little
>harder, and still nothing happened.
>Her roommate, another blonde, came home and said, "What are you
doing?" The
>first blonde told her how the repairman had instructed her to blow
into the
>tailpipe in order to get all the dents to pop out.
>Her roommate rolled her eyes and said... "HEL-LOOOOOOOO ...You gotta
>up the windows!!!
>Sorry for such a long email but I copied and pasted all of the jokes I

>liked and wanted to share.

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