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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

   we lost the first game.....but...WON THE 2nd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get your own Chat Box! Go Large! today was an ok day, went to class, did work, ect. all the basic school stuff. i had 2 b-ball games, sadly we lost the 1st one by 1 stupid point>.< but creamed the other team by 10^^ so yeah that was my lovely/upsetting day.
Contest rulez
1. u can have characters from any anime, but u'll get a higher score from these catigories-Naruto, kingdom hearts, Final fantasy, Inuyasha, Full metal alchemist, and wolf's rain.
2. Don't do anything that's gayish ok (ya u know who u are people)
3. u don't have to have a background, but it would be nice
Things to know
contest will go for 2 months (like it or not)
u can draw anything u want,
tell me when u have a pic, and i'll go take a look and rate it
i'll say whos in 1st, and 2nd place.
just have fun^^

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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

hi what's up! my team won it's b-ball game ^0^

Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!

hi everyone^^ today was ok and sad, everyone is going to miss me (cuz im transfering). but, on the bright side, my b-ball team won it's b-ball game^^ i also got to play on the older girls team. it was hard work! i am soo banged up, it's a miracle that im still alive^^; anyway, on to the contest.
Contest rulez
1. u can have characters from any anime, but u'll get a higher score from these catigories-Naruto, kingdom hearts, Final fantasy, Inuyasha, Full metal alchemist, and wolf's rain.
2. Don't do anything that's gayish ok (ya u know who u are people)
3. u don't have to have a background, but it would be nice
Things to know
contest will go for 2 months (like it or not)
u can draw anything u want,
tell me when u have a pic, and i'll go take a look and rate it
i'll say whos in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place
just have fun^^

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Monday, January 22, 2007

talking about the contest, nothing happened today.
hi everyone! i'm just going to skip my day and go straight to the contest^^
Contest rulez
1. u can have characters from any anime, but u'll get a higher score from these catigories-Naruto, kingdom hearts, Final fantasy, Inuyasha, Full metal alchemist, and wolf's rain.
2. Don't do anything that's gayish ok (ya u know who u are people)
3. u don't have to have a background, but it would be nice
Things to know
contest will go for 2 months (like it or not)
u can draw anything u want,
tell me when u have a pic, and i'll go take a look and rate it
i'll say whos in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place
just have fun^^

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Saturday, January 20, 2007

more hints on contest.
hi people! ok tday was fun.....i guess. i won both of my b-ball games, that was fun! and my family ame to visit. and they all beat me at air-hockey...--" anyway, i don't have much else to say so ya! enjoy the rest^^

Random facts
im younger than my nicee^^"

Contest Time^0^
1. u can have characters from any anime, but u'll get a higher score from these catigories-Naruto, kingdom hearts, Final fantasy, Inuyasha, Full metal alchemist, and wolf's rain.
2. Don't do anything that's gayish ok (ya u know who u are people)
3. u don't have to have a background, but it would be nice
4. if u have any questions ask me ok^^
Other contest stuff
ok, well who ever wins will get a drawing of.....what ever they want me to draw (and if i've heard about that anime or whatever). this contest will be going for at least 3months if not longer. and who ever joins, has to tell me or i won't go and see it. i'll put up names for who ever is in 1st, 2nd, ect, ect, place, as aften as i can^^ and at the end i'll draw the winner a pic! so ya any other questions, come ask me ok^^

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Friday, January 19, 2007

FINALLY THE WEEKEND!!!!^0^ X3 ;-) And a contest is here!
srry for the loud introduction. im just glad to not deal with my teachers. of course the the truck load of homework to do^^" anyway, i had an awsome day! one of the better things today was playing "Last man standing"^^ that's where people get balls and hit the crap out of each other until the P.E teacher tells us to come down a bit. and i hit soo many people (including a teacher who was playing^.~) anyway, after school i had 2 b-ball practices, and had a blast, until the running happened 0_o and then tomorrow, i have my brother, sister in-law, my nephews, and finally my nicee(or how ever u spell it).....i hate all of them except my nicee. of course i won't see them all day, because i have...2 b-all games in the morning, a b-day party in the afternoon, then they should be gone by the time i get back^^. so yeah enjoy the rest ~:-)\

Random facts
i am a fear factor champion at church (i eat all kinds of food in other words), but im super picky at home. i know, it's kinda weird.

ok, here are the rules first
1. u can have characters from any anime, but u'll get a higher score from these catigories-Naruto, kingdom hearts, Final fantasy, Inuyasha, Full metal alchemist, and wolf's rain.
2. Don't do anything that's gayish ok (ya u know who u are people)
3. u don't have to have a background, but it would be nice
4. if u have any questions ask me ok^^
and i'll give a prize drawing(and i'll do my hardes on it i promise)
it could be an animal/person/somethin. so ya^^
ok that's all for today! see ya XD

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Thursday, January 18, 2007

   My life sucks>.<
hi everyone. ok today just sucked! i had low grades in bible class (i go to private school), i have to go to detention for somethin, that i didnt do, and i kepted slippin on ice, and a lot of snow is still at my house......I HATE THE SNOW/ICE/SLATE/ECT!!!!!!!! srry. well the only really good thing that happened today, was winning a b-ball game^^ of course the team we played against was 2-yrs.(at least) younger than us. and the older girls lost to the A team (that team sucked too). ya toady wasn't one of the more.....exciting days-_-" anyway enjoy the rest^^

Random facts
I have traveled to Africa (to the 6th poorest country in the world), to Malawi, when i was 10yrs old^^ comment or pm me!

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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

   what's up people^^
ok today was.....fun! we had a lot of snow at my school today, and around lunch the scholl had a huge snowball fight! it was soooo much fun, but then some stupid sixth grader said that i was hitting some others people and huting them! i had to go to detention for it. then she got nailed in the back of the head (i didnt do it though!). after that, i had no b-ball practice (thank God!), otherwise i would have to run for most of practice0-o and i have no homework, so that's y im on the computer right now. ok enjoy the rest of the post^^

Random things
1.my fave song is "lips of an angel" it is the best song in the world!
2.i can't throw very good. u know like a ball (only b-balls i can throw). ya....sad i know:'-(
ok thats all comment or pm or somethin i'd appreciate it^^

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Sunday, January 14, 2007

   hi everyone!
ok where to begin..... well srry for not being on lately, i've been very busy with homework, sports, obsessive guys, ect. well i have had snow for the last week and now im sick of it! i mean sure it's fun to go 4-wheeling in, but when u get sick(AKA colds) enough is enough! im really mad at my new b-ball team. not so much the younger girls(which are my age) but the older girls. they suck! i could go on naming stuff for a while, but i won't. on sat. we played 2 games. the 1st one we were killed! and my rival didnt let me forget it. then the last one we almost one, if one of our certain players could shoot the d@mn ball!>.< anyway ya. and im still sore from getting knocked around from some of the players. so ya thats my day.

thnx for telling me i maxed out my pm box(again) beyblader. i know im such a blonde. now it's completely empty. im so proud of myself^^
Heatwave55 u already made out with ur gf! man u work fast don't u X3 im just joking! hope u 2 r happy!
Random facts
im transfering schools im a few weeks! i know not very exciting, but im too lazy to say anything else. ok see ya

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Friday, January 5, 2007

   i just started on another b-ball team^0~ and im very tired- -
hi everyone! ok today went very well had a party at school (if it was a party, it was very boring). and i got to play on the Amity team (in the town where i live), dont know all the names yet, but i will....eventually^^" anyway i havent been working out lately so im really sore from all the push-ups she's making us do(i could die!!!) and well i finally got home and well lets just say i slipped on ice and my back didnt feel very good... sometimes i hate where i live--" so ya that was my day. enjoy the rest^^

you know what forget the questions! if u want to ask then ask and i will answer^^

Random facts
i got to hit my teacher with a spit-ball without her noticing^^ she deserved it! she was being a bi#ch! and since she didnt know who it was she'll probably kill us with homework on monday *shudders* so ya thats all;P

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Tuesday, January 2, 2007

   today went kinda ssllloooowwwww.....ZZzzzz... just kidding^^
hi everyone! ok today was my first day af school after 2 weeks of well desirved freedom (those were the days)^^ anyway, im basically done with sports at my school and now im beginning to play with the Amity team (a team in my home town) so ya. i have to do a report in histoy and well.. let's just say that i hope our teacher is in a good mood ^^" and finally when i got home my mom asked me to open some spaghettii sauce. either im very weak or that puppy was screwed on tight. so ya that all enjoy the rest^^

srry still have no questions--" ok what's the point if noone will ask anything?! i mean seriously!>.<

Random Facts
ok i like to eat dried seaweed. hey it's better than it sounds ok thats all plz comment or pm *gives out hugs and smiles*

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